
Greed And Desire

This story is about a prince who fell in love with a normal girl but his mother didn't like the idea so she tried to kill the girl but she didn't know that the girl has supernatural powers, her plan to kill the girl backfired and her truth was traveled that she was a serpentess she didn't want to die until she kill the girl but there was no chance of survival so she gave all her evil power to the girl's sister.

JessicaReigns22 · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Chapter one chapter one

I lived with my mother and my sister in a very big kingdom rich in abundant we were poor I lost my father when I was just six years old, my mother owned a little fabric shop it was our only source of living.

Audrey was the first daughter she was such a beauty, she had long blonde hair that reached her waist, beautiful sapphire blue eyes long thick lashes and a very ravishing skin, she was very caring, lovely, smart, and brave she was loved by everyone.

Her younger sister Ariana was beautiful but nothing compared to Audrey. she has short blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and a beautiful skin. Ariana was the opposite of Audrey , she was self-centered, arrogant and disobedient.

Their mother mrs Rose was a very nice woman she always make sure that her daughter's were happy she gives them anything they ask for. but Ariana was never satisfied she always dreamt of Living a Luxurious Life , she always wanted to come first in everything.

" Good morning mother"

"Good morning dear how was your night"

"it was good but mother aren't you going to get ready for work" Audrey always helps her mother in the shop.

"Audrey i don't think i can go to the shop today I'm not feeling well" she touched her forehead " oh no mother you are having a fever do you need a doctor" her mother chuckled " you worry too much I'll be fine it's just a little fever "

" okay I'll stay with you" Audrey cares for her mother so much.

"Audrey l'll be fine I think you and Ariana should go to the shop today"

" but...." "no but you girls go I'll be fine, oh look Ariana is ready"

It was such a long and busy day today they had a lot of customers. it was about 5:00 pm and it was time to close , on their way back home they came across a beggar.

" please help me I am very hungry and thirsty I've no money

"oh dear here take this" Audrey said giving him some money.

" Audrey" ! Ariana yelled. " what are you doing you're giving this thing our hard earned money".

"Ariana why are you being so rude " Audrey said sounding annoyed. "besides it's always good to help people didn't mother teach us"

" what ever do as you please miss goody two shoes" Ariana said turning her heels and walking away.

Audrey apologized to the beggar and gave him some money "I'm so sorry for my sister's rude behavior here take this money it's not much but I hope it will do".

"Thank you so much ,but why are you helping a beggar like me and been so nice to me".

" you aren't just a beggar, you're a human being and been nice is the right thing to do and everyone should be treated fairly, I have to go now take care of yourself".

"wait". Audrey turned to the beggar. "do you need anything else" ? Audrey asked the beggar. "no no not at all , I just wanted to know your name".

"why do you want to know my name" ? she asked the man sitting in front of her

"life is full of surprises I might see you one day and repay the favour". Audrey didn't know what this man was talking about. she didn't even know if she should give him her name or not she hesitated for a while and decided to tell him. "my name is Audrey". she blurted.

"Audrey what a beautiful name". the beggar smiled at her. she was used to getting compliment from people, but when he complimented her, she felt her cheeks burn.

" I think i should be going now it's getting late please take care of yourself ". she said to him.

The man took her hands and kissed her knuckles" I hope we'll meet again my lady "

"what was that?" Audrey asked the man in front of her.

"I'm so sorry". The Man apologized looking down.

Instead of Audrey to be angry she turned around and started to walk away without noticing that her golden ring had slipped away from her finger, the beggar didn't even notice , but when Audrey was out of site he saw something glowing on the ground, he picked it up and he remembered seeing the same ring on the girl's finger he took a look at it again and realized he had seen it somewhere before.