
The Talk

Name: Uzumaki Renji

Bounty Nickname: Hydromancer

Age: 13

Affiliation: Konoha

Threat level- A

Physical features: Has striking blue hair coming down till his shoulders and blue eyes. Wears black leather armor with a dark color cloak. Keeps a black hood up whenever doing the assassination. The face is said to be handsome with sharp features

Elemental Affinity: Water, Sea Release

Known jutsus: High ranking water jutsus, enhanced chakra strength

Preferred jutsus: Hydromancy Arts (S -Rank set of skill)

Uzumaki Renji, a survivor of the Uzumaki Massacre. Do not seem to share the Blood of Uzumaki's. He's known for his incredible control of water. Is able to produce water out of thin air. The danger comes from the very specific set of controlling skills known as Hydromancy arts. Rumor to have control entire battlefield made of 50 shinobis and did not even allow them to move on their own accord. he chooses not to kill if he can help it.


2 million (Iwa) Dead or Alive

1 million (Kumo) Dead or Alive


Hokage closed the Bingo book he was reading and just sighed...

"Sigh...It's way faster than I have predicted...Say, Monkey, don't you think Renji is quite strange", Hokage said

"I am afraid I am not good enough, to get what you saying, sir"

"This Hydromancy skill as he called it, I accept that it was taught to him when he was in Uzshio by someone...but...why didn't that person Helped during Uzushio massacre...and how the hell is he making progress in it"

"Sir? I believe he is creating the technique on his own"

"Creating a technique is not that easy." Hokage explained. His teacher second Hokage made numerous self-created techniques, but it was created only after years of hard work and experimentation"

Monkey's expression changed after hearing that.

"Unless he has God-given talents, or …"

"someone is still teaching him", Monkey said, completing the sentence for him.

"It's impossible, Uzumaki Renji is under direct surveillance, He is not being taught by anyone else Hatake Sakumo...This I can confirm...Perhaps it's written...No...I don't think he told the truth when he said the hydromancy art is taught to him by someone...otherwise...how the hell did that person not help in Uzushio massacre"

"But sir, If it's a self-made Technique and is unknown to anyone before then...How?"

"A kid, not even 8, created a technique that requires Great amount of years to be able to master, not to mention he made it from scratch...Prepare a message, Tell Uchiha Mikoto that her mission is surveillance, she needs to report everything about Uzumaki Renji."

"S-Sir do you think it's a good decision? If he finds out"

"Nothing will happen...the brat is not strong enough...even if he can dessert Konoha, don't forget, Kushina Uzumaki is the village's Jinchiruki, and his entire clan is here...a clan that 4 elemental nations are trying to destroy...besides...I won't have an uncertainty inside my village, not on my watch"

"Yes, Lord Hokage, I will prepare the message"


That night they were in camp resting before continuing their journey, it was Sakumo's turn to look out, Renji appeared beside him and sat on the log Sakumo was sitting at

"Is it your Turn Already?"

"Yup, can't let the elderly do the physical work", he said seriously

"You brat...once we get home...I am going to whip you a new one"

Renji grinned, "You won't get the time once you get home sensei...Although I never said it, but congratulations"


"You knew?"

"Yea, I mean how long do you think you can hide the fact that auntie is pregnant with your child"

"Do you think we are going to be good parents?"

"Yea, at least Auntie will, you...I don't know"


"But there is one thing I do know, that the child will be happy being your son or daughter because you will love your kid with everything you got, and you will protect the child's innocence"

"Sorry kid," said Sakumo looking guilty

"For what, I already decided that I will fight for protecting my sister's innocence and my clan's innocents"

"Yes, but in the process, you lost your innocence and in the end, Kushina will lose it as well", Sakumo just held his hairs "My wife is pregnant, I don't want my child to lose his/her innocence

"Innocence dies, innocents die this is what happens in a war, This is the first lesson you taught me sensei", Renji's voice was nothing more than a whisper

Sakumo looked up towards the sky, "When will the day come?...when will it be all finish? when will someone who make this world a better place to live will come?"

"I don't know sensei, I just wish we, our family, and Little Kushina survive till that day to see the new rising, the era of peace, where kids don't have to go see the blood; where being a shinobi means a coolest thing in the world not hired killers; where there is no war...For the war takes away your most precious people", said Renji Rubbing the old wedding ring of his mother that he wears

"You miss your mother and father don't you, that's why you didn't want to kill because it reminded you of him your father, his dead face, if it wasn't for Kushina you wouldn't be fighting and instead be a civilian, won't you? "

"I am not such a great person Sensei, But for Lady Kushina, even if it Kills me, I will make sure to protect her. And when she is old enough to marry, I will visit, Mother's and Father's grave to proudly exclaim that I completed my task... I married her to a great punk, who will protect her in my stead... I think they will be proud of me in the heavens."

