
The Invasion of Kiri (Parte-1)

Lord Daimyo of stone was discussing the trade with his advisers when one of his servants came running

There was a scowl on everyone's face at that time


"Lo-Lord Dai-Daimyo, we have an Emergency"

"What is it?", ask Lord Daimyo

"Sir, Today there is this note says-"

"Give it to me", interrupted Lord Daimyo

He looked at the note saying

--Konohagakure has Declared War Against Kirigakure, Mess with us and we'll do something worse than kill you, Keep your eyes open, Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because one day I'll find you, and then you'll be crow food.

Try to Kill our Children, And Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there's nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did in the First Shinobi War.

-- Uchiha Kagami, General nō Konohagakure, Shinobi no Reaper

"What do you think?", asked Daimyo, He is not afraid of this threat letter, he nearly receives it daily, How can he be a Daimyo if he can't even handle merely a threat

"Sir...from what I have heard, he is on the same level as that of Iwa's General Aashui Haru, some say that he is even stronger", said One of the Advisor

"Yes, even I heard of him... He is Good"

"Very Well, Prepare for Moving; we shall move to the Hidden Location, He shall not be able to fight the entire village all by himself"



When the servant who gave the threat letter to Daimyo returns to his quarters, he fell unconscious as a man appeared behind him, apparently, the servant has been in Genjutsu this entire time.

"Rest well", was the last thing the man muttered before neatly killing the servant with his blade.

That man was Sakumo.


(2 weeks later)

A carriage was moving on the main road of some Secret path with a bunch of samurais, for the protection

Suddenly, one of the samurais fell


"What the hell---

A Shadow fell from the sky instantly killing one of the guards



"Eight Trigram: 64 Palm"

That Shadow was Hiashi


"Hello, Lord Daimyo", a Red eye Sharingan girl asked as she magically appeared in the carriage

"W-who are you, and How a-are you here, MAN THERE IS A ASSASSIN SAVE ME", Lord Daimyo was scared at the very least

She smiles sweetly and the next moment blood sprayed on her face.

Lord Daimyo is Killed... by the hands of Uchiha Mikoto


(At unknown Location) (in Kiri)

One of the Shinobi was expressionless, standing in front of a pit as he was looking at his arms he made a single hand sign and visual sealing lost its effect revealing two seals put up in his arms (one to manage chakra) (other is the storage seal)

He took out sealing the paper and a brush.

That person was Renji...


A Bunch of Chunin were patrolling the area and eventually, they reached a relatively abandoned area...

Suddenly the area is covered in pitch-black darkness.

Assassin arts: hidden night...is the name of this technique, in the right hand at the right place and at the right time, this thing is lethal, this genjutsu was created by Sakumo Hatake, and he becomes the technique's only user, of course with Renji being his disciple, he learned it as well.

When the darkness ascended from the surroundings, and there is light in the surrounding again

One injured Kiri Chunin looked afraid, the only thing that is visible to him near surrounding were dead bodies of the patrol squad chunins


In a room, the sensors were watching and sensing everyone's chakra, when they suddenly lost the chakra of the squad patrolling the village, they were in a frenzy and flustered state but still didn't lose their cool, and they send the ANBU to immediately inform Lord Mizukage


The Middle Age man, Second Mizukage was fuming when he heard, that his team of patroling chunin was gone, when suddenly an Injured Chunin appeared before him, asking for help

Mizukage eyes widened seeing one of the patrolling squad, "How the hell, did you reach here?"

"Sir?", the injured Chunin was confused

"The sensors are monitoring everything, how the hell did you reach here without alerting our sensors?", at that Mizukage eyes widened "No...the right question is, how the hell did you survive"

"I-I", the Injured Chunin wanted to retort to that but there is nothing to retort to that, that's right how the hell did he survive

"RUN", Immediately yelled Mizukage once he saw the stunning state of his chunin

As soon as he yelled, the injured Chunin head was blown and there was poison gas in the entire Mizukage office.



