
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Autres
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145 Chs

A Crazy Daolord Appears

The meeting between the Autarchs and Chojusen ended with that final display of Reality Dao, and everyone started leaving after knowing what they came here to discuss. However, before bidding Chojusen goodbye, several of the Autarchs left Chojusen with invitations to visit their domains all across the Chaosverse.

Even the initially hostile Autarch couple had to admit there was clearly nothing they could do to Chojusen. What use was there getting mad at someone like him? A cultivator that could transform Reality itself. A cultivator that could escape all forms of detection through Numeracy and Karma. A cultivator that held 40 Omega Daos… This pair of Autarchs sighed at their previous plans to eliminate Chojusen and also left him an invitation to visit their Dualdivine Realmverse; even if they couldn't be Chojusen's friends, they certainly wouldn't go out of their way to antagonize him.

One by one, all the Autarchs left until it was only Chojusen, his wives, and Libo. Chojusen was planning on taking Kaguya and Rias through the Voidstar Gate and the other adventure zones within the Staffgod Realmverse, before finding other ways to increase his insights towards his Dao of Reality, but it seemed like Libo was coming along for the ride.

In his worlds, Libo said "I've already seen all there is to see here. Travelling with you is bound to be more fun than running my sect~" Of course, even though he said this, Libo had several talismans and seals in his estate treasure that would notify him if his Staffgod sect encountered any crisis.

And so the dynamic quad squad entered Chojusen's Final Shuttle and resumed a slow journey through the River of Time towards the actual Voidstar Gate. Chojusen might be overpowered beyond reason, but he still wanted to travel through this place like he had initially intended; collecting natural treasures and meditating in exotic locations. Kaguya and Rias could also use this experience to temper their Daos of Spacetime and Oblivion respectively.

Three years passed and Chojusen's main body could be seen playing a game of Go with Libo. They were seated on a blanket Chojusen had created while they waited for Chojusen's Omniforce avatar, Rias, and Kaguya, to finish their meditations on one of the odd domains found within a random voidspace bubble.

Chojusen was just about to put down a black piece when a crashing noise and shockwave ruined his game. Annoyed, he looked for the source of this disturbance and found a lone Daolord running away from a group of dozens of Eternal Emperors.

Ay, something interesting? Chojusen and Libo looked at each other and no words were needed to understand their intentions. Both of them used various Daos to camouflage themselves and they faded away to spy on these bunch of horrid interlopers!

They easily kept pace with the fleeing Daolords and Eternal Emperors and quickly left the voidspace bubble they were in. The chase lasted for several months and across all the regions of the Voidstar Gate, but in the end the Daolord ran into a dead end and was surrounded by the dozen or so Eternal Emperors.

Chojusen's party was having a rather relaxed adventure, and Kaguya, Rais, and the Omniforce Avatar weren't done with their meditations, so Chojusen didn't have a reason to stop following the Daolord. Throughout the chase, he had grown to like this spunky and reckless man as a fellow madlad. Chojusen had heard various curses thrown at the Daolord from the Emperors chasing him throughout the almost year-long chase.

"Shitty brat! When we get you, you'll wish you were never born!"

"A Daolord who steals from an Emperor? Courting Death!"

"My precious Stoneheart Censer! Give it back, you filthy peasant!"

These were just some of the words thrown at the fleeing Daolord, but after most encounters, he would just flash away in a burst of Taiji energy. His stamina and powers seemed to expand out to infinity and not once was he ever put down by the curses thrown his way. However, at one point, the Daolord ran into a natural formation stopping him for just a split second; just long enough for the horde of Emperors to throw out several of their own formation discs and set up trapping formations to end the chase with a decisive fight.

In this desperate situation, instead of cowering in fear from being surrounded by several cultivators who should have been much more powerful than him, the Daolord openly welcomed this fight with a smile on his face. He threw himself into a reckless fight to the death with the Emperors.

As this crazy fight progressed, Chojusen's earlier suspicion towards this Daolord was confirmed after the Daolord used his full power to defend himself. The Daolord was actually a practitioner of the Omega Taiji Dao! Earlier Chojusen wasn't sure because the Daolord was conservatively using his power to flee, but in this fight to the death, the overwhelming superiority of Omega was on full display.

Unfortunately, even as a Daolord of the fourth step and with the Omega Taiji Dao under his belt, the Daolord was facing a dozen Eternal Emperors; one of them being at the Achron level. Against the Achron, this Daolord was just about his match, but when the rest of the Emperors were accounted for, the Daolord started to lose out.

