
The Beginning

Project: J24563

  Disease Name: ????

  Creator: ?????

  Date: March 1,2020

  Mission: Purge all humans off Earth


  Beep Beep Beep

"Jay wake up school is starting in 30 minutes,"

" ugh, I'm coming Mom, don't worry,"

Why is school even a thing, what's its purpose, to torture us. At least it's a Friday all I have to do is survive one more day and I'll have the whole weekend off.

" hurry up, jay"

"One second,"

It's 7:45 in the morning, I'm going to be late, again. I already have 31 tardies, what's one more going to do. I dressed up as fast as I can, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom made me pancakes but I had to eat them in a rush so I didn't get to fully enjoy them. On my way out something caught my eyes my mom was watching the news and from what I can see and hear it looks like there is a new disease outbreak made by a human. The newscasters called it the next "Black Death"

 I got a little closer to listen I can only hear bits and pieces

"This…..disease can cause your brain to deteriorate…..its very contagious and scientists say that …...you should run away…..it spreads…...and it is very unlikely but it can spread through the…...the disease is in San Francisco…..stay indoors and beware"

My mom at that point got irritated and turned off the T.V. she was NOT a fan of fake news

She turned around and saw me "What are you doing go to school your late"

"Oh right, bye"

I dashed as fast as I can to school which was only 4 and a half blocks away.

By the time i arrived there was only 20 minutes left in the first period. I entered the classroom very hastily and was greeted by Mr. Williams, a weird name for a math teacher. She gave me the usual lecture on being on time and what not, and then pointed to my seat which was all the way in the back where she would never call on me ( I chose my seats in the beginning of school wisely).

After what seemed like an eternity I finally survived the first three periods and 4th period started. The end of the school day seemed miles and miles away but I stayed determined nonetheless. After 20 minutes into science I heard a loud scream come from the hallway, and a loud voice came on the loudspeaker

"We have entered a lock down, this is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill"