
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

His past pt5

As the herb entered his mouth the kid choked on it however the Skeleton was petty and ruthless he shoved it down the kid throat,poor kid had to swallow the herb whole,and while his body was digesting the herb the skeleton sit in a meditative position with his trusted katana on his lap,he started to regulate his ki however his ki was so strong that it started to whither the herbs that the kid could use to get stronger...,so he stopped and just sat there for hours on end until the kid woke up to resume training

As the kid opens his eyes again he saw the skeleton in a meditative position looking at him he slowly got up,his whole being was hurting from the brutal one-sided Beatdown he received as he struggled to get up the skeleton suddenly spoke he said"start your morning workout routine"the kid look at him like he was forced to swallow something repulsive however without complaining he started his workout routine,

As time continues to fly...3 years gone by in a blink of an eye ,the kid finally learned how to weild ki as natural as breathing afterall he had one year an half to learn how to control it or he would've died from ki depletion..' it was a horrendous way to go believe me after all I saw it happened' the skeleton thought as he an the kid spar well it still shouldn't be considered a spar as the kid never land a hit once though if you look at his eyes now you could see a calculating light in his eyes as the skeleton go for a whip like kick to his ribs as if he already knew where the kick was goin he parried..well atleast tried to the kick somehow got even faster an before he can parry the kick it hit his ribs with a ""BANG"" yes they where both using aura however the skeleton was hardly using any of none at all however a hit like the only cause the kid to grin,yes he somehow became a battle maniac within those 3 years after all he was always on the receiving end of a one sided beat down for 3 years whomever could remain sane thorough that definitely isn't human however it wasn't only the one-sided Beatdown that caused him to become a little crazy it was that he really doesn't get much sleep an hour is the most he gets a week so if anyone can still be sane through that hell well something is definitely Wrong

As the kick connected an a grin grace the kids face the skeleton was amused he thought 'this kid definitely developed somekind of weird kink to be grinning from a kick like that although his body got really strong to the point that it's really hard to break his bones without ki'he continued'i can't use too much ki either because my time with the kid will fall even further'he thought with a grim expression not that the kid could tell what the skeleton was thinking because even though all those thoughts the kid was still getting a one sided beat down,,

As if he's had enough of being on the losing end he unleashed all his ki in one motion and with a horizontal slash he tried to atleast Injurer the skeleton only to find his sword stuck between the skeleton Pinky an thumb fingers an with the other boney hands of the skeleton the Skeleton folded a fist an without knowing what happened next he fainted

The skeleton looked at the kid an smile he thought 'well that last stike was something it was actually quite powerful just that he bets too much on it if he misses like what happened just now he would be a goner guess I gotta get a little more serious in my training ' if the kid heard his thoughts he would probably exclaimed how much harder can this even get...the kid woke up an without saying anything started his workout routine however the skeleton suddenly spoke "thriple the amounts from now on"the kid however just sighs and replied "okay master"which caused the skeleton to grin after the workout routine as usual they started sparing however without waiting even a second the kid pounced at the skeleton amused the Skeleton picked up a wooden sword too and he parried with one arm the kid not expecting the skeleton to use a weapon surprise hidden all over his face however the suprise was replaced with fear the next second when he saw the skeleton blocked his sword with one arm an push him back like it was nothing however that wasn't the end the skeleton suddenly spoke "I almost forgot to mention that you need to start becoming creative from here on out everything that your learning from me is just the basics it's your foundation soon you will have to create your own footwork, your own sword style and your own ki training methods"he continued"what I've been teaching you concerning ki is just the basics I haven't even thought you a ki training method because not everyone ki pathways are the same so every ki cultivator has to create his own ki method to get stronger"the kid however asked "what about mana methods do you have to create your own too"the skeleton scoffed he answered"no nobles has their ancestors to thank for that you can create one however it's more difficult and complicated than creating a ki training method"he suddenly paused an then went on to say"why am even explaining this"he then went on to say for today lesson they won't be a spar I will show you my footwork as well as my sword style so look closely " he then went on an said first my footwork,

As he took a step he suddenly disappeared from where he was an appeared in front of the kid with his katana to the kids neck he chucked an explained"that's my footwork I named it ""'one step""" it's an instantaneous footwork also it's silent"he continued "now for my sword style" he proceeded to relax his whole body with his hands on his katana and suddenly 18 cuts appeared on the ground an with a Whisper he said """18 light leafs cut""'

He then proceeded to explain" a sword art should have different forms " and with that he thought he wouldn't need to show more however he heard the kid said in a low voice"Weak" which pissed him off an he then said "let me show you how a sword art looks when perfected" he then stood with his katana in his right arms and proceed to do a downward slash however this downward slash looked so slow but it was anything but slow when the sword started it's decent the whole rift started to shake however before it touched the ground he suddenly paused which caused a massive shockwave and the kid was left speechles.....