
My Name is Hatake Sakumo...

Renji was sitting in a boat catching up with the two boats of Kushina with Kids and the Matron with adults, It was nearly a few hours since they set out into the water, but Renji was getting relentless, the Rain could not go on further or there will be flood and all three boats will sink deep into the water, but if the Rain stops, His Hyper-chakra sensing will be disabled meaning he would be Roaming in the deep sea with children being directionless.

He cursed, If only he knew chakra sensing, he could catch up with Matron and Kushina without the risk of being a flood.


Renji Looked back, Someone is coming towards them at an extremely fast speed, no two people are coming from the same direction...Dammitt...

But before he could think of something, the shadow of a Kiri Shinobi is already on their heel.

Gritting his teeth, Renji waved his hands and slide a leg backward, and on his palm, a globe of water appears sucking the water from the sea itself.

And then he shot his palm forward, and the glob turned into wisp as it moved forward in civilian speed at max.

The Kiri Shinobi sidestepped the water wisp, when suddenly another wisp came from the sea itself and hit his leg hard from behind, to make him unbalance, then two more wisps come from the air, Renji swept his hand down and then the wisp came down on Kiri shinobi but... the moment the two wisps were about to hit Kiri shinobi he jumped back...but the moment he landed back to the watery surface, he was already encircled with water wisps from all side including above...

The legendary Hydromancy Arts had a single use in battle...controlling the opponent movements in a battlefield. But only the wise person could do it, but what's the use of being wise if you don't have the intelligence to match. Although Renji increased both his intelligence and wisdom, it still isn't enough to fight someone so higher level.

Tiger → Snake → Rat → Snake → Tiger

Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Style: Water Barrier Jutsu)

A Barrier appeared and protected the Kiri Shinobi from Wisps although the water barrier got destroyed it doesn't matter because the Kiri Shinobi is already gone with a body flicker

Renji eyes widened when the Kiri Shinobi appeared behind him in a blur... that was the day Renji Understood the Value of Overwhelming Speed.

Kiri Shinobi caught the neck of Renji from behind and then...Slammed him on to the boat...again and again...till his nose got broken and his face got bruised

[Damage taken -10]

[Damage taken -10]

[Damage taken -10]

[Damage taken -10]

[Damage taken -10]

"Do not *Slam* Mess *Slam* With Us" *Slam*Slam

[User Health 180/300]

Renji was barely alive with so much bashing on to his face, his nose was bleeding, his eyes were barely open and his entire face was burning red with bruise all over

Kiri Shinobi satisfied by slamming the kid turned to other kids, "So how you all wish to die", Kiri Shinobi grin as he took a step towards the afraid children barely 8-9 years old.

But his leg got caught by an arm, " P-Please let-Let the children Go, I b-beg you"


And he kicked Renji's body again and again

Renji didn't let go, but the kicks never stopped coming and finally, his eyes started to feel heavy

[Damage taken -20]

[Damage taken -20]

[Damage taken -20]

[Damage taken -20]

[User Health 5/300]

[User is in the critical state]

[User has broken bones]

[User will die if not cared and healed within 3 days]

[User is in too much pain...User is going unconcious]

The moment Renji was going unconscious he felt it...another equally strong force coming at their site

*He lost his consciousness, just after the moment, he was able to see a grown up with red hair

And the Red Hair Uzumaki Jonin appeared out of thin air and locked on with Kiri Shinobi

That might be the Last face he could remember.


[You have been healed, HP is fully Recovered, CP is fully recovered]


Renji woke up with a startled only to see himself covered in bandages, Kushina was on his bedside sleeping with her head on his bed

"Where Am I?"

He looked around only to see white sheets and things like that, this was the hospital, somehow one of the kid managed to bring him here, he remembered the matron was going to the same direction as that of Kushina and he released a sigh of relief.

"I see that you are awake", came the voice of the white hair man from his side

"And who might you be?", asked Renji being startled

The white-haired man smiled, "My name is Hatake Sakumo

Rumors had that, the Greatest Hero of his time and era, Lord fourth Uzukage, the Member and the founder of the 7 members Legendary Team, met the white-haired hero for the first time in the hospital of Konohagakure.

Rumors also said that the White Hair Hero was the sole reason, Lord fourth Uzukage ever managed to become a great legendary shinobi, who Founded Legendary 7 member team, The Team that helped united the world and brought peace with the child of prophecy and his black hair comrade-in-arm.

The Name of the White Hair Hero was Hatake Sakumo, the most Talented Kenjutsu User, who ever walked on this planet.

Oops...I guess that's still in the far future for you...


Getting to know each other, and finding the location of each of the Uzumaki that was brought to Konoha...The Interrogation finally started under the stern gaze of Sakumo.

