
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

11. I've Found My Fated One

I took him for lunch in the campus cafe and all eyes were on us. I guess people were just wondering how two gods could be walking on earth (Ha ha ha! Cocky much. Right? Wink. It's not my fault that I'm gorgeous and Adrian is too though I hate to admit it).

Anyway, it was the first time for Adrian being here and I wanted him to have a new experience of life outside his comfort zone. I ordered three portions of leaf salad for him with pasta and a glass of milkshake. For myself, I ordered three portions of sea food and pasta and a glass of coke. I assure you that he enjoyed the food. He couldn't believe that he had been missing all this all this time just because he thought that a school

cafe couldn't cook good food.

In the evening after calsses, I saw him standing at the window to my class even before the lecture ended. I guess he was serious about this friendship thing. My desk mate leaned over to me and asked, "excuse me G, what's between you and that dude?" She pointed towards Adrian with her lips and it was a funny sight because it looked like she had made a small snout.

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders, "nothing We are just friends," I answered because that was the truth, wasn't it?

"I have admired him since I first saw him on campus but he's so cold that we all fear getting closer to him. Can you hook me up with him. Please?" She pouted pitifully as she said that last word that I smiled and nodded my head.

"I will throw in a good word for you but the rest lies with him. I can't control what he decides neither can I force him. Okay?" I said.

"YES!" She forgot there was a professor in class and shouted.

"Yes miss? Would you like to share what's so exciting with us?" The professor asked her and she shrank into her seat willing to be invisible but all eyes were on her. It was hard keeping in my laughter because I didn't want to be the professor's fodder.

"Sorry sir. The lecture was just so exciting that I couldn't control my excitement," she said in a squeak and the lecturer shook his head, concluded his lesson and left.

I arranged my things in my bag quickly so that I could join my new friend and even before I could finish Adrian was standing before me with an angry expression on his face. Instead of being scared, I thought he looked cute. (Yes, I know. You are wondering how a grown ass man could be cute, right? He was. It all depends.)

"Let's go," he said grumpily, took my bag and pulled me out while holding my hand with the hand that wasn't holding the bag. Why is he treating me like his girlfriend again?

"What's with you now?" I asked as I pulled my hand from his grasp. I wasn't angry per se, I was just embarrassed that people were looking at us and it really looked like we were having a lover's spat.

"What were you and that girl talking about? You looked so happy!" He asked and he was still angry but seeing that expression, I smiled.

"Oh that? It was about you. She was asking me to put in a good word for her to you. Do you want to date her? She's beautiful right?" I said and he smiled and my usual (sorry the usual) Adrian was back.

"Yes, she's beautiful. But I can't date her because I already have my fated one." he said and held my hand again while walking out.

"Adrian?" He looked at me and he was now smiling. I didn't know what was making him that happy. "You have to stop holding my hand. It's awkward with all the people looking at us. Imagine two tall strong men like us holding hands! How weird is that?" I finished but his smile widened.

"I don't mind," he said, not letting go of my hand and I let him.

"Oh, by the way, you said you haven't found your fated one. How come you are now saying you have found her? We talked just yesterday evening. When did you find her?" I asked. Curiosity, maybe.

"You will know soon who it is. Don't worry about it," he said as we reached the parking lot and he unlocked his car.

I wanted to go straight home since I hadn't seen dad and Beau and I missed them but he insisted I take him to his house first to do something and then we go to my house together. I agreed but I was making up an excuse in my mind of why I could't take him home because man! Have you seen his house? How can I take him to a house whose size is smaller than his bedroom?

I'm not ready. He's not my boyfriend or anything but... I don't know.

(What do you guys think? Should I take him to my humble home? Ai! No.)