
The Pirates

Alex slice of life, he woke up from his sleep in the morning. Training his physical body while covering his eyes. In the afternoon, he was training with the girls and sparing with galdino. He already did it for almost 1 month. Today alex wanted to try something. He took out a blue ring. The ring had simple and plain designs. He used it and suddenly felt weak, very weak, it's like you're sick. This ring made of seatones. He wanted train his conqueror haki. He was wearing seastones ring while training in the morning.

At night, he felt excited did his night activity with yasaka. That's his blessed with beautiful onee-san. But, he didn't really satisfied because she fell a sleep before they did more rounds. Such a frustration, maybe could benefit his haki's training.

He wanted to eat the unknown devil fruit from bonney, but his vitality didn't reach the minimum condition. He knew it because his fuin fuin no mi. He had been seal hito hito no mi model nurarihyon(human human fruit model nurarihyon) and zuma zuma no mi(plasma).

(AN: Try search Nurarihyon no Mago, anime or manga, he is a youkai. His ability called kyouka suigetsu)

Sometimes, he made another invention such as safety keys for his room. He made solar power plant and made battery to save the energy. He wanted his ship to move without foresail. He made another gravity seal bracelets for the girls. Galdino didn't want to wear it, he said it's not beautiful. Alex just shrugged.

Because his ship used seastones on the hulls, the sea king didn't attack his ship. He wanted to dock, explore new island. He took a nap with the little girls before training. Yasaka just read some books beside alex.

"Yasaka-chan, i'll go to navigation room, i want to know how long we dock our ship." Alex couldn't sleep.

"Are you feeling boring hubby?" Yasaka.

"Maybe a little, i want to explore new island and sometimes meet new opponents. Hehe." He said while scratching his back.

Yasaka smiled. She knew alex boredom. He didn't say much, but showed on his face. He rarely smiled except when he was playing with the little girls and talked to her.

He went to the navigation room, the navigators team was still confused sometimes because the log pose always changing. He asked when they reach the island.

"Maybe we will reach our destination in 3 days boss." Worried the navigator.

"Well, it's okay, just tell me if we will reach our destination." Ales shrugged and leave.

"Boss, there's pirate ship." Crew 1 said.

"Oh, where is it?" Alex eyes was shining. The pirate ship was approaching alex'ship. The pirates wanted to climb up his ship. Maybe they couldn't shoot their canon, because the ship's difference in size. 'Are they stupid pirates? Are they thinking our grup weak? Well, it doesn't matter, i'll beat them. Eh, wait a minute, is that pirate a female? And are those sea king? Why is it so small?'

Alex walked on the air and landed on the pirates ship. Then alex became dumbfounded. 'Eh, why is she here?', He needed to introduce himself first.

"Hello, my name is alex. I'm a merchant, what can i help you ladies?" Alex smiled kindly.

"Huh, what is a man doing here? Disgusting." Said pirate captain. She had silky black hair, wear tight red dress and had 170cm(5.5ft) heights, her age seemed 15-16 years old.

"Err.. sorry miss, you are the one that came to us, i'm the captain of that merchant ship you know." Alex was very annoyed. Sure, she had beautiful face, white skin, and nice body. But the attitudes was bad.

"Miss, if you don't need anything from us, please leave immediately." He felt bored a while ago. Her character was really annoying in real life. She was Boa Hancock. The kuja pirates crew behind her dumbfounded looked at alex.

Her face became red as tomato. She felt humiliated but she also curious why this man didn't fall on her charm. She snapped back when alex was ready to leave.

"You disgusting man, this empress need food for this empress and her crew." Said boa hancock with arrogance.

'Maybe she still don't have experiences, it's funny you could run of food supplies.' Alex thought while chuckling.

"What are you laughing at? This empress want you to obey." Boa hancock.

Alex felt more annoyed then he said, "why must i obey you? Did you my wife or something? We just meet you know."

"Huh?" Boa hancock was dumbfounded again.

"If you couldn't said nicely, better you go. At first i respect you because you are stong, confident, and brave woman, captain of the kuja pirates. But you are annoying with your arrogance attitude." Annoyed alex, he jumped in the air and went back to his ship.

Leaving boa hancock while she mumbled slowly "wife? respect? Strong, confident, brave woman?" And her face became slighly red. Her two sister behind her was watching while thinking, 'We are hungry sister. Why is your expression like young maiden in love.'

Actually, hancock felt inferior because her slave mark, she did arrogance to cover her real feeling. She felt her confidence was boosted when people was admire her.

Alex landed on his ship while sighing, 'I feel bad for her, but she is annoying. I need control my emotions too. I'm like teen in his puberty periods. Why mc in those fan-fiction didn't need a puberty'.