
Greatest Mech Engineer in the World of Magic

What would happen if a giant robot designer was reincarnated into a fantasy world? In that realm, people still traveled on horse, relied on letters for long-distance communication, and used magic and swords in wars. He couldn’t find advanced technologies from where he came from. No tools and resources to build mechs. Lance Reid, once hailed as the most brilliant mech engineer in the space exploration era, could not continue his passion. Will he embrace his new life as a horse keeper? His life is more peaceful, indeed. No one pressured him to make the best mech. But his desire to create mechs is still alive. Until a witch came to him, inspiring him to use other things in mechs’ construction. One of them is magic. Follow Lance’s journey to reclaim his dream, and along the way, create impacts beyond everyone’s imagination.

Namazu · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
49 Chs

15 – Before the Big Thing

"Are you nervous, Mr. Ashbourne?" Tobias, coincidentally meeting Lance in the Mythra academy toilet, asked. "Officially, this is Miss Evelyn's project, but the actual leader is you. That's why you will also make the presentation. I imagine you can't keep calm on this big day."

Lance wiped his hands with a handkerchief as he walked down the hall. "To be honest, sir. I'm not too nervous."

The young man is used to presenting in front of company officials and investors. He imagined that Eve's seminar would not be much different from that.

Tobias adjusted his glasses. "Good, then. Whatever the outcome of this seminar, nothing will change. This project will continue."

"What about the rifle project?" Lance asked. "Has the palace agreed?"

Tobias took a deep breath. "They agreed. But there is one thing quite surprising. The king asks that you also supervise the development of that weapon."

"Why?" Lance frowned. "I already said anyone could do the job."

This world's technology suffices to assemble the uncomplicated firearm schematic.

"The king wants the results to be fast and optimal," Tobias explained. "He said the one who suited well to carry out the task was the originator of this brilliant idea."

"I don't have a choice, right?" Lance's mouth let out a bitter chuckle. His hand pushed open the waiting room door. "Well, but I will discuss this…"

Lance stopped what he was saying because he found a stranger. Only Eve, Trish, and Cecil should be in the room.

"So, are you proud of this, Evelyn Moryet?" A witch with short pink hair had her back to Lance. She clearly didn't notice the young man's arrival. "It just so happens that your research is in line with this country's political situation." The witch used a haughty tone. "So, that's why they speed up your graduation. But listen to me, that doesn't make you the best."

"Did you come here just to talk about things like that?" Eve replied with her arms crossed. Her expression didn't show that those words affected her. "I will listen to your complaints after I finish my seminar. I need to prepare myself…"

"You know what?" The pink-haired witch interrupted Eve's words. "You are full of bullshit. You could advance quickly because of your father's privileges. You are the youngest academy graduate because you are the daughter of a high magic council member. But, behind your beautiful face, you are nothing. I heard this project wasn't even your idea."

Something not extraordinary, but annoying. Someone was jealous of Eve and wants to destroy her success.

"But she is the one who contributed to the magic aspect of this project." Lance argued.

The pink-haired witch let out a bitter chuckle. She turned around to face Lance. "So you are a low caste man who…. Oh, my god!!!"

Jane Rufford, the pink-haired witch, took a few steps back. Her eyes widened and her hands covered her mouth.

"Ah, we met at a bookstore back then." Seeing Jane's reaction, Lance stifled a laugh. "Ah, I forgot whether I introduced myself that time. I'm Lance Ashbourne, the man who designed the powered armor."

Jane glanced at Cecil on the couch. "No wonder I feel like I've seen you before. You are his girlfriend."

Cecil grimaced. "You misunderstood us. We are just friends."

Jane then turned to Eve again. "So, you are her girlfriend, Evelyn Moryet?"

"No." Eve shook her head. "Why do you think that?"

"Ah, you're here, Jane." Julian walked into the room with a sigh. "I know how you feel, but please, leave Miss Evelyn alone."

"You know that the one who helped Eve was him!?" Jane pointed at Lance. Her tone started to rise.

"Yeah." Julian raised an eyebrow. "Is there any problem?"

"You know her, Sir Julian?" Lance pointed back at Jane.

Julian took his time to reply. "Is this an insult? Our last name is the same. She is my little sister."

Lance shrugged, quite amused by the situation. "Oh, sorry. But you never introduce yourself with your full name."

"You are really smart and getting my nerves, Lance Ashbourne." Julian massaged the nape of his neck. "You…."

"I apologize!" Jane bowed hard. "I didn't know this was your project, Sir Ashbourne!"

After saying that, Jane ran away as fast as she could.

"What did you do to my sister?" Julian's jaw tightened. "She's never behaved like that before."

"I am also confused." Lance responded casually, even though he could guess what had happened to Jane. "But does it matter? We are here preparing for Eve's seminar. We need to calm our nerves. There's no time for such things." The young man then opened the door wider. "Therefore, with all due respect, leave this place, please."

Julian clenched his hands into fists. But he left saying nothing instead.

"The dynamics of young people are interesting." Tobias, who had been just observing, smiled. "Well, I'll take my leave, too. Good luck. After this, please tell me what kind of person you want to be as a firearm tester."

"We need non-magic users that excel in long-range attacks. Bring some of them in when we finish a prototype." Lance responded. "If you don't mind, excuse us."

Tobias said goodbye once more and left. Lance closed the door, then sat on the couch with his friends.

"That's really cool, boss." Trish chuckled. "You pissed off that arrogant guy."

Eve sat opposite the young man. "The Rufford family is famous for their sharp remarks. It's better if we don't have to think about them."

"I won't let other people interfere or look down on this project." Lance leaned his back.

There was a brief silence as Eve and Lance locked eyes. "Thanks, Lance. You are right. We must protect this project."

"It's good that you understand." Lance smiled.