A lady was playing with her daughter in front of Kage tower when she saw Lord Mizukage and bunch of ANBU guards immediately appeared out of nowhere, she seemed to be afraid as she took her daughter's hand and ran out of there

As soon she reached out of their sight...with a poof!! of smoke the daughter disappeared and mother turned into Renji...


The Sensors that were monitoring the situation, couldn't sense that a shadow appeared behind them

Tiger → Boar →Rat

"Water Style: Multi Water spears"

The water molecules in the air moved and from the thin air, Pointy spears were made

As soon as they heard the voice, they react with a un-natural reaction only for all to be put inside Illusion

The Spears moved in an Instant, stabbing the neck and the Adam apple of the Sensors




They fell...

They all fell without even making a single loud sound.

And soon all 13 sensors of Kirigakure lost their lives, without making a single noise

Sensors are necessary for any village survival, without a Sensor, The village is just basically asking for its death, In presence of a sensor any use of chakra will have every guard on full alert, and that's not an exaggeration, those sensors will react quickly to any techniques used. Hell, even using the tree-climbing exercise might bring them running.

It was just their bad luck the one they were facing was Hydromancer of Konoha, whose talents are being bestowed by the God himself, there is nothing he can't do, there is nothing he doesn't excel at; heck even if Hokage came here, he still won't be able to hide this well.

Now that the Sensors are out, there is nothing that is stopping, Konoha from entering the village.

He Contacted General Kagami using Yamanaka...





The entire Village has been alerted by now, Mizukage and his family alongside Karei clan, the royal family of Kiri and the elders all moved towards the safe house.

'Yosuke Karei' the mysterious, powerful, intelligent and the handsome General of Kirigakure, patrols the village on his watch, he even assigned every Kiri shinobi to their designated post.


"Are you sure, you took out every Sensor monitoring the Village? Even one of the Sensor can foil our plans", said Sakumo

"Their General is one I guess, I believe there are other Sensors too, but yes, all officially monitoring Sensors in the tower are dead, though Replacements might start monitoring very soon, though with all this confusion it will take them at least 60 minutes before actually starting the monitoring", informed Renji...

"We shouldn't take chances", said Hiashi

"I agree, they might start early", said Mikoto

"Very well, Alright Team listen up, Our Job is to secure the location, the best way to do is to create utter chaos, place the exploding bombs seals on every building, monument, anywhere you see fit... we will start in T-30 min, Any questions?"

"No sensei", Replied three of his students

"Very well Now one more thing, Not all Sensors are gonna be at one Place once again, It's highly ineffective, so that means there are other sensors around the village Hiding around, I will take care of the remaining ones, I will also keep the watch on their General, Mikoto, Hiashi put on the suppression tag, and keep hidden in the shadows, Renji Go and take care of any unannounced problem, Remember guys Time of invasion is T-30 Min, Any one of us get caught, the entire Konoha Army that is hidden just outside will get compromised... We will be in contact all the time, anything happens, tell everyone... Alright?... Now move"


(Somewhere in Kirigakure)

"Sensei, Why are Mikoto and Hiashi are in the village, aren't they Both only at High Chunnin Levels", asked Renji hidden in the shadows

"Uchiha's and Hyuuga's are proud, If their children are the cause of their embarrassment then they can then just go ahead and die", said Sakumo

"What... What do you mean, isn't it just over a Year that they officially become Genins", said Renji

"It's the Wartime Renji... Mikoto is the daughter of the person who is leading entire Konoha on the frontline, It's the highest post almost equal to that of Hokage, as his daughter Mikoto is not allowed to be the source of his embarrassment, Same goes for Fugaku, and also Hiashi considering they are the heirs of the Noble clan... Remember this Renji, they are born with the silver spoon in their mouth, that was the easy part though, their life is harder than me or yours or anyone else", said Sakumo

"Born as a Royalty in a place full of war huh? that's gotta be tough"


(1:45 PM) (15 Minute before the Invasion)

There was a clear Bright sky over Kiri, the stars twinkling brightly, the crescent moon smiling down at the earth, and the cool breeze drifting through the air. However, on this strand of air, came the scent of foreboding, as a dark figure could be seen leaping across the village rooftops towards the very edge of the village. His form silhouetted the sky, but nobody took notice. Even for those walking around the streets thought it was just a bird.

