
Grimoire Online: MMORPG

Grimoire Online a Full Dive MMORPG that the world has been waiting for with bated breath for over 3 years. All except our protagonist that is, bored and on his way home from his last day of high school Zane, on a whim, picks up a copy of this highly anticipated game, not knowing the heights he would reach. Let's find out!!! I apologize for my grammar ahead of time as I know it will be an issue, but if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticism only no need to cuss me out, we are men and women of culture after all. Enjoy the story? add it to your library and leave a review. I am thinking of posting a new chapter every day or so. I've had some stuff start happening irl so chapters will now be posted once every two days. Also, this is my first story written with the intent to post it

Distant_Tree · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Act: 2 Rats in The Basement!?

Khizar looked between the presumably crazy man and the cavernous blackness that apparently made up this inn's basement, his gaze flicked between the two half a dozen times before he finally sighed and drew his sword from its sheath. It was a dull grey length of iron, unfinished and unpolished the guard was in a similar state but looked sturdy enough, its handle was leather wrapped, and it was capped at the end by a crude ball of iron. Overall? very much a lelvel:1 common blade, Khizar also pulled his tower shield from his back getting his first good look at it. The first word that came to mind when Khizar looked at the shield was the word "sturdy" it was a frankly massive shield standing a solid 180cm tall and almost half that wide, the construction was almost entirely wooden the only metal being bands the wrapped all four sides of the shield, reenforcing it, the metal was dull and the wood unpolished but still Khizar fell in love with it at first sight. Khizar was stuck admiring his shield for a few seconds before a cough interrupted his reverie.

"So ahh down you go?" asked the now slightly concerned looking barkeep.

"Of course," responded Khizar holding his shield firmly in his left hand, his sword in his right as he stepped confidently into the darkness. Khizar promptly began to fall, there apparently being no ground on the other side of the cellar's opening, on instinct Khizar brought up his shield and not a second latter made impact with the ground.

Blocked: 25 Fall damage.

Not feeling any pain Khizar opened his eyes and saw the block notification. Smiling Khizar stood up from his laying position on the slimy ground and looked around, a feint glow emanated from his body that allowed him to see his surroundings and Khizar was not pleased with what he saw. He was situated in the middle of a broken stone corridor, the ground covered in a thin layer of water and algae originating from the occasional drips coming from the roof two meters above his head. The walls on either side of Khizar were lined with rusted bars, cells, each containing a set of rusted iron manacles some still containing their last victims, binding them even in death. A loud squeak echoed down the corridor and three cells down just one from the end a large rat emerged, about the size of a medium dog, it was covered in mangy black fur that fell off in patches as it moved, it looked around for a moment before its beady red eyes landed on Khizar. As soon as it did a ding* echoed in Khizar's ears and to the left of his vision a notification appeared.

You have entered (Temporary)Dungeon: The Rats Den.

Quest: Rats in The Basement - Has started: Kill 10 rats - 0/10

Khizar glanced over the notifications before quickly refocusing his attention onto the now charging rat. Bringing his shield up he blocked the leaping rat and shoved back, pushing the rat of the shield and causing it to stumble. Taking advantage of this Khizar stepped forward and activated his skill [Slash] for the first time, a silvery white glow enveloped his swords edge as he swung it down at the off-balance rat. His blade cut deeply into the rat's side parting fur and flesh with ease and sending the stumbling rat to the floor. Fresh dark blood oozed from the rats wound as it struggled to regain its feet, not allowing it any more time Khizar swung his sword once again, in a diagonal cut that cleaved into the downed rats neck, killing it.

You have killed: lvl:1 Rat - You have gained 5 exp - 1/10 Rats slain

After reading the notification Khizar noticed that the blood on his sword was disappearing, fading away into a quickly dissipating red mist, looking at the rats' body he saw it was much the same. The blood, flesh, and fur turning into a mist that quickly diapered leaving behind a small pile of items, crouching down, after sheathing his sword, Khizar picked them up and looked them over. The rat had dropped three copper coins along with a few of its teeth which turned out to be crafting materials.

