
The Terrifying Ice (Part 1)



That's the only thing Renji could see.

He Kept walking on the water, surprisingly he didn't need Chakra Control to walk on the water field. It's just like the land, the waves coming from the uneven sea, did nothing but soothe his tiredness of walking for so long...

Before long, he traveled for god knows how long...

After an unknown time He finally stopped moving as he saw a grandfather type bearded man whose lower side, was covered in the sea, he got serious abs and muscles...

The grandfather bearded man kept looking at Renji before he finally smiled, "We met again child"

He gracefully bowed towards the person with utmost respect possible, "Indeed Lord Poseidon, it seems that I have died yet again."

Great God Poseidon just smiled at that...

"Who told you that you died my child"


"Wait, I didn't die?", he looked here and there, left and right, "Why Am I here? Isn't this your Domain?"

"No my child, you indeed are not dead, 'yet', as for why you are here, I called upon your soul"


"Because I need a favor from you"


"HeheheHahahaha... You?... you need a favor... from me?.... You are the almighty God, that could destroy universes and dimensions if he ever wished for it, and you need a favor from me? My lord, I didn't know that Even Almighty can have a sense of humor"

The sea god, Poseidon, didn't felt anger instead he smiled and giggled along with the joke and joined Renji in Laughing.

"I am Telling the truth, my child, I need a favor"

"Wait, you serious? Wow... I mean Sir, I mean My Lord, I am truly grateful for this Great honor but why me?"

"Let's just say that it's because you once saved my child, and as a result, I gave you a gift, by making you the god's warrior, I even gave you the pair of special eyes, because you had proven yourself, Worthy warrior... But there was another reason I sent you over that world."

"Another reason My Lord?"

"I sent you there to protect a child"

"A Child... whose child it may be my lord?"

Great God Poseidon smiled as a though clicked Renji's head instead...

"Of course, you wished for me look after the child of a god... a Half-Blood isn't it?"

"Lesser god, if I say precisely... but yes, you are right my child, I sent you there to protect a half-blood"

"So... Why are you looking out for a child from a Lesser god, I mean you are one of the big 3's"

"I owe the lesser god a promise to look after his Child for his lifetime services"

"So you sent me to protect the Half-Blood, but I didn't see him or her maybe."

"That's because I reincarnated you a few years prior to the destined meeting"

"So you made a mistake?"

Poseidon smiled

"Gods never make a mistake my child... the only reason you never got to meet her, is because some humans adopted you, after a year you got adopted, she was left at the doorstep of the orphanage"

"Wait, I was never destined to meet mother and father?"

"Well... destiny is nothing but your decisions my child, Gods never decide anything for you, they just ask you questions, whatever comes your way, whatever battle you have raging inside of you, You always have a choice, And It is your choices that make you, who you are, and you always have a choice to do, what you think is right"

"They adopted you, it's their decision, they give up their life because that's how the consequences of their actions lead them to, you chose to give up your life to protect that man you call teacher, it's your decision, you chose to protect Your Little Surrogate Sister that's your choice too"

"You choose to be a hero or a villain it's all up to you my child... but well you are my only warrior in that dimension, of course, I have to look after the Lesser god's child... and Who better than my warrior, Of course if I could leave my post and stop looking after countless dimensions well being, I would have done it myself"

"What's the request, my Lord?", Renji finally convinced

"During the massacre of your hometown, you call Uzushio, she died brutally, and thus, she gathered too much darkness inside of her... That Dark Energy is interfering in her reincarnation, I need you to take care of that Dark Energy"

"You are asking me, to carry her soul? won't I have personality disorder"

"Hahaha... No my child, All I am asking is you to carry the darkness she carries"

"Won't that makes me... You know"

"My Gift will protect you, my child, don't forget, whatever great darkness she carries inside of her, it is not enough to fight my powers, That Dark energy I shall certainly be able to freeze it... I just need you to be the container of the frozen energy"

"What will happen to her?"

