
War of Suna (Part 2)

At night, team Sakumo alongside Fugaku reached the Konoha, Suna frontline camp; only to see all beds covered with infected and near dying Konoha shinobis.

As soon as Sakumo entered the camp, Jiraiya personally came to meet them.

"Senpai, you're finally here. We have no time for rekindling. Let's cut to the chase, what is the status of Antidote?" Jiraiya asked.

Yes, we do carry it, Hiashi, go and give the antidote to the medical squad; Jiraiya, talk to me, tell me the situation here; also what do we need to look out for", Sakumo asked Jiraiya in a cold superior voice.

Jiraya: "But Senpai, why are you so beaten up"

Sakumo: "Long story short, Aasuhi clan general level"

Jiraya: ".....That must have sucked, to go against that kind of monster"

Sakumo: "Sigh, don't ask, I never wish to go against him ever again, now report"

Jiraya: "yes... These days before you came, there have been provocations every day, and occasionally the Sand would send a puppet master attacking us. Without the presence of medical Ninja to detoxify those who were poisoned, we didn't know if we could win this battle. Morale was low, but now that you guys are here, we must take this battle.

"What about our Intel?" Renji asked Jiraiya

Seeing Renji, Jiraiya's eyes widened, this is the famous Hydromancer, the Treasured disciple of White Fang and the strongest shinobi of his generation.

"Ji-ra-ya San", Renji tilted his head confused


"Sorry About that, according to the Intel we have from our Hyuga and Aburame Ninjas, the Sand camp has two strong Kage class fighters. One is the 4th Kazekage, and the other is old master Chiyo, Tomorrow, the battlefield will be the Wind country's sand desert. We'll be able to rely on the Hyugas' Byakugans so we don't get ambushed, but it won't be easy to ambush people in their own terrain." Jiraya answered him.

Sakumo: "What about other clans, why are you talking like we only have Hyuugas and Aburames in here"

Jiraya: Everyone else is done in, if Tsunade didn't send the antidote through you; we would have lost Hyuugas and Aburame's as well, and I would have died here, I guess we really have to thank her for saving every single one of us, not to mention they didn't even use their general as well Jinchiruki"


In the Sand camp, the 4th Kazekage and Chiyo were discussing the plans for tomorrow. While there were the Aburame and the Hyuga clans on Konoha's side for investigation, the sand naturally had their own means of obtaining information.

There was a shinobi kneeling in front of newly appointed Kazekage and lady Chiyo, "Sir, we have confirmation, Konoha's white fang along with his disciple entered their side of camp"

Chiyo: "That Hydromancer must be better than his fame specify; for them to be able to arrive, despite confronting, 27 Jonins and Chunins alongside Jonin commander"

Rasa: "Indeed, even if Jonin commander must have been taken in by white fang that Brat is definitely the one who defeated those 27 shinobis"

Chiyo: "Since, they already came shall we start our next phase of plan, or do you wish to wait in case more expert come"

Rasa shook his head, "we have no time for that, their side must have gotten the antidote just like we predicted, let's start the plan next phase, if anyone else joins in we will deal with it as they come"

Chiyo: "Right, let's show them the consequence of messing with Suna"

Rasa looking at the sand shinobi in front of him, "Here are your Kazekage orders"


"Start the next part of the plan, call both of them, tell them it's time to start, you know what else to do right?"

"YES, Lord Kazekage", with that sand nin disappeared

Lady Chiyo walked toward her camp in a leisure walk," you will pay for killing my son white fang; I will have my revenge on you soon"


(At Konoha, jiraya camp)

Sakumo: "Yes, with Tsunade antidote, we will have most of our allies healed; we can take them almost head-on; with Renji here we can take care of their Jinchiruki as well"

Suddenly Sakumo eyes landed on Renji who is lost in thought, as he is playing with a coin.

"What's wrong?"

"This is war, Any one of the variable can change the tide of war; this lady Chiyo played such a grand scheme; how the hell did she forget about Tsunade?, she is famous for not only being a Sannin but as one of the greatest doctor as well, at least I won't forget about her in a war will you?"

Jiraya: "..."