Item: Rat teeth x2 (Common) - Crafting material

Khizar was struggling to find a place to store his loot when a window popped up Infront of him titled: Inventory. The inventory has 10 slots inside and Khizar quickly filled one when he put, his loot inside, his money, however, instead of entering an inventory slot vanished, then a number, with a C next to it, at the top left of the inventory screen increasing by two. Nodding Khizar closed his inventory and stood picking up his shield, which he had set to the side, and drawing his sword. Khizar cautiously began making his way down the stone corridor pausing and looking into each cell that he passed, keeping an eye out for anymore enemies he reached the end of the fifty-meter-long corridor a few minutes later, long enough for his "Tolerance" to fully refill.

Infront of Khizar was a mossy stone wall fallowing the theme for the rest of the corridor, set into the stone of the wall was a metal grate. There was a skeletal hand sticking out through the bars, its fingers covered in scratches and bite marks part of the bone cracked and missing all except one finger, and on that finger was a ring. Khizar stood for a moment before he brought his foot back and kicked the bars of the grate, the sound of vibrating metal filled the air for a few seconds before dying off. After a few seconds of waiting Khizar was mostly satisfied but just in case he lifted up his shield and put it flush with the wall over the grate before slamming it down disconnecting the hand from the rest of the body and covering the grate completely, sheathing his sword Khizar leaned his weight agents the shield felling a few soft impacts from the other side, as he crouched and retrieved the broken off hand before standing back up and examining the ring on the hand. It was a simple band of grey metal untouched by the rust that seemed so prevalent, plucking it off the finger the rings description appeared.

Item: Ring of The Imprisoned Blacksmith lvl:2 (Common)

Effects: +5 to Str, +5 to Con - Usable by all classes

Happy with his find Khizar equipped the ring, and felt it appear on his right middle finger, dropping the hand to the ground and kicking it away Khizar picked up his shield while taking a few steps back facing the now handless skeleton flailing at him from behind the bars its pale white skull held firmly agents the bars in an attempt to get to him. Sighing while drawing his sword Khizar activated his skill [Slash] for the second time and stabbed forward piercing the skeletons skull, killing it in one blow.

You have killed: lvl:1 Vengeful skeleton - You have gained 10 exp

Happy with the free exp Khizar made his way back down the corridor, not long after coming across where he shieldplanted into the ground, a ladder hanging down from above, looking around he saw that just behind where he fell down was a door made of the same rusted metal as everything else. A little embarrassed that he hadn't noticed it before, and glad it was just him down here, Khizar walked forward and grabbed the door and began to open it the scape and screech of metal filled his ears as the door slowly opened creeped open. Once open it reveal a hallway beyond, wide enough for him to swing his sword and move around a bit, it contained three rotten, wood doors one on either side and one at its end the hallway was near 20 meters long and was made of the same mossy stone as the rest of the dungeon. Stepping through the doorway Khizar slowly made his way down the hallway coming to first door on his right, slowly, he opened it the door producing markedly less sound than the first and was greeted with a mostly empty room.

Inside the room were three rats, all three of which were currently munching on what looked like the corpse of another rat, there mangy coats on full display as the dug into their feast with relish seemingly unaware of Khizar's presence. Slowly Khizar made his way behind them and angled himself as best he could so that all three rats were in a rough line before rushing forward and using his other skill for the first time [Shield bash] a familiar silver glow enveloped his shield as he slammed into the first rat sending it flying into the other two and leavening all three in a pile of tangled bodies and limbs not slowing down much Khizar rushed up to them and used [Slash] his silvery blade coming down to chop deeply into the rat pile, he brought his blade up and slammed it down again into the snarling pile of rats who were clawing and biting at each other to get free. They detangled themselves rather quickly but by the time they did one was already dead and the last two were heavily injured.

The last two rats crawled to their feet and lunged at him simultaneously, bringing his shield to bear he intercepted the two rats and shoved them back bringing his sword around in an arching slash that cleaved one of the rats in two, mid-air. Khizar then brought his shield forward and slammed it into the last rat staggering it for a second and bringing his sword down in a downward thrust that pierced the rat's back and finally killed it.

You have killed: lvl:1 Rat x3 - You have gained 15 exp - 4/10 rats slain

Standing still for a moment Khizar took a deep breath, watching as the bodies and blood turned to mist. Before he turned walking to one of the rooms back corners and sitting down to rest and regen his "Tolerance".

Slightly longer chapter this time, Leave any thoughts, ideas, or critiques you may have in the comments and as always enjoy!!!

Distant_Treecreators' thoughts