
Were you scolded?


Shen Li who was cooking breakfast in the kitchen jumped after hearing such a loud sound, he immediately rushed out to see what fell but then his gaze fell on Chen Mi who was groaning and rolling his head on the dining table. He frowned and looked around the room, no one else was there, so that noise, did Chen Mi make it? He walked outside and carefully asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's too sweet! I can't take it!" cried Chen Mi as he cupped his face and shook his head. 

What was sweet? The strawberries? 

Shen Li speechlessly looked at Chen Mi, he couldn't understand why Chen Mi was acting so crazy all of a sudden. 

Yu Dong who was the culprit behind Chen Mi's sudden craziness simply walked out of the room. While she was striding out of the room, her gaze fell on Ye Liu who was standing at the door with a bucket in his hands looking at her in shock.