In the River of Time, within this section of the void which had been sealed up by the numerous formations that the Emperors had set up, a cataclysmic battle took place. Space and time became chaotic and numerous parts of the void collapsed as the fight raged on.

The Daolord sacrificed several of his treasures to finish off a couple of the minion-like Eternal Emperors, giving himself an extra bit of breathing room. While accumulating thousands of wounds and tears across the entirety of his body, he managed to end all the regular Emperors; leaving the battlefield open to only himself and the Achron — and the sneaky Chojusen and Libo duo who watched the fight with snacks on hand.

However, by now, his energy reserves and defensive treasures had almost run out. He was on his last leg and barely even able to defend himself from the strongest of all the foes he faced. In truth, the Daolord was only running away from the Achron, as he was more than confident in being able to annihilate as many ordinary Emperors that came his way as the world threw at him.

Alas, he had been a bit too cocky and decided to go adventuring in his foreign Realmverse, choosing to ransack the legacy site of Emperor after Emperor level figure. As they say, if you run by the shoreline, you're bound to get your feet wet, and to the Daolord, this meant running into the Archon's legacy site.

Now, he couldn't just return the Archon's stolen goods back and call it a day. This had to end in either the Achron or the Daolord dying, and the Daolord looked like he was about to lose out. The fight continued on for several hours before the Daolord's defense had finally been breached and the Achron's sword was about to pierce through to deliver the final blow.

In that final moment of life and death, Chojusen couldn't see exactly what happened, but the Daolord managed to turn the situation around and escape from the blow that otherwise would have killed him. No one knew what just happened, but the Daolord started laughing like a madman and chaos cubes were being consumed to replenish his energy asap.

The Achron moved to prevent this and end the fight, but every time he approached he could space itself seemed to be stretching to separate him from reaching the Daolord. It then clicked in Chojusen's mind that this was a breakthrough of the Daolord's Dao of Taiji; he had learned how to apply infinity to space.

With this newfound ability to stretch space infinitely, the Daolord quickly recovered his energy and then contracted space to an infinitesimally small point to let his blade travel in a teleportation-like fashion. Every upgrade to an Omega Dao brought with it ridiculous levels of power. Thus with this one attack, the Archon was killed off like a dog; his body shattering into countless tiny pieces that were then infinitely stretch out through the void.

Now, that no enemies remained, the Daolord took a second to catch his breath before working on leaving the formation fortress that had been summoned to keep him in this fight. As the Daolord sighed when he calculated that it would take a couple months of repeated assaults on this wall of formations to leave, he could hear some clapping noises come from his back.

Frightened that someone had survived the battle, the Daolord instantly turned around. He was surprised to see two people slowly float towards him. The Daolord made a silly face when he recognized one of the two people approaching him.

He said "H-hi. Uncle Libo..."

"Ah, that was a refreshing battle was it not? Young Jadesnow~"

Chojusen watched slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Throughout the whole time, Libo had not once hinted at being related to this crazy Daolord. And what was with this "Uncle" treatment?

Chojusen couldn't help but ask "You know him?"

Libo didn't even bat an eye, he said "Yes, and I think you should get to know him too. He's the son of Autarchs Heavenlyfate and Earthlydesire."

"WHAT?! I thought all Autarchs were weird creatures that couldn't procreate."

"Wow, that's rude, I myself am an Autarch an I'll have you know that we most certainly can procreate. It's just that the rate for us to succeed makes it virtually impossible for us to succeed. Jadesnow over here was actually conceived before his parents were Autarchs, so its normal for them to have a child."

"How does a flame reproduce?"

"Sexual intercourse."

"With other flames?"

"No dumb dumb, I'm a friggin humanoid. Any other humanoid can mate with me."

"How interesting… WAIT! But as a flame, can you change your gender? Or..."

Black lines started to form on Libo's face, so Chojusen stopped prying into these rather "taboo" matters and turned to face this new Daolord Jadesnow. He said "Well, nice to meet you, I'm Chojusen."

Mhmm? Author BrightDawn has made an executive decision to give other characters plot armor. I also might have gone a bit too ridiculous while coming up with the names for the Autarchs~

Oh and you guys are insane! This is last arc! I will only be doing side stories for the other planes. SIDE STORIES, like maybe 1-3 chapter for each plane to summarize how Chojusen acted there and how he met the people that made it to his "crew."

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