
War of Suna (Parte-1)

In a few days, while the genins were training their chakra control, Renji was experimenting with his sacred Kekkai Mora, Noryokugan, but what surprises him the most is the fuinjutsu arts...

He hated the fuinjutsu, it was boring, mentally taxing, and he was definitely not at all talented in it...

But after becoming Uzumaki, he found the fuinjutsu arts very interesting, he can create seals all day long and still not get tired of it...

And now his talents for creating seals surpasses even the geniuses like Kushina by a lot, and in just a few days, his level 6 seals reached level 7, something, he can not even dream of achieving before.

Even geniuses, do not reach this level in merely a few days, it was only through luck that his seal, reached level 6 in a mere moment, and now with his godly talents in sealing arts, it was only matter of hard work for him to reach this level.


But it was not him alone, Sakuomo was making great progress as well, his Kenjutsu made a breakthrough, his white chakra becoming even more overwhelming, he, whose power level surpasses that of any Jonin Commander, is tackling on the verge of the General level, though... He still is far away from the likes of Experienced Generals, whose level surpasses their ranks, like that of Generals of Every Great nation.

Renji, Fugaku, Hiashi, Mikoto watched with awe as their Sensei, Fly the sword in the air, without the use of any support, the white chakra covers the sword, as Sakumo controlled the flying sword.

Mikoto Hiashi and Fugaku made Breakthroughs as well... They indeed are not merely called Geniuses for nothing, they are truly Genius, In mere Days, their Chakra Control reached the point where they can use their eyes effectively.

They were ready, to Infiltrate Suna Borders and trying to reach the camp.


(The night before Reaching Suna Borders)

"War, Kid! What do you think that there is such a thing?" Sakumo asked Renji this question when looking at the sleeping team.

"Uneven distribution of resources can lead to war; jealousy leads to war; hatred causes war… No matter what, there will always be a war somewhere. Sensei, you've been through a lot, having many battles. You know that this question probably has no better answer!" Said the blue hair sitting near him.

"Indeed! There will always be a war somewhere around the world. In fact, I've been looking for a way to reach true peace, but it's a shame that I can't find that yet. Kid, do you think there will be a day when people get along with each other?"

"I ask the same question myself on a daily basis Sensei... My Lady... mother once said to me that one must believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy, and I now believe in it. Let the dead bury the dead, but while I'm alive, I must live and be happy."

"The curse of hatred, the cycle of revenge, an eye for an eye, leaves the world with nothing but hatred and desire to revenge. I don't want my child to grow in this kind of environment... Sigh, Only if Everyone thinks like you"


"Hiashi, use your Byakugan to investigate what's in front of us. If there is no enemy in range, we'll advance. Be careful."Said Sakumo to Hiashi Hyuga.

He nodded and opened his Byukugan and observed their surroundings, Sakumo was also cautious about the surroundings and examining them himself.

"Sensei, No enemies found within 1 Km ahead."

"Very Well, we'll do this every Km. We don't want to accidentally fall in an ambush!" Sakumo knows that he and his team carries the only chance of success in winning the war. So he was really conscious.

The unit continued to move forward. Every Km, Hiashi would explore the surroundings to confirm safety. After going 5 kilometers in, Fugaku told them about the ambush.

"Sensei, I found Sand Ninjas in front of us, 27 of them!"

"But I don't see any of those"

"That's because your eyes see the chakra, the enemy is wearing the sealing tag to hide their chakra"

Hiashi clenched his fists

"Ha, So useless, You can't even fight and Now even your eyes are useless like you", Said Mikoto


She pouted and looked to the side...

This is what Sakumo Told Renji a few days ago, he understands the pride Uchia Carries... He can always reprimand her, and she will reflect on it, but he can never ask her to bow and apologize, she carries an extreme level of Pride into her just like every other Uchiha... and he has to respect her pride.

"We need information, Renji Scout", Said Sakumo he truly was really careful of not falling in an ambush.

Renji acted fast and held Mikoto's hand, "Keep Holding my hand, Let's go"


Renji and Mikoto were on a cliff watching, the ambush Suna Shinobi's, Renji can sense everyone with water inside their bodies, that's what Makes Hydrosensing the most effective Sensory Technique, but he can't see what they are doing but the one near him her eyes can see everything...

"There is one who is sitting cross legs, and telling people something, I believe he is the sensor, Rest are out in the open, I believe they are the assaulters, but there are 5 hidden, they have the seals made, They are the trouble ones", Said Mikoto.

"Anyone else?"

"Not that I can see"

"Very well let's go back"


They ran all the way back to their team, Renji for some reason held her hand during the entire trip.

"I can run myself, How long do you plan to hold my hand"

But he didn't let go of it and just kept looking at her.


"How do you manage to look so stunning every day? When I look at you, I become speechless. I can't get you out of my head"

"Seriously, I never Get you, how do you change your personality so fast every day, it's like I see New Uzumaki Renji every single day"

"You wish to know me? well, there is this one way..."

"Really What?"

"Come live in my heart. It's even rent-free."

"Ow Ow Ow It hurt... It Hurt"

"I know it hurts you pervert, Let's go everyone is waiting"

And they started running again...

"Just so you know my-Lady, when we get home, get ready because I am not letting you go. Not a second. I will miss you that much"

Mikoto never said anything but her face was entirely red as hell...

While the two-run close, while holding each other hands...

Renji as though he got an idea he stealthily sneaked closer to her and suddenly to her wide eyes kissed her cheeks.


