
Greatest Mech Engineer in the World of Magic

What would happen if a giant robot designer was reincarnated into a fantasy world? In that realm, people still traveled on horse, relied on letters for long-distance communication, and used magic and swords in wars. He couldn’t find advanced technologies from where he came from. No tools and resources to build mechs. Lance Reid, once hailed as the most brilliant mech engineer in the space exploration era, could not continue his passion. Will he embrace his new life as a horse keeper? His life is more peaceful, indeed. No one pressured him to make the best mech. But his desire to create mechs is still alive. Until a witch came to him, inspiring him to use other things in mechs’ construction. One of them is magic. Follow Lance’s journey to reclaim his dream, and along the way, create impacts beyond everyone’s imagination.

Namazu · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
49 Chs

18 – The Sleepy One

The tester candidates took turns testing the rifle and reloading bullets. Everyone fell backwards because of the strong recoil of the rifle.

"Ugh!" A man became the next victim.

"Next!" Lance gave the order while the man backed away.

"Damn, this weapon is crazy." The man whispered as he returned to his comrades. "I can understand why they are pushing this."

The cyan-haired elf woman stepped forward while yawning. Even though her eyes were almost closed because of sleepiness, she smiled at Lance.

"Ashera Virharice, or Ashe." Eve read the list of names in her hand. "She was among the first batch of refugees to come to Celestenia."

"I'm sorry, sir." The leader of the soldiers sighed. "She got the privilege of dressing like that because of her service on the battlefield. That female elf killed many enemies with her arrows. She got the award. Instead of a gift, she asked if she could 'free' her chest. She stated that even though her clothes were the right size, she was uncomfortable if her chest was trapped."

"Those are massive racks, indeed." Trish commented. "Damn, I have to get an achievement to free my chest, huh?"

Cecil sighed. "I told you, right? We will measure your clothes to fit your body."

Lance looked at Ashe, who was observing the rifle.

"I have a request, Sir Lance Ashbourne." Her voice lacked energy, but her smile persisted. "Can I do it on my knees?"

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Sure."

"Thanks," said the elf as he kneeled down, aiming at the target while others covered their ears. 

She pulled the lever on the rifle and pulled the trigger. The rifle fired a bullet, and Ashe only jerked backwards, not falling.

"Ah, I missed." That woman lowered the rifle.

Lance clapped his hands. Within seconds, the others followed suit.

"It's okay if you miss. This weapon still needs further development." Lance walked over to the elf. "What matters is that you have found an effective way to shoot. We'll try out different shooting positions later, but for now, I think this is enough. Can you teach it to others?"

Ashe stood up, then paid his respects to Lance. In a firmer tone, she said. "Yes, sir."


"Welcome, Miss Ashera Virharice." Lance greeted the elf at a table with several chairs. "Can I call you Ashe so we can get along better? You can call you Lance."

"Yeah, you can call me Ashe." Still with a sleepy expression, she sat in one of the chairs. "Thank you for keeping me away from the battlefield, sir…. I mean, Lance."

"Food's coming." Trish came to them carrying a tray containing several plates. She was wearing normal clothes. "Aah, it feels good to cook with free breasts!"

When Trish put one plate of spaghetti in front of Ashe, the elf gulped.

Lance planned to give a brief welcome speech, but he decided to postpone it. "Let's eat."

Ashe is a former refugee who rarely had a good meal, even when she was a soldier.

The female elf looked at the roll of pasta on her fork, then put it in her mouth. As soon as she chewed it, she moaned. "Ahnnn…"

The others dropped their gazes on Ashe. Her voice sounds inappropriate, not reflecting the enjoyment of a delicious meal.

But Ashe didn't care. She devoured the spaghetti like someone who hadn't eaten for days.

Seeing that, Trish smiled. "We still have a lot. You can ask for more."


"Lance, feel me." The soft whisper woke the young man. He flinched hard when he found Ashe's face so close in front of him.

"Shhhh…." Ashe covered Lance's mouth with her hand. "I mean no harm."

Lance frowned, got out of bed, and found Ashe lying there. She wears clothes similar to lingerie with thin material.

"You don't want me to accompany you tonight?" She let out a soft sigh, while one of her hands lowered the strap of her dress, making her plump assets more prominent.

It didn't take long for Lance to come to his senses. He sighed, but then put on a faint smile. "How many high-ranking military officials have you seduced?"

"Why do you ask that, Lance?" Still speaking in a seductive tone, she crept closer to the young man. "This is the first time I approached a man. Do you think I want to be with those old men with pot bellies?"

"Ashera Virharice." Lance crossed his arms. "You excel on the battlefield and consistently follow the rules. You always looked sleepy, but the higher ups felt it wasn't a big deal. Your performance is amazing."

Lance recalled Ashe's profile, which he read this morning.

"You prove what I said. I always obey the rules. I will never approach men. You are my first, Lance." The female elf is getting closer to the young man.

"Then why are you breaking the rules now?" Lance's tone turned colder. "Do you want to improve your family status by approaching me?"

Ashe stopped moving.

"I knew it." Lance chuckled. "Perhaps you think I will have a high position. By marrying me in the future, you and your family's status will be elevated. You've refrained from doing this to other high-ranking officials, fearing of more severe punishment. And as you said earlier, most of them are old men."

Lance knows. Even though the government has given Ashe's family a house and jobs, they are not living well. This is something that commonly happens. The refugees are second-class citizens.

"Does it matter?" Ashe changed her position to kneel. Her finger pressed to her pouted lips. With a sad expression that was clearly fake, she continued. "You don't want a woman like me?"

Lance sighed, then sat in a chair. His priority is work, and he has no interest in engaging in such affairs. "You don't need to do this. If I already have a big name, I will guarantee the welfare of you and your family."

"Then what good is it for you if you don't use me?" Ashe got out of bed while covering her chest.

Lance chuckled. "Give your best to this project. We still have many weapon designs to test.

Ashe's chin dropped slightly, then she smiled back. "Well, that's very kind of you. Don't blame me if I really fall in love with you."