
Great Hero becomes Demon Lord Slave

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life? I don’t have anything. I don’t have anyone. My only attachment to this world is gone. I feel like dying. Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn’t have anything. ================================================================= Hello guys... Comeback to writing since My life is broken in rl... Rather than killing myself, I better find something to mend my broken life :') Doesn't care about your comment... I just writing for healing... https://discord.gg/fYwzCSR5 My dc Also, I'm looking for a cover that explains my brokenness Got a recommendation? comment or chat me in discord, doesn't matter, since I don't get any in google that resonate with me *Note: Not an English native, just using Grammarly to help with my Grammar

DimLight · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


I'm busy with translation work btw, need money in rl, so I will stop updating for a while, don't want to use my stockpile chapter

Will delete this announcement after I start uploading again


So, I think my grammar is wording considered lacking thou, just like what I said, I'm not native, and the only one who help me with grammar is Grammarly, so my friend said that she will be helping me with Proofreading, So I will be updating the prologue to chapter 9 after my friend done with her Proofreading, think of the chapter as not yet edited...

And like I said, I will start updating again after I'm done with my work in rl, I don't want to use my stock pile chapter