"After The dark Energy inside of her is gone, she will be able to enter nirvana, and her soul can be purified, before throwing her soul in the river of forgetness"

"3 months later, She will be reborn and you will be able to find her in the dark Forest of your Hometown"

"Forest of death?"

"If that's what you call it"

"Alright I accept"

"Very Well, You will now be revived in your current position"

"My Lord... There is another person... My teacher, he is dying alongside me, can you revive him as well"

"Very Well, Consider it as your compensation for your services, I will revive both of you, but remember my child next time is the Last time, you shall ever receive the god's blessings, begone Human"


(Konoha Suna Camp) (Sakumo's Camp)

Renji opened up his eyes, albeit barely, and painfully. Only to read a bunch of messages in front of his eyes.


[Dark Soul found]

[Perks Granted]

[Icy Icy Baby: Water god has frozen the Dark Energy inside of you, giving you the powers of Ice, because of it, as the last compensation of doing him a favor, Freezing release, Frost Release Available]

[Water Mastery: 100%]

[Frost Mastery: 100%]

[Freezing Mastery: 100%]

[In the future, if the user used Freezing release, Frost Release or Water release, User will be able to cast any Jutsu with no or one hand sign, Even the newly learned ones as well]


'Wait... Freezing Release? The most powerful Ice release, Bloodline Kekkai Tota, and also the Frost Release as well, the most powerful version of Ice-Release Kekkai Genkai... Goddammit, that guy is sure very very very powerful, I need to look after that girl well enough or he might truly screw me over'



He smiled as he watched his teacher opening his eyes

"Hey Sensei"

"What just happened here Renji?"

"Don't Know, Just Opened up my eyes as well"


(Konoha's Camp) (Jiraiya's Camp)

"You truly want me to become a workaholic like you are, right old man?", Renji was truly feeling unfair for he was on the battlefield with his sensei.

Jiraiya was explaining the strategy of today when the flap of the tent lifted up, and they came inside.


'How the hell did they manage to live', everyone was thinking the same question as Sakumo came in front and stand beside the gawking Jiraiya, while Renji joined the Rank of Jonins

"Jiraiya... Stop Staring at us already, we don't know how the heck did we managed to get up as well, and just like you guys we are as clueless, So... what is the plan for today", Sakumo said in a commanding tone

"Uh... Senpai, you do know what day it is today right?"

Sakumo's eyebrows frowned, "What do you mean what day is it today, isn't it just the next day we won the battle against Suna"

"Uh... I think you should go back and rest, we can handle it"


"Sigh...it's 3 Months already, we barely kept you alive all this time, and Tsunade is busy preparing for the antidote for you two, for 3 months at Iwa's front"


"3 Months, you telling me we didn't manage to win the war even when their general died, and their Kazekage is occupied by you", asked Renji

"Well... Things have gotten out of hand recently, Suna has a Guardian"

"A guardian?"

"Yes, apparently That Guardian is the 3rd Kage level ninja inside Suna that resides in the village, we are losing for 3 months Senpai... we are losing for 3 months straight, even without the poison... Only if our True Forces were here"

"Renji", Called Sakumo


"How long can you Handle Lady Chiyo?"

"I might be able to fight for pretty long captain"

Sakumo's eyes narrowed, Renji is growing too fast, he is growing way too fast, and it's not something because of his training the young Uzumaki... He is going to ask Renji afterward for sure.

"Jiraiya you and I will handle that Guardian, Kage level or not, with me nearing the Kage Level and you the level of Jonin Commander, we might be able to handle that guy or stop him to attack our guys"

"Hyuga Head and Uchiha Head will fight 4th Kazekage"




Konoha and Suna were standing on the opposite side as the current tension took place, the time of war is nearly here...


Both Side yelled at nearly the same time, as they both ran forward...

As all tackle with each other...

The Battle started...