"So...Everyone that I have asked, said that You Have saved them, I commandeer your bravery, It truly was something that I would've never be able to do, when I was at your Age, as it requires Bravery beyond measure... but according to the file that we gathered on you, It turned out you are just 9 years Old this year, Care to tell me, How a mere 9-year-Old fought a fully fledged shinobi and saved so many Kids and Adults."

"Because I Know very powerful Taijutsu Arts", he said with a polite smile

Sakumo nodded as he nodded his head and wrote something down

"Care to tell me, how do you know this very powerful Taijutsu Arts?"

"Uzumaki Secret Sire"

"A Secret hmmm...Is it something I should be alert of", asked Sakumo watching every single expression of Renji for the slip-up

"No sire, I will never harm my and my clan saviour....at least If I can help it"

Sakumo nodded if he didn't say that that last sentence, he would have never believed it...And after asking some more things before he let go.

"Very Well, Get some rest some genin will be here to guide you back towards Uzumaki Compound"

"Compound, Sire?"

"Yes, Apparently one of the adult you saved asked Mito-Sama to allow them to build an Uzumaki Compound, and that's where your entire clan...at least what's left of it, lives.

*Blinks*Blinks... 'How the hell did the adults manage to build the compound so fast?'

"How long was I asleep here sire?"

"Tomorrow will be 6 months exact"




"...and you remain here to ask me the questions for 6 months"

"We were taking turns Kiddo, It was just luck that I met you today"

"Can I ask you a Question Sire..."


"Why did they do it...Destroy our village I mean...We weren't even the participant in the war", asked Renji feeling Unfair

"Because Uzumaki's were too much of a threat to be left alone...Because some people sitting in the chair decided the worth of the life of Uzumaki", said Sakumo in a Neutral Voice

"I see"

"Do you have any other question?"

"No sire"

"Very well rest, a genin team will come and fetch you anytime...also, Call me Sire again and I will spank you so hard that you will butt will be entirely red"

"why would you do that? I am an adult trapped inside the body of a kid"

"Yes...Your clanmates told me about this little quirk of yours"

"But I am telling the truth"

"Yes...Yes...I understand"


'Sigh...why does no one believe me...even though this is a world where most bizarre of things happens...How come people doubt me about this and don't question people shooting dragon out of their mouth'

"B-But My mother told me this is how I should talk with everyone"

"I don't care what your mother told you, I have to go since I got a very tight schedule...Don't ever call me sire...Goodbye"


The Genin took Renji towards the outskirts of the Village where there is a huge compound with many redheads doing their work...

From his angle, there were many uzumakis that lived, it's lively in there, but he knew that the ones he lost were too many of them. This much is not even the 1/10 of their true population.

"Hey Look Who's back", the voice of a child interrupted everyone's work.



Everyone clapped, everyone hailed him as a hero

He grins and embarrassed as he walks forward with a red face.

"Nii saan"

"Lady Kushina"

Kushina ran and hugged him tight...as both of them walk towards their home.


"Alright go and wash your hands up, I am gonna go and prepare the breakfast, you can then go to the academy and later tell me all about it. I Will look out for any kind of work I can find for us to go by..."

He said as he prepares to make breakfast

"Nii saan you didn't hear?"

"Heard what?", he smiled gently as he prepares the table for them to eat

"You are an Academy Student as well"

"I am what..."

"You ar-

"I heard you the first time"

"Well you asked", she shrugged her shoulders

"Who-Who the hell did this...Lady Kushina We are not financially capable of producing our fee, not to mention I am 10 years Old, don't you think It will be super embarrassing to be in mid of 6 years Old"

{A/N} [People Till Kakashi era, attend the academy at an early age] [And this is Minato's era]

"I don't know but they said that our fee is paid by Mito sama...Besides I am 9 as well"

"Yes, You are 9 and you are admitted straight in the final year...I am past the age of academy"

"Nii saan don't you think you are being too paranoid"

'This is not working time for another plan'

"What about household income? If I don't work how the hell will we eat"

"I can help with that?", came the voice from the sideline of a 21-year-old lady

"Y-You are the lady...I mean Welcome to our humble House Lady Matron"

Kushina and orphanage matron chuckled at the way of speech of a boy who is always trying to be an adult

She sat and start talking, "Well I will give you the household income, till you both graduate...you can use that money anyhow you wish"

"I won't accept that"

She giggled and pinched the nose of Renji at which he growled and she giggled again, "I am not giving you the money for free, my little big adult, I heard that Genins in this place earn a lot, so I am doing the investment, graduate using my money and pay me back with interest, simple right?"


"Take the offer now", she said showing the demonic side that somehow only a lady can show

"Y-Yes", Renji gulped, 'Women are scary as hell'

"I-I think I need to rest up, I think I will join you tomorrow onwards"

'Guess time for my trump card'


(At Hatake Sakumo's Place, the same day)

"Please, I don't wanna go to the academy...It will be super embarrassing, Please take me as your Disciple that way I won't need to go, and I can still be a Genin", said Renji pleading

"Wait--How the hell did you find my place anyway? And leave my wife alone", asked Sakumo as he growled

Today was supposed to be a rest day, he was preparing for the long hot day filled with nothing but screams of his wife and the pleasure of theirs [Basically sex] but all of a sudden this bloody third wheel came out of no-where.

