
Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Yu Dong , a cultivator from the zombie apocalypse transmigrated over to another world after she died fighting a mob of zombies - the moment she opened her eyes , someone told her that her wife was giving birth - Yu Dong was stunned , she hurriedly reached to touch her chest , to check whether or not she was still a woman - the two perky mounds told her she was - instantly she looked at her bottom , she wanted to check whether or not she was a ‘ real woman ,’ but before she could - she was hauled to where her wife was giving birth - and what she saw made her want to pass out again - Because her wife was a man ! And she didn’t have just one wife but three ! Yu Dong looked at the man who was groaning on the bed and nearly blacked out- whatever at least she didn’t have to chop zombies for living , right ? - Cover not mine email at fairy0tail072@gmail.com to have it removed

fairytail72 · Fantaisie
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1696 Chs

Starting farming

" Oh sister you are awake ?" Last night Yu Mai slept in Chen Mi 's room , his bed was taken out of the shed by Shen Li and Ye Liu and placed inside Chen Mi 's room . Because their house was small they could only share rooms with one another . Except previous Yu Dong who liked to sleep alone , since the current Yu Dong too didn't like sleeping together with someone - she didn't change the room setting either and let Yu Mai sleep with Chen Mi . She could see that Chen Mi was great with kids so she didn't worry about leaving Yu Mai with Chen Mi .

Who would have thought that Yu Mai who was supposed to be sleeping , would get up early and follow her while she wasn't paying attention .

Yu Dong who was gnawing on her pork dumpling , choked- startled at his sudden appearance . And had to take out a bamboo tube filled with water from her sleeves and only after drinking lot of gulps of water did her coughing finally eased .

Yu Dong wiped her mouth and turned around to look at Yu Mai who has followed her without eating his breakfast which would explain why he was swallowing his saliva as his eyes stared at the pork dumpling in her hand .

Yu Mai looked at the pork dumpling in Yu Dong 's hand and gulped his saliva . His eyes never moved from Yu Dong 's hands , in the end Yu Dong had to take out the dumplings that she packed as her breakfast and lunch and handed them to Yu Mai.

" here you go " she said as she placed the cloth bag in Yu Mai 's hands . As soon as Yu Mai received the dumplings , he started eating them in big bites , all the while giving Yu Dong a silly smile , Yu Dong watched him eat and then rubbed his head " alright , what are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be sleeping with brother Chen Mi right now ?"

" I woke up early like sister " said Yu Mai simply , his mouth covered with oil as he licked his fingers " I want to go out and play too "

Yu Dong 's lips twitched, if she wasn't wrong when Yu Mai was three years old - the previous host would sometimes say that she was going to play when she was actually going out to drink and whore around with the mers at the brothel . It looks like that Yu Mai didn't remember much from his childhood but he remembered that every time his sister went out , she was going out to play .

" I'm not going to play " though Yu Dong didn't want to break Yu Mai 's bubble , she still patiently explained him . She would take him out to play some other day " Today , I'm going to the fields , if you want to play then elder sister would take you out to play some other day , will that be okay ?"

" You are going to the fields ?" asked Yu Mai starting on his third dumpling

"Yes " Yu Dong nodded and silently swallowed down her saliva and tried to ignore her aching stomach . She was a spiritual cultivator and she got hungry really fast , since she knew she was going to sow seeds in her fields today , she absorbed more spiritual energy from the nature which made her really hungry .

Which was why despite her tight schedule she cooked the pork dumplings . She was looking forward to eating her fill so that her stomach would stop growling but instead all her dumplings went in Yu Mai 's stomach ! Ah !

Yu Dong wanted to go back home and bring Yu Mai 's share of dumplings but the thing was they were already covered half of the distance between their fields and house . So , Yu Dong didn't think that it would be smart of her to walk all the way back to her house only for a few dumplings .

Alright , she was a grown up woman . Growl . Those dumplings .

She would be able to withstand her hunger . Growl . It smells delicious whined her stomach .

Shut up . Snarled Yu Dong as she straightened up .

But those dumplings , complained her stomach crying injustice .

" Is there anything in our fields ?"asked Yu Mai naively , he didn't remember seeing his eldest sister work in the fields ever .

At his question , Yu Dong rubbed her nose uncomfortably feeling a bit embarrassed . The previous owner really didn't farm at all , forget about farming - she was such a bratty princess , that she believed that working in the fields were the job of mers not her - the head of the house .

Yu Dong already knew it and that's why she was only going to check on those fields today but when Yu Mai asked such a question - despite not being the person responsible for this mess , Yu Dong still felt her face burn with humiliation .

" no , that's why I was going to sow these seeds in it first " said Yu Dong tentatively as she waved the packet of seeds that she has brought with her .

When Yu Mai heard that his sister was going to sow seeds in the fields he became excited . His face lit up with expectations and Yu Dong who was actually going to ask him go back to their house became silent .

"…" this face how was she supposed to say ' go back ' to him when he was this excited ?

" Let's go " she had no other choice but to bring Yu Mai with her , she just have to work really hard . Originally she was hoping to sow those seeds with her spiritual power but now it looks like she have to do it old style .

Ughh , why can't she say no ? If this goes on - Yu Mai will become a spoiled brat !

Yu Mai didn't know that his sister was actually worrying about him getting spoiled . He clutched on Yu Dong 's sleeves and kept following her - however his steps were too small and he walked really slowly , in the end Yu Dong picked him up .

Yu Mai was a simple child when he saw that his sister was willing to pick him up more and more, he immediately forgot about their past feuds and happily wrapped his arms around Yu Dong 's neck .

Yu Dong had to walk a very long distance before she reached her five mus of land . She squinted her eyes and looked at her field , this fields were given by the old Yu family and she had an inkling that the old Yu family deliberately gave the previous Yu Dong this field that was so far away from her residence. The original owner was a lazy bum , would she ever wake up early and then walk this far away to actually plant seeds ? Of course not !

However , Yu Dong didn't have any time to fight for justice for the original owner . It was better to have some fields instead of having nothing right ?