
Greetings!!! From 2000 Hells

All changed when everyone were trasported in another planet with the same mission. Be one of the 666 people that will survive and return back to earth. Victor Frost was a dancer in earth but now he will have to be more than that if he wants to survive.

Nick_Papageorgiou · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 - Sudden Apperance

Victor found himself lying on his back in a white room. His head was buzzing and he couldn't open his eyes because of the brightness of the room. After a minute or so he got used to the brightness and opened his eyes. Victor was looking anxiously around him trying to understand what happened.

Where the fuck am i? Am i dead and if i am ... HOW THE FUCK DID I DIE?

Victor stood up slowly losing his balance on the process. His head was still buzzing and the bright white light that was surrounding him didn't help ease his buzz.

Did i drink too much yesterday and this is the aftermath?

Victor tried really hard to understand how he came up to this place. He started walking towards nothingness only to find out the room had walls. He was in a confined space with noone around and all he could see is white.

Ok so if i died this is hell for sure...

- Welcome human to your fight for survival -

A smooth male voice echoed on the room. Victor looked around with terror trying to find where the voice came.

- The reason you are here is because i made a deal not to eradicate your planet. You will be transported to another planet like earth with 3.000.000 other humans from age 18 and up. Only 666 will survive. -

- Wait wait wait wha.... -

- In orded to make it a little bit more fun for you i created a thing your world called mana, like a lot of games you have created. Moreover i will give you an ability and a special trait. You will be transported shortly - 

Victor was dumbfounded, the information was too much to digest. 

-One minute before transportation- The voice echoed in the room

- Wait why are you doing this!!!!! What is the reason for this.... , Where is my wife!?! -

Victor started shouting. His voice was a mix of terror and anger. He kept repeating the questions but to no avail.

-10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 -

Victor eyes widened with fear as the countdown started.

-5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1-

Victor suddenly lost his eyesight and felt really light. Next thing he knew he was standing on top of a mountain.

- Welcome humans to planet 1818. I didn't introduce myself. I am the King of the Milky way galaxy. A knight of cosmos. As i already said to everyone individually you are given three powers. The first one is Mana. The second one is an ability based on the elements of nature. Third an innate ability based on your personality. I will now reveal it to you. -

Victor felt a tingly sensation on his head and the knowledge of the powers were revealed to him. He was able to use water and air. His innate ability was toughness.

- Now may the best survive -

Victor looked at the sky holding the tears of fear from being freed. His sun was in the corner of his left eye and the sky was unlike anything he has seen in earth. It resembled all the skies he saw on different games he was playing. A sun some clouds and planets similar to earth all over the skies. 

I guess this is all real... it's... I...

He couldn't even think straight. He just sat down on the ground looking at the distance. After almost half an hour he stood up. He just stood there, not doing a single thing. He thought about all the things he heard and started making scenarios in his head about the future. Some of them were good, some of them were gruesome but nothing would be near to what he will experience the following years.

Hello to everyone, this is my second try of my first book. I am going on a different approach based on human emotions and realism not so much fantasy. I will try to merge the fantasy elements and the realism of human interactions and emotions. I will not upload on a regular basis but i will try to upload the best chapters i can each time. I would love to have you make suggestions!!!

With regards,


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