
Growth System: My Powers Double Everyday

The World has been invaded, humans are trying to fight back, and many years have passed but nobody has succeeded. From a small village, a young man named Shura walks out with the knowledge of his unknown parents and a Growth System. A man with such a low mana that he couldn't even awaken magic finally understood the taste of the growth. An infinite growth!

Fun_to_write · Urbain
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7 Chs

Star Association

All the mana that she condensed in her palm was slowly growing stronger as it began to create a massive tornado. This massive tornado wasn't just massive but also extremely sharp.

[Tornado Fang]

She released her move and the Tornado Fang moved toward that giant monster. During this time, Shura had already left this place so that she could launch the attack on it.

After her attack struck the giant, it began to tear apart the skin. The blood began to fall down and the giant started screaming in pain.

But, that wasn't enough to kill it. While being injured, the giant had abnormal healing speed.

It was so fast that it only took less than five seconds to heal after each time the sharp wind would create a wound on its body.


At this moment, there was a streak of lightning gathering on a sword. The blade was still inside the hilt so the lightning didn't appear outside.

But the sound of the lightning was quite loud.

Shura was still in his Zone State allowing him to use more than a hundred percent of his strength.

But even more than that, he knew that this was his last attack. So, he poured everything he had into this attack.

All of his strength that he had trained for, all of his experience. Even though most of his strength was already inside the Growth System, he was still abnormally stronger than other people without man.

[Combination Swordsmanship]

Shura took a deep breath. His legs pressed against the ground and his upper body crouched down.

The crazy lightning emerged around his body, creating the blue arcs all around him. As soon as he opened his eyes, his foot struck the ground and his body dashed toward the giant.

The lightning energy burst out of the sheath and almost covered his entire body.

[Lightning Cutter]

At this moment, his blade released powerful lightning around his sword that struck the giant beast's neck. The powerful lightning broke its neck while the sharp sword sliced it off.

Crash! Thud!

Shura landed behind the giant beast with his feet sliding on the ground and the head of the giant rolling next to him.

After he stopped, the massive body of the giant also fell down, crushing quite a lot of buildings.

Fortunately, his house was still safe.

"Haa! Haa! Haa!"

As soon as he exited Zone State, Shura felt weakness all over his body. He barely put the sword back into his sheath.

He was at this moment covered in wounds and bleeding all over his body.


Mina rushed toward him with excitement all over her face. She didn't even care about the boundaries as she jumped into his embrace.

"We did it. We killed Third Star Monster. We really saved this area."

"Ahem! You are killing me, Mina."

Shura felt pain all over his body as he screamed.

"Ahh! Sorry about that."

Mina immediately jumped down from his embrace and apologized.

"It's okay. And, even if we hadn't done anything, the Star Association would have still arrived here and saved those people." Shura spoke.

"You are wrong, young man."

A voice startled both of them. Shura gritted his teeth in pain and turned around, only to see a man in silver armor walking toward them while looking at the dead body of the giant.

He was accompanied by two people. One was a young man and the other was a young girl.

"Although we did arrive, if you hadn't stepped up to kill this Giant, hundreds of people would've died. So, you saved the lives of hundreds of people."

The man in silver armor continued as he walked closer to them.

"Are you from Star Association?" Although he did hear them, Shura still asked in order to confirm it.

"My name is John. I am a Fifth Star Member of the Star Association. Sorry because of my late arrival, you had to pick up the burden and slay this monster."

John slightly bowed his head to express his apology.

"Ehh! You don't have to. We simply helped because we wanted to." Mina immediately stopped him and made him raise his head.

"But, how did you do it? Your Mana level is so disgustingly low." The young man accompanying John stared at Shura suspiciously and asked.

The monster that even he couldn't kill was killed by a person with such a low mana level. It was hard for him to accept it.

"Peter!" John gave him a death stare making him turn away.

"I used external resources," Shura replied with a cold tone.

"Humph! I thought so. There is no way someone with such a low mana level could kill a Third Star Monster." Peter immediately found a reason to scoff at him.

"Peter, you are being annoying." The young girl next to him snorted and looked at Shura with shining.

"Can you teach me your swordsmanship? Please!"

Shura saw the sword hanging on her waist and immediately recognized her as a swordsman. He still maintained his cold tone and said.

"As I said, I used external resources. Besides, my swordsmanship is only intermediate."

Hearing this, the girl let out a disappointed sigh while John chuckled.

"Young man, you don't have to be so modest about your skill. If it wasn't for the lack of mana, your swordsmanship should already be at a high level."

"More importantly, you only used those seals to increase the power of your attack. Everything else was still the result of your swordsmanship."

As soon as the girl heard those words, she immediately went frenzy once again.

"Your name is Shura, right? Please teach me swordsmanship. I will give you any kind of compensation you want."

The girl was crazy about swordsmanship and now getting a chance to learn such beautiful swordsmanship from Shura, she wasn't going to let this chance go.

"Hey, Shura is injured right now. Can we talk about it later?" Mina couldn't help but feel annoyed by that girl's passionate eyes. She immediately walked in front of her and spoke.

"Oh, yes! Here, take this!"

John took out a vase with red liquid inside it.

"This is a Healing Potion created by the Magic Association. It will not only heal your wounds but also refill your Mana."

"Healing Potion! I heard it costs two Mana Stones for a single bottle. You are being so generous." Before Shura could even take it, Mina suspiciously stared at him.

"Little girl, you are being suspicious for nothing. Normally, this city has a protection array around it so that the monsters won't appear inside the city through Dimensional Gates."

"But for some reason, the array has stopped working and so many monsters have appeared inside the city. These monsters are coming from the Lv.9 Sanctuary."

"Since there could be more of these, we need every single person who can fight on the battlefield." John chuckled and revealed his intention without any hesitation.

There was no problem with his words. After all, every person who has magic power must do his best to fight these monsters.

Even Shura was no exception. Of course, he could hide behind others but he can't hide forever.

"But for now, you can rest. After a while, the Collectors will arrive and take this corpse, since this is a Three Star Monster, you will be given a reward based on its value and merits based on your action."

Shura nodded his head and asked.

"Will it be fair?"

"Hey, are you doubting the credit of the Star Association?" Before John could speak, Peter shouted.

But Shura didn't reply to him. He simply waited for John to answer his question.

"Don't worry, there are many CCTV cameras all around this place. So, all of your actions will be recorded and presented to the Star Association. They will be absolutely fair."

John chuckled and replied.

"Thank you, then! Since there will be no threats nearby, we should leave." Shura said and walked toward his house. Since he hadn't drunk that potion, he was having a difficult time walking.

Fortunately, Mina quickly caught up and helped him.

"That guy is so rude. Who does he think he is?" Peter clenched his fist with anger.

"Peter, you shouldn't talk like that." The young girl spoke.

"Emma, you are taking his side." Peter looked at her in disbelief.

"I am not taking any sides. You are just being too arrogant in front of others." Emma frowned and replied.

"I am not being arrogant. I can defeat that bastard." Peter roared with unwillingness in his eyes and clenched his fist. He decided to settle this right now so he turned toward Shura's house.

But, John caught him and said.

"Indeed, you can defeat him."

Hearing his words, Peter's eyes shone as he excitedly said.

"Teacher, let me go! I will teach that bastard a lesson.'

Suddenly, John's expression turned cold as he released his killing intent and said.

"But, he can kill you."