
Am not girl


Ever since Zack got fine from his illness , life was lightened up with him and of course our relationship. I feel more loved and committed to this man like never before. Normally I would look at Pyrex and his wife in the news and feel torn into pieces.

The tension I had before understanding this love of my life was too high. But he wants it to another level. Meanwhile my family doesn't deal with wolves but I guess am accompanied by My big sister Constella.

She is too fond of Zlatan and there love is blossoming each day. Likely today after our bath in the river, Zack wants to start a family with me after a graduation today. Whenever we are at table and dad asks if am seeing anyone.

I object with deceit in my eyes because I Know that our mother's obsessed lover was a called a Zelx and a werewolf. In the meantime I feel like my ready to settle with my love who is three years older than me.