
Grey Fortune

When planet Earth and Humans were at a verge of extinction, some entities known as the Greyes, appeared to the humans and promised them a new home to start a new. Humans found themselves in a new home where they can finally start a new, but they are not the only inhabitants of this new home.

Veinti3eis · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

End Notes

● Satellite

Exact Location: PrizeGal Restaurant.

Zara entered the restaurant where she was greeted by the sound of clanking glasses, murmurs, and slow music that played in the background. She wore a sleeveless one-armed red gown that reached down to her knees, pointing out her figure. She let out a deep breath before walking further into the restaurant while searching the crowd with her eyes.

She noticed a pale-skinned blue-eyed vanilla-haired man sitting in one corner of the room, glaring at her. Zara wore a smile on her lips before approaching him. "Hi," she greeted while taking her seat.

"You're late."

"Sorry, we had a morning drill in preparation for our operation that's why," she said before clearing her throat.

The vanilla-haired man folded his hand and leaned back on his chair. "I also had late night and early morning work, yet I left it all to be here."

"Mac, I already said I'm sorry, can't you just let it go?"

"Hmm." He hummed before clicking a button on the table, making an image of the restaurant's menu to be projected out. "What will you have?" He asked.

Zara looked at the menu for a few seconds, scanning her options. She looked up at Mac who raised an eyebrow at her. "I'll have anything you are having," she replied.

He smiled before placing the order. The two stared at each other without saying a word until the waiter brought the food to their table. "So I talked with my mother."

"About what?"

He dropped his eating utensils and gulp down a glass of water. "Your work as a Sweeper, we want you to retire."

Zara furrowed and also dropped hers. "You talked about my work with your mother?"

"I am your fiancé, I am allowed to make these decisions in your life, am I not?" He probed, his expression turning more and more annoyed.

"Mac, you know I need this job to pay…"

"I'll pay for it, or don't you think I'm earning enough to help this relationship? Is that what you think?"

"I'm sorry." She picked up her spoon and continued eating.

The vanilla-haired Grey Lander, Mac, noticed the look on his fiancée's face and sighed. He placed his palm over hers and slowly caressed it with his thumb.

"Honey, listen." He moved over to where she was seated and pulled her closer to him by the waist. "It's not that I don't want you working, I just don't want you working as a Sweeper," he revealed.

"I've seen what happened to other Sweepers and I don't want it to happen to you. I care so much for you, and I don't know what I would do with myself if anything were to happen to you, I can help you as much as you can me."

The arctic blue-haired lady looked up at him and smiled. "I understand."

He mirrored her look before planting a kiss on her forehead. "Why don't we go back home and sleep early tonight, hmm?"

She chuckled as he planted another kiss on the side of her lips.


Exact Location: Sweepers Organization.

Liam groaned as he stretched his hand after firing a few shots from a blaster. He dropped the gun and sat on a chair, drinking from a plastic bottle.

"Must have been long since you fired a blaster," a familiar voice said from the doors. The teal green-eyed man turned to see Willow approaching him.

"Yeah well, my squad has been focusing on planting Luminaire sticks at the mouth of the Forbidden Zone lately, so we haven't much time to shoot a blaster."

Willow laughed softly and sat next to him. "You just have to strengthen your shoulder region to mitigate the effect of the recoil in your arms," she said but the light brown haired man was more interested in her than what she said.

"You look… worried about something."

The brunette shook her head. "I just had a meeting with one Owen Bennett."

Liam scoffed. "You've finally met him, what part of himself did he reveal to you first?"

"I don't wanna talk about him, I want to talk about us," she said.

The light brown-haired man dropped the bottle of water he was holding and turned to face Willow. "What about us?"

"Before I left for Hydrospace, I asked you to meet me so we could talk, but you didn't."

Liam sighed. "I am sorry I didn't make it."

"No, Liams… I'm not bringing it up to get an apology," she revealed. "I know that you knew what I wanted to say to you that day, and I believe you didn't show up that day for a reason, so I want to know that reason."

"Willow I…" he paused and scratched the back of his head. "I was scared."