"What happened, did you guys get attacked in the midway, why are you being so badly beaten", Asked Fugaku seeing Renji's Panda eyes.

"Yea, I was Attacked by a perverted shinobi... Don't worry though we handle it, right Renji?", asked Mikoto in a threatening glare



"What did you two find out?", Asked Sakumo, he had enough of these two love birds, they can flirt later but right now, there is something way more important.

Renji told everything to Sakumo... Sakumo made a plan for their own ambush.


In fact, Sakumo could have chosen to try to avoid this ambush and continue to advance. However, he knew that if they were caught by that team, they would suffer great losses due to the presence of weaker members on his team. As a captain, he had the responsibility to protect his men.

And his decision was relying on the presence of the Byakugan/ Sharingan on his team that can grasp the enemies movements and allows him to attack when appropriate...


Sand Shinobis were waiting for Konoha backup to come, they were given only one task take care of any backup Konoha will come up with.

They have been sitting here for a few months already, It was hard as nobody came till now to help Konoha Scums.

Suddenly... There was a moisture in the environment as the Humidity increased, they felt water level increasing in the atmosphere.

It was then, Renji blinked and appeared behind the Sand's Sensor Ninja, slitting his throat...

Sensors as the most dangerous element in a team need to be taken care of first, this is something Sakumo and Renji know first hand.

The Sand Ninjas who were protecting their Sensor companion was fast to attack Renji; Shurikens were thrown at him from every direction.

Noryokugan was said to be the sacred Kekkai Mora by the system, it said that it was one of the many eyes of the great Poseidon that he gifted... and the user of the eye can use water-related space and time abilities...

As Surikens made their way towards Renji who didn't even move from his original position

The Shurikens were just an Inch away from Renji when he made a hand sign and muttered

"Amatsukōkan" (Heavenly Substitution)

A plethora of Shurikens disappeared just ram into a body, as everyone grins only to have their eyes widened because the who got hit was a comrade of their own


But what mattered most was the watery wisp that suddenly hit them on the back of the neck, breaking it and sending the Suna Shinobis flying and ramming on the sand far away.

The assaulters tried to do something but a white chakra covered flying sword came to them from above, greatly surprising them, The flying sword cut them down in an extremely fast motion as the only thing that is being seen is the flying sword and the blood that flows in the air, Suna Shinobis were down before they knew it.

5 Shinobis reacted to this attack Pretty fast, but 2 fireballs and one wind attack disrupted them, not allowing them to help their friends.

Renji finished them using the Adamantine Sealing Chains...

Most of the Sand Ninja didn't even have time to respond to his attack and the few who managed to attack, Sakumo's disciple took care of them. While the rest is taken cared by, Sakumo Hatake

Sakumo and Renji epic performance did not just make the Sand Ninja panic; it also stunned his teammates who were observing him.

The team carrying the antidote continued approaching Konoha's Camp.


"Single enemy, 500 meters east, coming towards us", said Hiashi

"Someone, who can roam these sands all alone must be Jonin Commander or above", said Renji

Sakumo: "Alright, Hiashi take the antidote hide it, Renji take everyone Go"

"Right, Let's go"

Mikoto: "Renji, there are 10 people squad coming at us, from the north"

"Hide, we don't know of their strength"


When Suna nin came, Renji kept looking at them with a serious mood; Suna nin squad was smiling since it's nothing too dangerous but a single boy, while the low jonin leading was in extremely seriously mood, seeing his reaction everyone in Suna squad got into serious mood as well; they know far better, that age does not represent abilities and power.

"Earth Release: Sand stream"

The Suna Leader without a single word made hand signs and the sandstorm came covering the view of everyone in the field, it's not just the view, sandstorm allows the Suna Shinobis to properly utilize their Poison to the extreme.

What a pity, that they had to meet Hydromancer, whose sole ability is controlling the battlefield

Tiger → Dog → Monkey → Snake → Boar → Tiger

Hydromancy arts (Level 5): Suiten Hōfutsu (Liquid Memory)

This technique enables Renji to control water and moisture around oneself much like Gaara controls his sand. It can be used to block most incoming attacks, bind or drown opponents, and shape the water into various attacks, allowing the user to fight in areas that it normally need water to move around by either trapping the target in the same water or maneuvering the water to allow the water to chase the target. It is able to extract and utilize groundwater, and as is very effective.

He blocked all the attacks from Suna Shinobis, he controlled their movements and bind them and not allowing them to move on their own accord

But guess what, Hydromancy Arts Level 5 came with a surprise it was 2-way technique, as the 2nd way of this technique required him to use, Sacred Kekkai Mora, thus, Hydromancy Arts leveled up the moment he received his Eyes.

He made a Horse sign

"Hydromancy Arts: Deadzone"

That's was the very moment, when all hell breaks loose

Making use of Liquid Memory to cause water moisture to form a large number of small water droplets floating in the air, Renji used Hydromancy Arts to warp the water droplets at high speed in front of, behind of, on top of, or below his target; causing an onslaught of high-speed water droplets to strike the target, most likely killing them.

This was the first technique in Hydromancy arts that does not only control but kill them. This technique does not have any damaged system, it just purely kills...

Sakumo arrived a moment later with not a single scratch on his body seeing the dead bodies of Suna Shinobis he nodded to Renji and the team and they ran towards the camp with their full speed...

It was only the night that they managed to reach the Konoha Camp in Suna Borders