Sakumo: "..."

Renji: "Something is very wrong here, I believe we are not here because we want to be; I think we are here because lady Chiyo wanted you here sensei, this is not a war; this is an assassination attempt at your life"

Jiraya: "This... brat are you sure about it?"

Renji: "I am not"

Sakumo: "But if she wanted me here that means she already knew that the antidote will be cut open by Tsunade as well, and if that's the case this antidote will be useless from tomorrow onward.

Jiraya: "Agree, and if that old hag change the poison tomorrow and have the way to deal with you and Renji, we will be in the same situation like before, we definitely will lose"

Sakumo: "I agree with Renji this war is not about winning or losing; it's about killing me, they will send their ace in the sleeve to deal with me"

Renji: "Agree, we need to do something that not only will protect you; but also take care of any other scheme they must be brewing"

Jiraya: "It might be tough, but I will make arrangement for that, you two are severely beaten up, take rest for tonight; I will send a medical personal for you two; tomorrow you might need to fight like hell"

In the meantime; two shadows were making their way towards Suna Kazekage camp


(The same night) (Suna Border)

In the heights of the night, Renji was sitting at the cliff looking at the moon, that's illuminating the entire field in the shining of its beauty

"Tch, why do you always look at the moon; why not sleep, tomorrow you are going to fight in a war", came an unknown voice from behind him as the figure sat beside him

"You think it's grand right; 13 years old being a Jonin? being able to fight in the war when others at this age can't"

"Of course; being 13-year-old Jonin and being able to take part in a war means, if you survive you definitely are going to be a hero of Konoha, and you also will be getting your very own name in bingo book"

Renji smiling: "When I was 2, my lady; my mother always brings me and Lady Kushina on the balcony, we sat there for hours, While Lady Kushina and I play; she and father sat there and kept talking for hours looking at the moon, we did this daily"

Suddenly Renji smile faltered

"We didn't do it since I was 3"

Mikoto: "..."

"After my father's death; my lady my mother; she fell into shock because father couldn't make it back from a useless war that we won; a useless fight that made him extremely famous, she died from that shock; do you know when I buried her I didn't cry, I didn't shed a single tear because I had to take care of lady Kushina my little sister who was just 2 at that time"

Mikoto: "...."

"He was hailed as a hero; they all looked at him like some kind of god, but after mother and father death they treated us worse than beggars; I had to work extremely hard so that I could keep our family house, our family money and keep feeding lady Kushina"

Mikoto: "...."

"Do you know when I was feeling proud that I actually kept our house, our money that's when Uzu village council decided, our family house, our family money, will be taken and we both were to sent to orphanage, ha those greedy old people"

Mikoto: "...."

"At that time one person helped us because I was his successor (Third Uzukage)... He died during Uzushio Massacre"

Mikoto: "...."

"This world does need a hero Mikoto, but I am not that hero, even if I am, then I am not the type of hero that everyone needs right now, all I want is to survive and continue to live and see another day"

"Then why? why do you fight, so hard?"....Mikoto's voice was nothing more than a whisper at this point

Renji held her arm crosses his fingers with hers and rest his head on her shoulders

"Because innocents die, innocence die- this is what happens in a war; I fight to protect my people, those who are innocents, and the innocence of my sister even though I know that she will lose it later"

"Sakumo sensei believe that there will be someone who will save us all, someone who will bring peace to the world, someone who will make the world a better place to live"

"I long for that day Mikoto, and I am trying my hardest to keep everyone I care alive; to see that day"

"It's a nice dream", said Mikoto as she crossed her fingers with Renji's and rest her head against his

Renji chuckling, "You know you are the softest person alive I know till date, even your shoulders are soft"

Mikoto totally red faced: "...."

"Can you stay like this tonight, I don't think I want to be alone right now; since tomorrow we are going to fight in a war"

"Of course", said Mikoto as they both kept sitting under the bright illuminating light of moon

Renji: "Can I kiss you?"

Mikoto: "No"

Renji: "On the cheeks?"

Mikoto: "No... Maybe later"

Renji eyes wide: "Really?"