The brunette furrowed. "Scared of what?

"What do you think?" He started. "We were in a relationship and you suddenly accepted a transfer offer to move to the new division at Hydrospace, I was scared you were going to end things so… you know."

Willow tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled. "For the records, I was going to propose a long-distance relationship," she revealed.

"That's too bad. If I had a time machine I'd definitely scold my past self for the decision he made."

The brunette chuckled before her eyes moved to Liam's hair. "I see you still do your hair the way I like it."


The room went awkwardly silent for a moment until Willow spoke. "You know, we can still rekindle old relationships," she said. "If that's what you want of course."

"You must have been thinking of me since you moved to Hydrospace."

Willow smiled. "I will neither confirm nor deny."

"Fair enough."




● Graviton

Exact Location: In a small diner.

Leo Silas threw his head back as he laughed his heart out. He sat across from three others he called his partners in his ambitions. They each held a phone in their hand.

"Damn, Leo, you are trending everywhere," one of the men he sat with said. "People are finally listening to your words."

The gray-haired man leaned back on his chair, the smile he had disappeared completely. "It's still not enough though, as long as those pathetic beings still walk the same street as us, the task will still be incomplete."

"Relax Leo, you are finally getting followers, all that is left is for you to use them well, I mean one of them even thinks you're the messenger the Grey Book speaks about."

He stood up from his seat and walked to the counter. "I hope you all haven't forgotten the real reason we started this group." He picked up a kitchen knife from the counter and turned around, drawing the attention of not only the three but everyone in the diner.

They all dropped their phones and put on a serious face. "Yes, yes we do."

"The humans need to be gone if we want to see our paradise come to life."

"Esna elrytra victos!" They all cheered.

He picked up a tray that had a cake on it and dropped it on the table he was sitting on before speaking."These reviews we are getting are only the beginning, so we must not lax, we…" his words trailed off as the door to the diner burst open, despite the 'closed' sign they had outside.

"Hey, we are closed, can't you see," one of the men said.

The man ignored him and continued forward. He was huge, at least seven feet tall and wore a Bio-mask over his face, a human.

Seeing that the man wasn't stopping, one of Leo's partners stood up and approached him. "Are you fucking…" before he could complete his words, the masked man smacked him across the face. The force behind the attack was so strong it sent the man flying across the room.

The others all stood up and rushed at the bullish man, but one by one they all ended up in the same situation as the first victim. The man turned to Leo and cracked his knuckle.

"Don't come near me, don't come close to me, I swear I'll kill you?" The gray-haired man said while waving the knife he was holding in front of him.

The man's pupils rolled up, leaving only the white part of his eyes. Though he had a mask on, it was obvious that he was grinning from ear to ear. He outstretched his hand and bent a little. Before Silas could make out what was happening, he felt his back colliding with the wall behind him. He crashed on the ground and coughed out some blood.

Leo dragged himself up, still waving his knife in front of him. The grey haired man talks all big about annihilating humans but he never dared to try it himself.

The man raised his leg and stomped Leo's face, smashing it on the wall. He stomped his head again and again and again until the gray-haired man could barely breathe. He reached for his pocket and pulled out a fancy-looking dagger with laser blade.

One of Leo's friends launched himself at the assailant, but despite being effortlessly hurled away, he granted enough time for Leo Silas to muster the courage and strength to drive the knife he had been holding into the man's abdomen. He screamed at the top of his voice before stabbing the knife into the man's neck.

The assailant fell to the ground, trembling as his life slowly left his body. The gray-haired man inch backward, his heart racing and his vision blurry from the image before him. His hands were covered in blood and we're shaking so much he could barely hold the knife.

He crawled up to the man and stabbed the knife into his forehead, and then the side of his head. A smile crawled up his lips as he raised the knife up again.


Getting exposed to the Forbidden Zone or getting bitten by a creature turns one into an infected. If attended to immediately, the infection can be stopped from spreading, though it can't be completely erased, it can be frozen. But if not attended to immediately, it could turn one into an infected.

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