"You are a great person Renji, but More than that, I do Genuinely believe that you are the best big brother out there, 9 months later I am going to be a father, at that moment I will name you as honorary big brother for my kid, when they are two and running around calling you Nii-san Nii-san that moment for me will be the peace I am waiting for"

"That's a nice name dream, I will name you as an honorary grandfather for my kids as well"

"Very well then, I will gladly take that position if I manage to live through till that time; look out well kid, I am going back to sleep"

"Good night"

"Yea Good night, Stay Sharp"

(After 1 hour)

"Looking out is the most boring job out there", came a female voice behind renji

"Well it's necessary", said Renji smiling

"Yeah, that's true"

"Why are you here Mikoto?"

"I came to talk"

Renji Smiled and leaned towards her...


She was shocked and leaned back, his smile grew only wider as he leans even more

His lips slowly form into a smile; a very special kind of smile, the one that he uses when he wants to make someone weak in the knees.

He shifts closer to Mikoto, looking at her through lowered lashes. His smile only widens when he see her lose her balance slightly.

"So", he says, keeping his voice low, "you're worried about me, are you?"

"Uh", Mikoto looks at him uncertainly, eyes darting to the side and back to Renji. "Uh, uh-huh, of- of course! I mean, y-you are..."

"Yes?" He leans in closer, sensing how close he is to victory when her face gradually grows red. "What am I, Mikoto? Don't be shy, now."

Ow Ow Ow...I am sorry... It hurts It hurts

She rang his ears, "Don't act smart you pervert", she pushed him and they were sitting as nothing happened

"Seriously, I don't get you, One moment you are this brave and heroic person, another moment you are kind, and then another moment you are cold heart assassin, and then you are a pervert... Seriously...What the heck are you?"

He laughed and shook his head, "Why are you here Mikoto?"

"What do you mean? I told you I am Here to talk"

"Are you feeling guilty?", asked Renji





"Yes, I am feeling guilty...You are hurt...You shouldn't be doing the lookout...You should be the one doing the rest"

"Mikoto listen---

"You are hurt because of me...that attack was meant for me...I am the one who's shoulder should have been pierced...Yet..Yet

"Mikoto look at me---

"You warned us beforehand and yet I didn't ev-", her eyes widened for he suddenly hugged her

"You are so soft, Especially your chest, it's so freaking soft like a marshmallow"

"W-What are you talking you idiot" when she tried to push him away, he spoke again

"Mikoto, It wasn't your fault, It wasn't anyone's fault, I am the one who decided to come in front of that attack...once you are a team...You look after your team...through and thorough"


"Mikoto", he said forcefully

"Although it doesn't hold true for every bit of happiness or sadness, we still share things extent. That's what it means to be a team. One person's happiness is everyone's happiness… One person's anger is everyone's anger… one person's tears are everyone's tears. And one person's pain is everyone's Pain. There is no need to feel guilt-ridden. Our hearts...My heart...have surely reached you." Renji said bringing tears to Mikoto's eyes. "Lift your head high! I am proud to be a member of your team."

"But aren't you in pain?"

"Well, it's nothing; besides the emergency healing is done quite perfectly, not to mention we are so close to iwa's border; Lady Tsunade will be able to help me with the healing, so there is nothing to worry about"

"How? how are you so strong, I have been trained by my father the Anbu general since a young age, his ranking and abilities surpass the jonin commander Sakumo sensei by quite a bit, yet here we are, you being Sakumo sensei's student and me being Anbu general daughter we are of the same age but the difference between us is so large, you can already defeat jonins, and i-i can't ev-"

"We are not your clan Mikoto, we won't ever judge you how strong you are because you are the daughter of the Anbu general; Sakumo sensei and I will always look at you as a teammate; we will judge you if you have trained hard, we will look out for each other because we are a team and we will fight and bicker with each other, but, eventually, we will become precious to each other"

While they were talking Mikoto never realized that Renji is still hugging her

"You know, you are the first girl I ever hugged other than my sister it feels so nice, you are truly soft", reminding Mikoto that they are still hugging each other

"Y-Y-Y-You GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!!!", said Mikoto before pushing and giving Renji a right and left panda eyes.

None saw the ordinary wooden bird, carrying the message from Konoha went straight into Mikoto's tent


(At morning)

Hiashi: "what happened to your eyes"

Fugaku: "Did the enemy attacked last night, you should have woken us up you can't keep fighting or you won't last in the main battle"

Renji was smiling and blushing hard and Mikoto, well Mikoto too was blushing hard while Sakumo just smiling and preparing his weapons like he didn't see Renji's panda eyes

"Alright kids leisure time is over, we are too close to iwa border means the situation changes; after we cross this forest we will be attacked frequently we need to get to our side as fast as possible because if we stop to take a rest that will be our final rest"

"Renji go all out from this moment onward, you are also our scout from this very moment, fugaku, mikoto, hiashi from this moment onward you are to listen to every command we give; whether it is to run, hide or even to leave us; you are going to follow it at once, no question asked other than that you will be sticking together with each other and to me" AM I CLEAR

"CRYSTAL" came the shout of everyone