
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

The Bootlicker

" H-hehe, Class rep, Miss Kim, did I tell you how much you guys are an inspiration to me?" Lliw bootlicked shamelessly.

It was still very early and there was still a lot of time before the library opened officially.

" Huh? Really?" Denise Everton raised her brow incredulously. Lliw was fond of her? Why had she never noticed it before?

" Pfft! Haha Denise he's obviously saying that just so that we can let him come in earlier." Kim Asherdown exposed Lliw's scheme.

" R-really?" Denise Everton was embarrassed, she wasn't too good at social interactions.

" eh? Miss Kim, I really do look up to you guys a lot. I admire your hardwork, dedication and your selflessness. To me you guys are amazing, really" Lliw said in all seriousness. He wasn't lying. He was genuinely impressed by the 2 girls.

" R-really?" The 2 girls blushed shyly. It wasn't everyday that they received such a compliment.

" Ahem, T-thank you" They said meekly.

" W-well, if I'm being honest though. I really did say that with the hope that you would let me in." Lliw said awkwardly.

" Hmph! I knew it" Kim Asherdown rolled her eyes and snapped annoyedly. Denise Everton also rolled her eyes and looked at him with annoyance.

" Don't be angry, I really did mean what I said about you guys." He laughed awkwardly.

" ugh, just come in" Denise Everton rolled her eyes in amusement.

" Hehe, You're such a kind hearted person Miss Class rep." Lliw flattered shamelessly.

" Hey! I'm here too you know" Kim Asherdown complained.

" O-of course Miss Kim is an upstanding individual as well. You'll are both female heroes-" Lliw continued to bootlick as they made their way through the dark corridor.

" Enough, enough." Kim Asherdown laughed pleasantly.

" Hehe, I was just speaking the truth" Lliw joined her.

" Lliw, since you're here, would you make mind helping us with some tasks?" Denise Everton requested.

" It'd be my pleasure" Lliw said without hesitation.

" Alright, come with me" Kim Asherdown said with some excitement and pulled his sleeve, leading him to a cart of books.

" Alright, here we just have to return these books to their respective shelves. It's not too difficult but it is annoying" She explained.

" You don't mind, right? You can refuse if it's too much trouble, I won't hold it against you" She said seriously.

" What are you saying, I've already promised to help you so no matter how tedious the task is, I'll still do it. Besides, this seems easy enough" He assured her.

" that's good to hear." She smiled warmly and began to explain the job to him.

Lliw listened attentively and since it wasn't difficult, he understood it pretty easily and before long, the cart full of books was almost emptied.

" Wow, you're a really fast worker" Kim Asherdown complimented.

" You're exaggerating, Miss Kim did most of the work" He said blushingly. He was not immune to compliments, especially since he tried his best to do the task well. So he felt very pleased to hear her compliment.

" By the way, why are you always so polite?" Kim Asherdown asked.

" Excuse me?" He queried .

" Well, I mean we're classmates right? So why do you address me as ' Miss Kim' and Denise as ' Miss Class rep'?" She questioned.

" Oh, that… I… I guess I'm just used to it" He answered, not quite confident with his reply. He was not too sure why he addressed them as such either.

" Oh, well, since we're not strangers it wouldn't be inappropriate if you addressed us by our names." Kim Asherdown said.

" Is that really ok?" He asked hesitantly.

" mn. We'll also address you by your first name" She smiled sweetly.

Looking at her jubilant face and examining it for the first time, Lliw found that she was very pretty. It was just that her beauty was covered by her incredibly messy hair, her chain braces, her large round spectacles and her large hoop earrings.

On top of that, she wore a large pink sweater and a green skirt.

Looking at her, Lliw was surprised for many reasons.

The girl in front of him was obviously very beautiful but the accessories she used were…and most of all, he was surprised that despite all that she used to cover her beauty, he was still able to see it- and so clearly too.

Looking at the distracted young man in front of her, Kim Asherdown was confused.

What is he staring at?

Do I have something on me?

Are my glasses ok?

Did something get caught in my hair?

She wondered.

"… Lliw! Lliw! Lliw!" Lliw only responded after a while.

" what's wrong?" She asked.

" n-nothing." He said evasively.

" O…k. Anyway why don't you go help Denise, we're pretty much done here anyway" Kim Asherdown suggested.

" Alright" Lliw nodded and left for the main desk.

" Yo, need any help?" Lliw asked Denise who was busy moving boxes.

" Oh you guys are done already?" Denise looked surprised to see him finish so quickly.

" Yeah, miss Kim is a pretty good worker" Lliw said

" mm. Alright, this is the last if it" She said apologetically.

" no problem" Lliw said as he took two of the larger boxes.

" where are we taking them?" he asked.

" Follow me" She said.

Lliw walked beside her and followed her to a more remote area in the library.

The word " Storage" was typed onto an A4 paper and stuck to the door.

Lliw stopped a distance from the door and Denise walked forward. She bent down and placed the box on the floor. Next she withdrew a key from her pocket and opened the door.

She then came back to take the box. Coincidentally, her back was facing Lliw as she did this and her dress got stuck in-between her and the box.

As she raised the box, her dress followed and she accidentally left her entire lower body exposed for Lliw to see.

" C-class Rep!" Lliw cried as soon as he saw what was happening.

He instantaneously put down the boxes he was carrying and took the other boxes off her hands.

It was a good thing that he had done so as when Denise realized her situation, the poor girl panicked and instinctively rushed to cover her shame. In her fluster, she accidentally let go of the box which, mercilessly, rushed for her feet. If it hit her, she'd have to worry for more than just her exposed thighs and feet.

Luckily Lliw caught the box before it could accomplish it's nefarious task.

" Are you ok?" He asked

" Y…e…s" She answered weakly. Her whole face was dripping red.

She unsteadily took the box from his hands and walked inside.

"…" Lliw thought that she was probably shook by what had just happened.

He took his own boxes and followed her inside the room.

The room was filled with boxes of different sizes, some open some closed. Some empty, some full.

Denise gently put down the box in her had along with some other boxes and then she pointed to a certain pile and Lliw understood that he should lay down his boxes there.

" Is there anything else?" He asked after completing his task.

Denise shook her head in the negative.

" Y-you can leave now" She said.

Lliw figured that she probably wanted to be alone so he nodded softly and left.

When Lliw left, she locked the door and immediately collapsed powerlessly onto the floor.

She rolled herself into a ball and buried her face in her thighs.

" How embarrassing! How embarrassing! …" She screamed internally.