
Guarding the Moonlight

Born into the Agni Tribe of the Fire Kingdom, Ayla was destined to be sold to the highest bidder, the richest Alpha. Her moon marking makes her a coveted property sought by Alphas for power. Will Ayla let destiny dictate her future or defy it to stay by the Alpha who truly holds her heart, her guardian, Kai.

MuddyJin · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chased into the Darkness

Ayla felt the branches scratching her as she ran, but she had to keep going. Their scent was beginning to get faint now, but she wasn't willing to take any chances.

Another mile in and her lungs were burning, and her sides were hurting. She could feel her strength draining from her. The rain was beginning to pick up and the sky was descending into darkness. The forest floor was slick under her foot, and she'd lost her shoes a long time ago.

A sharp stone pierced the arch of her foot, and she instinctively twisted her feet away. Unfortunately, she lost her footing on the slippery surface and twisted her ankle in the process. She gasped in pain, falling to the forest floor. She tried to get up but her ankle refused to cooperate, every effort making her wince.

She looked around to gauge her surroundings, and noticed that she was truly alone. Wet, cold, and alone. Her feet looked bloody and swollen. There was a gash on her thigh that was bleeding. Her purple embroidered dress that she'd worn had been shredded, sleeves torn from where she had been mauled by the males. Their nails had left scratches on her tan skin. Her dark curly hair which was usually tamed into a long braid now wetly clung to her body, dirt matted on each strand. She pulled her feet up, pressing her knees to her chest, and wrapping her arms around it. She rocked back and forth to ease the cold that was beginning to settle into her bones.

Her father had always told her that her birth in their family was a gift from the heavens. But she knew it to be otherwise. She had been cursed from the day she had been born. Ayla was from the Agni Tribe of the Fire Kingdom. Her father, an Alpha was the King of the Fire Kingdom. In the royal family, Omega females were always sold to the highest bidder, the richest Alpha. It was to ensure that no peasant could be inducted into the ranks of the royal blood. So, Ayla's destiny had been sealed at birth. But Ayla's birth had drawn more attention because of the mark of the moon on her wrist.

She hadn't quite understood it, but her parents had said according to the legend, an Omega who bore the mark would birth an Alpha with invincible strength, and power. No one knew for sure, since the last time the mark had appeared had been well over a hundred years ago.

As a result, everyone rich Alpha family in the kingdom had vied to purchase her. When she'd been ten years old, one of the rival tribes had made an attempt to steal her from the palace. Since then her father had chosen to isolate her to the palace, and even assigned her a bodyguard, Kai. Kai belonged to the lower ranks in the kingdom. He was an Alpha orphan that had won her father over with his fighting skills. He had been only thirteen, but was already a skilled fighter and a worthy opponent to all the warriors in her father's army. Since they were similar in age, and her father trusted Kai, the king believed that Kai was the best option to protect Ayla.

Kai. Where are you, Kai? Ayla found her thoughts wandering to the male who had been her constant companion since she'd been ten. He'd never left her side. Till today. Today he'd left her. Abandoned her to the vicious wolves. She should have been angry but instead she was hurt more by his betrayal.

Kai. Won't you come save me? Ayla cried, her heart calling out to the one person that she yearned for. Kai had grown up to be quite an intimidating Alpha. When they were young Kai only had a few inches to his benefit, but as an adult, his six feet and three body towered over her five feet frame. His long dark hair curled around the nape of his neck, and the headband, which contained the symbol of the warrior was tied to his forehead to keep his hair out of his eyes. Those piercing gray eyes that was always stern, and unwavering. What she wouldn't do to stare into those eyes again.

Kai. Her heart pounded. Her mind raced. She could sense him. His presence. He felt near. She raised her nose into the air and inhaled. A low howl escaped her throat as the familiar, tempting scent infiltrated her nostrils. He was here. Here Kai was here. His heady scent always made her senses feel alive. Today was no exception. Even in her tired and bruised state of mind his pheromone struck her with new hope.

She felt him before she really saw him. Strong arms grasping her, as he let out a low angry growl. Was he mad at her? Against the darkness, his gray steely gaze glowed, staring into her hazel eyes. He looked so fierce, and if she didn't know him, she'd be afraid but this was her Kai. She wrapped herself around his muscled frame, her arms encircling his neck, and let out a soft whimper as his cheeks touched her.

She was crying again but this time the tears held joy and relief. She pressed her cold body against his and immediately felt his warmth surround her. He let out another deep growl and she felt his body vibrate against hers. He picked her up from the ground, like she weighed nothing.

"Come on, Moonshine, let's get you out of here." Ayla wasn't sure if he'd really called her that or she had imagined it. But in his arms, she didn't care. No one could touch her when Kai was around. She was safe. She allowed her consciousness to slip into the darkness.