The shadow stopped and looked at the house, the supposedly safe house of Kirigakure

It was being guarded by dozens of Kiri shinobis

Looking around where he was crouched, perched on the very edge of the roof, he began taking closer looks at the perimeter defenses and building. He saw from where he sat perched about 500 yards out, that the fence was tagged with paper, indicating that the fence was rigged to detect anyone to set foot across it, and rigged to sound off alarms. He also noticed that the electric wires running into the building had tags hanging from them, as were the poles, and from closer inspection, a lot of the high points that could gain access to the roof of the building were rigged too.

After studying the perimeter fencing, he then began to analyze the guards patrolling the area. After watching for a few minutes, he knew exactly how the schedule would run, and where the holes were.

Only 7 Minutes Left till Konoha's Invasion...

Knowing that this was his only chance to enter the vicinity and escape perfectly without anybody catching him, he knew he couldn't miss this opportunity. After all, this was a particularly important Day.

Nodding, Renji made a cross sign and used as little chakra as possible on Shadow Clone, and the Transformed into an eagle. An exchange of silent words engaged them, with the figure reaching into his pouch behind him and pulled out a paper tag. Slapping it onto the stomach of the eagle, he then bid it on its way, knowing the summoned eagle knows what to do.

The eagle bowed and then took off, taking flight over the establishment. It swooped right over the fence, seeing that it didn't set off any alarms, before taking flight higher into the sky. Hovering near the most foliated areas, it let out a quick screech.


The young male waiting on the rooftops nodded and, forming a hand-sign, disappeared with a puff of smoke. A split second later, another puff of smoke appeared, not on the roof, but under the very seal that was placed on the airborne falcon. The Konoha assassin appeared out of the smoke, free-falling and performing a few flips, before diving straight into the waiting bushes below.

A pair of guards close the entrance of the gate caught wind of the rustling in the bushes to their left and glanced at each other.

"Go check that out," one of the masked Kiri guards said. His partner nodded and walked over, drawing his sword from his sheath behind him.

The dispatched guard disappeared into the darkness of the edge of the garden, stepping out of the light of the lamps and out of his partner's sight. Reaching the source of the supposed rustling, the Kiri ninja then began to probe the bushes one after the other. He forced aside vines and cut away at the branches obscuring his view, looking around through the dark and thick undergrowth for any signs of life. It was then, just as he was leaning in to take a closer look at a 'peculiar' looking flower, it suddenly shot out at him with a hand, striking at his neck and pulling him in sharply and soundlessly. The only sound was the rustling of more bushes.

The guard's comrade standing at the gate looked over when he heard the sudden sharp rustle of bushes and stepped forward. Unable to see anything, the guard then called for back-up. Three more showed up, and he pointed towards the bushes and trees.

"Go find Lord Mizukage! We might have a situation."

The guards nodded and drew their swords, rushing into the bushes. The guard watched from the sidelines through the dark, listening and watching for any signs of life. It was then, out of the darkness, he heard a light clang of a blade and suddenly a grunt, signaling trouble. The guard stepped back and drew his sword out

"Blast it…" But before he could do anything else, a shuriken shot out of nowhere, He grunted in shock and was about to shout out for help, but was silenced. All that was heard was a thud and his vision go blurry


The Kiri guard was running at high speed to find Lord Mizukage, when suddenly a figure jumped on him, killing him with water Blade, the guard was silenced without even making a single noise

"GHOST 2 IS IN POSITION AND READY TO SPOOK SIR", Renji telepathically Contacted General Kagami through the link created by Yamanaka secret clan techniques


Sakumo was standing on the body of the dead Sensors, God knows how and how many he killed and he did all that while hiding from Kiri General, that was impressive





A small Smirk appeared on General Kagami's face, "ALRIGHT LET THE PARTY BEGIN... SPOOK THEM"



I am sorry for being Late, Now I am back and will post 1 chapter till this thing is finish, I have it all planned as well... Just 2-3 Hours Daily wow Writing is tedious.

knight_in_armorcreators' thoughts