
Chapter 53 Girl and Dragon, Boy and Dragon

Yang Qi moved his dragon feet and walked towards Medea.

Medea also moved forward.

The girl and the dragon walked one behind the other towards the depths of the underworld. They walked for a long time until there was no one around anymore.

They continued walking until dots of pale flowers appeared in front of them, until they entered a sea of ​​pale flowers.

"I want to go crazy." Suddenly, Medea stopped, turned around and looked at Yang Qi.

"Haha, I want to go crazy. But I don't know why, I seem to have lost all my emotions." Medea lowered her head.

Yang Qi said: "You have not lost your emotions. It's just that after severe emotional fluctuations, your mind will enter a defensive state, and there will be no waves for a long time."

Yang Qi continued: "I know clearly that your heart is not dead yet."

"Do you know why?"

"Why?" Medea asked.

"Because, I understand why my devoured human soul revived and coexisted with the dragon's soul."

Yang Qi walked to Medea's side and lay down on the dragon body, "Because I understand what you said."

"During the battle with Hecate, you must have leaned down, lowered your head, and whispered something in my ear."


"I thought that sentence was [Kill her]."

"No, now I understand."

"That sentence is actually [I like you]."

"Dragons don't have love. They have a strong desire to reproduce and give birth. Dragons are famous for their wanderings. But they don't have love."

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"People will have love. Your words awaken my human nature… Yes, so this is my reply to you."

"I like you too."

"Hahahaha…" Medea smiled, lying down in the sea of ​​pale flowers, "Did I really say this?"

"You didn't say?"

"I don't know… I forgot. But," Medea curled her lips, "it's not bad. After all, it was you who spoke first."

"It's so embarrassing to let a female creature speak first. I can't afford to embarrass that person."

"Yeah. Did you agree?"

"Promise," Medea said.

She suddenly stood up and climbed on Yang Qi's face.

"Hey, do you know what I'm going to do next?"

Yang Qi returned: "What are you doing?"

"Travel. Travel in the underworld, then travel in the abyss. Then go to the divine world, to the ocean, to the sky, to the sky."

"I'm going to find a way to restore the source of my divine power…and then become stronger. Become stronger than anyone else."

Medea stared at Yang Qi's huge dragon eyes, "Then…I still want to kill all the Olympus gods."

"Shall I go with you?"

"No. What I hate most is that creatures look down on me and become a burden." Medea said softly, "I don't want to be a burden to you."

"Then don't go, stay."

"Hahahaha!" Medea suddenly laughed, "Stay?!"

"What are you doing here? Preparing a meal of divine dew for you? Washing your scales? Every day when you return to the lair, I lower my body and say softly, my respected husband, Mr. Yang Qi, welcome you back. Dinner has been prepared for you. good?"

"Then I, who have become a mortal spirit, see myself aging day by day, with sagging skin and falling teeth. And you? The lifespan of a dragon is long. When I die, you may feel that it has not been long. Woolen cloth!"

"Haha!" Medea gritted her teeth and said, "The old woman and the dragon? Stop joking!"

"I am not a good wife and mother," Medea said word by word, "I am the conspirator of Olympus, the god who kills gods!"

"I want to kill all the gods in the Olympus Court, one by one!" She pulled Yang Qi's dragon scales, "Did you hear clearly?!"

"I heard clearly." Yang Qi shrugged, "But I just want to eat and sleep, and I have no interest in killing all of Olympus. I will kill anyone who messes with me."

"Yes, my little obedient little dragon, the smelly lizard," Medea suddenly laughed. She stretched out her hand and stroked the green dragon scales.

"So you wait for me to kill all the gods in Olympus, ascend to the throne of God King, and become the Goddess King."

"Then you will be the dragon of the God King."

Yang Qi said: "I am your noble husband."

"Yes, you are the husband of the God King and the God King's dragon."

"Ha ha!"

Medea lay down and closed her eyes.

"It is very dangerous to travel in the God Realm. All your divine power has been lost, and now you are no different from an ordinary spirit. Do you want to stop thinking about it?" This sentence passed through Yang Qi's mouth, but Yang Qi did not say it out.

"Okay. You go on your trip. I will wait for you to come back and kill all the gods of Olympus. By then, I will be the husband of the God King."

"Yeah." Medea suddenly opened her eyes. "Lend me some divine power."


"What did you say you were doing?! Transformation?!"

"You transformed?"

"Silly lizard! You want me to die! Or you can transform into a living form."

Yang Qi thought in his mind: "I turn into a living form? I have never done this before."

Yang Qi mobilized the divine power in the dragon's body, and his body began to shrink, and the dragon's claws, tail, and wings faded away.

Yang Qi transformed into a young man. He had black hair and black eyes, and his appearance had a classical solemn beauty, as if he had stepped out of an oil painting.

He is nearly 1.9 meters tall, with extremely well-proportioned muscles, slender legs, and is wearing dragon scale armor.

"Tsk tsk. Quite handsome." Medea blinked.

Yang Qi asked: "In this way?"

"Well… don't worry yet. I'll try to turn into a dragon. Give me some divine power."

Yang Qi stretched out his finger, and the power of life poured into Medea's body.

Medea gradually transformed into a dragon.

Her silver scales shone softly, like pieces of silver scales, covering her smooth figure. The dragon wings are large and soft, with feather-like texture on the edges.

His eyes were as bright as stars, and the corners of his eyes were raised, making him look particularly gentle and gentle.

The dragon body has smooth and graceful lines, like a swan spreading its wings to fly. A slender neck supported her head, shining like ripples in the sun.

The tail is like a silver river, slowly dragging on the ground.

"How is it?" Medea blinked.

"Hmm… so beautiful." This feeling is really strange. The beauty of dragons cannot be compared with the beauty of creatures because they are not the same species.

But Yang Qi can be compared, because he has both the soul of a dragon and the soul of a human.

It feels like the dragon form is more beautiful.

"What do you think?" Medea said.

"How about…a dragon. I don't feel comfortable in my human form."

"I don't feel comfortable in my dragon form," Medea said.

"Come on, then. First the dragon, then the human."

"Yes." Medea lowered her huge dragon head and stared at Yang Qi with her bright dragon eyes.

"I'm about to leave…you…have to impress me."

"Don't beg for mercy." Yang Qi smiled.

So Yang Qi and Medea began.

The dragon's form is like an animal. violent. cruel. crazy. Even a little bloody.

The human form is gentle and warm, like two beautiful flowers blooming on the plain.

The dragon form lasted for thirty weeks, and then the human form for another thirty weeks.

I just want to write about falling in love