
Chapter 203 – Confusing Game of Tag

Max skillfully moved across the forest while dodging every root and trunk in his way. The path he had taken when he entered was devoid of leaves because he had already cut them all. He was sure he could reach the exit if he followed both the torchlight and the mark he created earlier.

Tap tap tap tap–

Meanwhile, Tromax's footsteps rang behind him. They were desperately chasing while howling, angry at what Max had done earlier. One of the smaller Tromax had dirt on its head from getting hit by the rock he threw.

'The larger Tromaxes doesn't do anything.' Max thought as he glanced over his shoulders.

Similar to the first run, the larger Tromaxes somehow ran slower than the smaller ones. Only four tailed behind him so closely, while the other three were a few meters away behind the group.

'I still can't understand why the large one could get me in the past.'