
Sakumo Vs Renji (Parte-1)

(3 Weeks Before the Invasion Of Kiri)

The Broken Soulless Renji was standing in front of the camp, most people were out there scouting so not many people are here.

"Mikoto... Are you in?"

The flap of the tent opened up and She came out, "Renji? What are you doing here?"

But he didn't say anything, her eyes furrowed, His eyes were dead

There was no life in those eyes of his.

"Come in", she grabbed his hand and forcefully pulled him in the camp

Once they were inside he suddenly hugged her.


She stopped when she felt the wetness on her shoulders

"Was it tough today?", she whispered

He did not say anything but hugged her tighter.

"You are so soft, I might touch you, taste you, feel you here"

"You are such a pervert", but she didn't push him this time since he was not in the condition to be pushed this time around.

"Mikoto... Can I say something?"

"Of Course"

"I Love you, I always did"

Mikoto red-faced: "..."

"I always want to hold you tightly in my embrace, For no meaning, no other reason, When everything feels wrong I Just feel so right with You"


"When I was out there, I thought of giving up everything, but I can't give up on you, You are my light in the darkness Mikoto, I'll live and die for You... I just feel you are keeping me alive, You are my salvation"

"... What about Kushi"

"She is someone Very-Very Precious, I will die to protect her, and I will Destroy this world for her... But I wanna Live with you... I don't wanna live in this world without you"


"My Heart burns for you Mikoto, I'll live and die for You and only you... Can't you say you love me as well?"


His hug tighten when she didn't say anything

"It's alright... I will wait for my answer, my love for you will never die, after all, we have plenty of time to marry each other, right?"


"Can I sleep here tonight?", he finally asked

"Sure", she whispered


The next morning arrived. Birds chirped and the howling of monsters rang out from the forest... Renji looked around. On the ground, Mikoto was buried in her sleeping bag, still asleep. Last night must have been cold as she only had her face peeking out. In a way, she looked like a caterpillar.

"…Why are you so cute?"

And after hesitating for like a million times... He finally kissed her on her cheeks with the red face...


Long after Renji left, Mikoto opened her eyes which she had kept tightly shut. She got up only after confirming that Renji had completely disappeared.

She had woken up a long time ago, but her mind was still in a daze...

—Why are you so cute?


And that kiss on the cheeks too

Mikoto's cheeks flushed red...

"Pervert", she finally muttered



A Bloody body was falling like a falling autumn Leaf in front of Renji...


Blood trickling down from her mouth, Mikoto simply stared at his eyes, a small smile playing at her lips, her breathing labored, and her fingers trembling.

"No, no, no, no…"

Renji suddenly dropped on his knees beside her before the enemy could even hit the ground, Kiri Shinobi's skin almost black burned with hot scald dragon that was formed from Renji's rage.

"Mikoto, oh no," he stammered his hands in front of him. He didn't know what to do with them, how to stop the life from leaving her body. They were only made for destruction, he did not have the power to heal her, and he was afraid that if he touched her, he would only make things worse.

"Renji," she whimpered, a tear falling from her eye. She had stopped smiling when she saw the expression on his face. It was a different look from the one showing his usual Pererted grin and lively eyes that he always showed her.

"Don't talk Mikoto, please don't talk," his voice quavered with emotion. He cradled her face in his hands, trying to imprint her beautiful traits in his memory. He almost wanted to turn away, he did not like to see her like this, she wasn't the Mikoto he knew and adored.

"Renji, it hurts," she let out in a small whisper as if she didn't want him to hear, "it hurts, and I'm cold, so cold…"

He almost wanted to scream at her to stop saying that, that she was going to be fine, that the sword embedded in her lower abdomen was going to be removed and the hole sealed as if nothing happened...

"R-Renji, I w-want to say something", her voice was getting weaker

"We will talk later alright, Don't You dare die, We didn't even have our first Kiss Dammit!!!", he was crying heavily

"Pervert", And She closed her eyes


His eyes searched for Tsunade, In this crowd, he could not find her, He tried but everywhere he sees is the war, People Killing each other, Blood spilling on everything...

And he lost it...


The water responded to his anger and it moved faster and faster... the Waves keep getting bigger and bigger...

His eyes were bloody red, as he forsakes to see any kind of reason anymore.

In this bloody night, the chaos fell into this world... This is his wraith... this is the Wraith of Poseidon

[Renji, I always wanted to say something, I Love You, I always did, I always Will, So, Don't Die for me, but live for us]

(Next Time, it's the Uncontrollable Poseidon Renji vs Greatest Swordsman Sakumo, So Don't forget to watch the next exciting episode on Dragonball Z)