

"What?! What did you just say?"

"You already advanced to Neural Stage?!"

Edward and Lisa wore dumbfounded expressions as they glanced at Adam who was walking ahead of them. The trio were walking through an underground corridor and were on their way to a magic practice room.

Adam slightly turned his head around and glanced at his friends with a smirk. "What? Is it so surprising?"

To anyone who wasn't privy to the youth's secrets, it was indeed surprising. Very surprising.

Lisa was having great difficulty trying to come to terms with this information, however, not for a single moment did she think that Adam was lying.

She couldn't help but incredulously ask, "When did you advance?"

"About a week ago," Adam replied as he walked with his hands clasped behind his back, his strides brimming with confidence.

A week?! Lisa paused in her steps, shock gripping her heart.