
Chapter 12

You seriously wanted to just load your feathers with aura and just unleash hard on them all, take them all out before they even knew what was going on. But, your quill shots were more like scatter shots over a wider range, not the best for precise attacks.

'There doesn't seem to be much metal around either, otherwise it would be childs play with my semblance to defeat them before they know what's going on.' Pyrrha hummed.

That left really only one option. Getting down and crushing them personally. They were probably going to start shooting at you with dust though right quick. Thankfully, with your massive size, it meant there was less likely of a chance for the civilians to get hurt in the crossfire due to poor aim.

You took a deep breath, and then dipped, angling downwards and with a powerful beat of your black feathery wings, launched yourself down like a missile, activating the original part of your semblance as you did.

It took only a few moments to clear the distance. And you came down hard from above, landing in between the tied up villagers and the bandits and slamming down your two front paws. You squished one bandit under your left paw, and batted the one with his boot atop the head of a girl and launched him soaring through the air, you felt the aura of both smash like glass beneath your blows.

What pitifully weak auras!

And then in the shock of silence that came forth in response to your dynamic entry, and as you felt the panic they all began to feel, you roared!

"Grimm!" the lead bandit in the middle shrieked in fear.

As one, they panicked and tried to grab for their weapons, but you weren't having it! Your wings flared out and you fired a barrage of massive man sized feathers that pierced into six of them and pinned them to the ground in a gory mess.

Seven left.

Flame erupted at the side of your face as one managed to get a shot off. But your aura saved you from any real damage. Still, you let loose another roar of rage and swung in a circular arc and attacked with your tail.

Your tail was a good twenty feet long, and covered for about five at the end in bone armour and jagged spikes.

The remaining seven, lined up as they were to show off their superiority over the villagers, were like bowling pins lined up for a strike. Bone crunched and screams rang as you mowed them down with your tail. And the sound of shattering glass, the sound of aura breaking rang out audibly.

And then there was silence. Multiples streams of shining light of varying colours, in a total of seven streaks surged up into the air as you panted deeply, allowing your rage to leave you, and what you know to be aura drifted over and into you just like the remains of the Grimm you'd slaim.

'Hmm, so it doesn't just work on Grimm.' Pyrrha commented. You were a bit numb to it to be honest. You'd just killed fifteen people. Pieces of shitty scum that deserved to die, but still, it was your first time killing people.

You wondered how Pyrrha kept it together so well.

'My parents and trainers made sure I was wholly prepared to become a huntress,' the beautiful redhead supplied, 'I killed my first bandit when I was fifteen.'

Huh, that explained a lot. You gave your head a shake and turned to the Goliath in the room. Or rather, towards the villagers. surprisingly, unlike the bandits, you could not feel panic from them. Only, a resigned fear.

They thought you were going to kill them, and each of them knew, even the children, that if you attempted to do so, there was no chance they would escape.

Your eyes went to the woman at the front of the tied up crowd. the one who the bandits lust was mainly directed at, and who you assumed was the village leader.

She was a beautiful, curvaceous faunus woman with reddish brown hair and fluffy fox eats atop her head.

God she was fucking hot. A full mature woman if there ever was one. She had a beauty on par with Pyrrha, except, while Pyrrha was on the cusp of becoming a fully grown woman to match her voice, this lady was already at full maturity.

It really sucked that you werne't human anymore. You could have used this chance from saving her and the others to possibly bed her. But, sigh. Oh well, what could you do you supposed?

'i'm glad you're thinking on the important things.' Pyrrha chimed in drily.

you let loose a caw of sheepishness and just decided to get a move on. While you'd prefer to stay in the village a few days just in case more bandits or Grimm came, your presence would probably instill fear even if you tried to explained yourself and attract more grimm.

And you thought you were pretty damn tough now. Tougher physically at least than you ever were before, but protecting a villages worth of people in this body might just be a bit beyond you right now.

You lifted one of your massive, man sized paws into the air and raised it towards the voluptuous beauty of a village leader. She closed her eyes in resignation, accepting what she thought was her death.

Instead, you just hooked a claw in the ropes binding her arms and slashed them apart with a quick tug.

"Eh?" she opened her beautiful purple eyes and blinked up at you in shock.

You conveyed all the smugness you could and looked her in the eyes, "Stay safe now hot stuff," you told her, "Caw." you added, just for your amusement, and then you turned and jumped into the air and took off into the sky, leaving the village behind.

"EHHHHHHHHHHH!" a lovely feminine voice, joined by many others shouted in shock as you flew off into the distance.

You smirked smugly.

'You sure do love showing off, especially for girls it seems.' Pyrrha huffed in amusement. 'Should I feel jealous?'