


"Where are we going, Lady Kushina?", asked Renji

Kushina grins to Renji's confused face, yet she keeps walk forward while humming a song Renji doesn't know.

"Let's go on an adventure, Nii-San! Mozart once said, start your journey!"

Renji clamps his mouth shut, "Who is Mozart, anyway? And what adventure?"

"Geez...stupid big brother you should read more, you don't even know who is Mozart...and we are going for adventure"

'How the hell this Mozart is of any relevance?'

"You mean runs around and get ourselves lost." Renji flatly says.

And Kushina waves her hand in dismissal. "What a boring name. It's a journey!"


Renji doesn't have any chance to finish as Kushina pulls her hands off and soon, Renji is trying to catch up with Kushina.

They run on the road; Kushina waves at kids, at grandmas, and dodges a cat with three young ninjas on its heels. she laughs and Renji smiles seeing her like this, while he runs beside his surrogate sister.

Running like this should be tiring but with her, somehow it's fun instead.

"Stop, Nii San!" Kushina hushed, and Renji struggles to stop running and looked where his sister is looking at.

There's a man there, on a quiet alley. White, long hair, peeking inside a wooden fence from a little hole for one eye. His grins actually send Renji shiver.

"What a... freak", said Kushina huffing

"Language", Renji said Sternly

"But if freak is a bad word, So is this man bad?"

"Lady Kushina, Let's forget about him, and let's continue our adventure shall we?", he said looking around the bustling street


Renji looks around, and when he sees his sister, it's to see her holding a yellow cat in her hands. The older of the two blinks. He opens his mouth to ask but Kushina lifts one of the cat's paw and makes an 'sssh' sound, a signal for Renji to stay quiet. Confused, Renji frowns.

Then Kushina creeps her way to get closer to the white-haired man. Renji is actually very scared of what his sister would do, why would she do that, and what if the man catches Kushina but he could only watch.

It's amazing how the man doesn't realize Kushina who puts the cat on the man's back. Then she glanced at Renji with his mischievous smile, and Renji could feel his blood runs cold for some reason he doesn't know.

"You pervert!" Kushina screams with a high pitched voice which is so unlike her, "There's a pervert peeping here!"

Then chaos descends.

There are buckets flying around to hit the man; he yells, then the cat digs its claw on the man's neck and scratches his ear then his face before it jumps away, and the man yells more.

Kushina runs to Renji, grinning so widely it should hurt. And before Renji could understand that the man is yelling furiously "Come back here brats!" Kushina already pulls Renji for another run.

It's a run for their life, this time, as the man actually follows them.

Renji had a sweatdropped, he is sure that the man will burn them alive if he is able to catch them, with them won't even be able to resist, he ran even faster than his normal speed...with his hand holding Kushina's, They ran for their life.

Renji doesn't understand why Kushina could laugh that loudly in this crisis.

If not for the blond woman who appears and hits the man's head, Renji is sure they both will die. He can't deny that he doesn't want more journeys, though.

But there is something he even surer...his sister is more of a trouble than he realized till now.

~Interlude Ends~