Mikoto blushes: "Mmm"

Renji smiling and blushing: "Alright, goodnight and don't forget your promise"

Mikoto blushing: "Good night, pervert"

Renji blushing: "Goodnight, Beautiful"

At another location not far from Renji's sitting place there were two people sitting as well as they kept listening to Renji and mikoto talk as they chuckled at the young couple talk

Sakumo and Jiraiya kept laughing at the expense of Renji and Mikoto and keep talking under the brightest moon...


(Next Morning)

An army of around 1000 sand ninjas standing around in formation ready to tackle almost anything that comes their way; while on the opposite side, Konoha mostly recovered but their numbers already 30% less than their original numbers; around 600 or so konoha ninja's are remaining to fight actively in the field

Lady Chiyo watched Hatake Sakumo with intense hatred; while Kazekage rasa watched the sole 13 years on the battlefield wearing the old and tattered headband of uzu village.

As both sides stare at each other in a standoff; the current and tension in the air is overwhelming; at some distance, away Mikoto, Hisashi, and Fugaku are watching this fight as well, since they need to get used to battle to horrors of war and to blood


Suddenly, the sand turned into the watery field as everyone looks towards the source Renji who was standing in the praying motion.

They decided it's best for changing the battlefield as soon as possible this time... since there are still elements of surprise.


"Scorch Release: Twilight's End"

Suna's General Sent the burning Hot mini sun, towards the water field and---


White smoke covers everything for a second before a voice came from Suna's side

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"

The White smoke cleared out, with great winds that flow

Renji's eyes narrowed, This is the first time, anyone was able to destroy his Water Field so easily, Hydroforming is the source of half of his techniques.

Suna's General is the natural enemy of Renji with him having the Mutated water release, and him having the Scorch Release...

Like unable to take the pressure Renji started to move and soon he was running at full speed, towards Suna army.

Rasa snickered at the naive 13-year-old, who lost his temper with Just a single counter of his jutsu, he has overestimated the Hydromancer.

"Mirei, Stop him", Said Rasa as he orders the one near him.

"Yes, Lord Kazekage"

Mirei ran forward and made the hand signs in a blurring speed...

"Wind Release: Air Blades"

Mirei used wind chakra to generate blades of wind potent enough to destroy the surrounding landscape and slash enemies from a distance. The Air Blades are so strong that they cause the target to explode with devastating damage, and are powerful enough to easily kill a giant summon creature by cutting them into pieces.

The Wind Blades, Made their way towards Renji who was holding a single seal, as he throws the seal towards the wind blades.


Black Smoke covered Konoha side completely with a devastating Blast of Uzumaki Level Seal...

From Inside the black smoke Sakumo, Jiraiya, Aburame, Hyuga... A plethora of Konoha Shinobi's came out of that smoke as they charged towards Suna.

The black smoke cleared out with Humongous Adamantine Chains coming out his back and 8 Watery Wisps flowing and circling him.

He had his hood up and he is in taijutsu position.


Suna General Yelled and, Suna Charged towards Konoha as well.

The war started.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Throw of God"

Sakumo threw his weapon covered in Electric Chakra, increasing it's Piercing abilities, and Using Wind Chakra to increase its speed.


A Huge explosion occurs as many Suna shinobis died, but what makes the matter worse is that...

A flying sword covered in white chakra, fly on its own, while Sakumo created a Havoc on his own as well, it's like fighting 2 Hatake Sakumo.

A White line could be seen as The flying sword slammed into a puppet, by Lady Chiyo.

Sakumo jumped to the air, and the flying sword returned to him.

"Hatake Style: Sword Pressure"

A White line was drawn from above to ground in a straight line, as a huge explosion occurs yet again.


Suna General killed left and right, all Konoha Scums that come in front of him die and burnt to the crisp.

But a water vortex distracted him as he evaporates the water vortex, only to be in front of Adamantine sealing Chains...

As General of Suna and the Treasure Disciple of White Fang looked at each other in a standoff

Kazekage Deflects the attack from the combined effects of Hyuga head, Uchiha head, and Jiraiya. As he alone fights 1 on 3 battle.

The War Of Suna Has Started...