
Greatest Mech Engineer in the World of Magic

What would happen if a giant robot designer was reincarnated into a fantasy world? In that realm, people still traveled on horse, relied on letters for long-distance communication, and used magic and swords in wars. He couldn’t find advanced technologies from where he came from. No tools and resources to build mechs. Lance Reid, once hailed as the most brilliant mech engineer in the space exploration era, could not continue his passion. Will he embrace his new life as a horse keeper? His life is more peaceful, indeed. No one pressured him to make the best mech. But his desire to create mechs is still alive. Until a witch came to him, inspiring him to use other things in mechs’ construction. One of them is magic. Follow Lance’s journey to reclaim his dream, and along the way, create impacts beyond everyone’s imagination.

Namazu · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

31 – Rage

Lance and Tobias sat opposite each other while the girls stood behind the engineer.

"What is it, Mr. Ardalle?" Lance asked, because Tobias wasn't talking.

Tobias put on a faint smile. "They feel that manufacturing these armors is necessary, even the king thinks so. So, we will still produce these armors and rifles."

It was good news, but Lance sensed something was wrong in Tobias' expression.

"So, the peace agreement didn't work?" Cecil joined in.

Tobias' smile became bitter. "Yes, the negotiations were successful. Zashrend Kingdom will not attack Celestenia again. Celestenia also promised not to mess up with Zashrend."

"With all due respect." Lance leaned forward. "Please, just say it. Tell me what happened, Mr. Ardalle."

"Alright." Tobias adjusted his glasses. "Various parties in the kingdom agreed to continue manufacturing the armors and rifles. It was to guard against Zashrend's attacks. But they feel that Zashrend or other countries cannot match our powered armors…."

"So they think that the development of powered armors is no longer necessary, huh?" Lance interrupted Tobias' words while clenching his fists. "They feel we will continue to win with our current version of armors?"

"Yeah, more or less." Tobias closed his eyes.

With facial muscles tensed, Lance continued. "Let me talk to them. I will feed them with the argument that our opponents can match our armors, eventually. As previously mentioned, unknown threats may be lurking around. We must be vigilant."

Tobias' smile returned. "No, they'll send you home, Lance. They won't give you a chance to talk to them. If you dare to come to them, things will only get worse."

Silence enveloped the room. Lance's body trembled with anger.

"They will send all of you home, except Cecil." Tobias' words made the blacksmith's eyes widen. "She will be responsible for production and maintenance."

Lance is the most competent person to handle that task. But he is sure that they see him as a troublesome person. One proof of this was when he declared that they could not pressure him and his team.

"I can't do that, sir." Cecil shook her head. Her voice cracked. "If Lance comes home, I'll come home too."

"Unfortunately, you can't refuse, Cecil." Tobias took a deep breath. "This is an order. Failure to do so is an offense."

Cecil was about to protest, but Lance grabbed her arm. "It's useless to fight, Cecil. You and your family will be in trouble."

"But…." The blacksmith gasped hard, then shed tears.

Trish hugged her friend to calm her down.

"I will still do everything I can to persuade them." Tobias assured. "So, this isn't final yet."

"What about my dad? Does he also not want this project to continue?" Even though her facial expression remained unchanged, Eve asked with trembling lips.

"He wants this development project to continue, Eve." Tobias explained. "Well, just me and him…. We will try together…." Tobias also shed tears. "I'm so sorry."

With emotions bubbling up in his chest, Lance stood up. "Excuse me."

He left the room without waiting for a response.


Lance continued to walk alone around the base and avoided anyone who passed him. He wanted to calm his mind, but it didn't work.

When he was still on earth, he never worried about his job. His company couldn't fire him because he was their most valuable asset. Even if that happens, he can just move to a rival company.

Many parties want individuals with abilities like him.

But this world is different. If he moves to another country to continue his career, then he has to bring the people closest to him. Lance was unsure if they wanted to do it. If they remain here, the government will exploit them to make Lance surrender.

And will other countries continue to use its services? He doesn't know. They could dismiss Lance if they had enough mechs, like Celestenia did.

In this world, Lance had no opponents in designing mechs. Nothing triggers the parties to compete in developing the best mech.

The sky is getting darker. The employees turned on the lights inside the base, letting them shine through the windows.

To developed the lamp technology, Lance uses mana stones instead of electricity. He also designed the flashlights used by the Celestenia army.

Would it be better if he directed his focus towards such mundane technology, something that people would use in their everyday lives?

No. Lance's biggest passion is making mechs. Drawing those things and seeing them built gave him immeasurable pride.

It's like an addiction.


The woman's words interrupted the engineer's thoughts. Cecil stood a few meters away from Lance. Her eyes swollen from excessive crying.

"I'm doing this because of you, Lance." Cecil's voice was so hoarse. "I can't imagine that I would continue this without you. What should I do?"

Lance wanted to say something to his childhood friend, someone who always accompanied him. But the engineer couldn't do it.

He could only turn around. "Sorry."

Cecil ran and hugged Lance's body from behind. Feeling the warmth from the woman's body, Lance felt his heartbeat peaked.

Is there nothing he can do?

"I know we can't do anything." The blacksmith was sobbing on Lance's back. "I'm sorry for complaining to you, even though you felt it the hardest. This is your passion, after all."

Lance closed his eyes, steeling his resolve. He didn't want Cecil's loyalty to be rewarded like this. It's unfair.

And of course, he doesn't want this passion to die.

"Just wait, Cecil." Lance hissed. "I will do whatever I can so that we can move forward with this project. We'll meet again here."

Cecil didn't answer and continued sobbing. Her body shook because of the emotional turmoil within her.

Lance's gaze then turned to the base entrance. He found Trish, Eve, and Ashe standing there, looking at him in silence.

The engineer refuses to submit to the higher-ups. It would be like his obedience to superiors in his original world. He's had enough of it.

He will make those higher-ups to respect him as an engineer.