And to make the matter worse, as if the brat did some kind of voodoo, his wife is attracted to the brat and is taking the brat's side...

"Oh come on honey, don't you see this boy is so uncomfortable in going to the class full of kids?", said Sakumo's wife


"Just take him as your disciple and teach him, will ya", she said growling as Renji smirked and chuckled at the power of a wife.

"You do know, that I don't take personal disciples, or jonin 4 man team, right?"

"Will you take him?"


"Fine, You will sleep on the sofa for a whole week, and you won't touch me"

"Wha-...My lady, please don't be so quick to act, When did I say I won't teach him"

"Master", Renji quickly bowed, but his grin can't be hidden, as Sakumo growled

"Why me?"

"Well, you are the only one I know in this village other than Mito sama and you are also a Jonin"

"Fine, come out"




"Why do you fight?", asked Sakumo once they are alone and outside

"I fight to kill", he answered without hesitation

Sakumo turned his head towards the blue hair kid, "That's very peculiar answer...very well...why do you wish to kill, for revenge, to feuling another war? to- "

"To save my family...at least what's remain of it"


"Very well...You don't need to go to the academy...you are already better than most of the Genin any way...we will start our training tomorrow"

"Really I passed? Just like that?"


"Well...Uh...you see...I will get paid while working as a Genin right? Times are tough already"


"Well...One more thing? Can I get advance Income or something?"



Realization struck him as he immediately went ahead leaving Sakumo and his wife to enjoy the entire day.


He Brought Ramen for the whole Clan, as he was happy for he finally will be earning

When he was in middle he saw a girl of his age, getting out of Dango shop, he just took a look at her, he didn't have the mind of a pervert but someone else does.


[Super Pervert Perk Activated]

[Mission Generated/ Can not be abandoned]

[Mission start: Touch the black hair girl's butt]

[Reward: 1000 Exp/ Unlock Yin Release/Unlock Yang Release]

"Dang it"


Renji felt his heartbeat reach its limits; his breathing became rushed, with his chest rapidly heaving up and down as his legs made robotic movements forward. Although he had lowered his head, he knew that the girl was only meters away; just a slight increase in the walking pace would be enough to reach her.

Beads of sweat slowly slid down his forehead, seeping along the brows, towards the rim of his eyes. The stinging sensation promptly made him reach out to knead them, simultaneously giving him an opportunity to peek a glance at the front.

A pair of jade-like snowy long legs came into vision. A look upwards revealed firmly wrapped around those curvy buttocks, which gait seemed to resemble two rocking orbs. An azure-colored Uchiha Symbol is printed on the back of the pure cotton half sleeved T-shirt which was worn on top, through which Renji could vaguely see a white brassiere band.

"What should I do? Should I do it?" Just a mere glance almost made Renji feel dizzy from the nervousness. Gulping down with conviction, he took deep breaths.

"Let's go all in!" Renji sped up his pace, beginning a short sprint. His arms naturally waved like a pendulum. His palm dampened due to the sweat as he approached closer—6 meters, 3 meters, 1 meter…

"Pa!" A clear and loud sound echoed out.

As Renji brushed past the girl, his right hand swung aside; his palm hitting just right on top her left butt cheek. Soft yet flexible, he could feel the curvature of the butt's flesh right before he landed the hit—as curvy as an inverted rice bowl.

"Aaaahhhh!" screamed the girl; she covered her mouth right after. Immediately, she yelled at the butt attacker perp adjacent to her, "You! Stop!"

At the moment his palm came into contact with the girl's buttocks, Renji's brain had become mush as if he had received an electric shock, but his body's inertia still made him take a few steps forward. Only, he foolishly stopped when her voice echoed out, unable to take another step, even though he wanted to flee.

"You slapped my butt just now!" The girl's voice shuddered due to the anger, with every word she spoke, her voice became coarser as she heavily breathed.

Renji's head dropped down as he didn't have the courage to look at her right now. He didn't know how to tackle this situation. He felt that his legs had gone soft, on the verge of falling at any second. He knew he had to defend himself or else he wouldn't be able to clear out this sin even if he jumped into the Yellow River. After all, he had slapped her butt.

"I-I didn't!" Renji somehow squeezed out these few words out between the gaps of his teeth, his voice as flat as a mosquito's buzz.

"What's your name? From which clan are you? Raise your head so I can take a look at who you are!" The girl made three demands in rapid-fire and then spoke no more.

Renji raised his head slowly; he could feel his face had become fiery, perhaps as red as a monkey's buttocks. However, he didn't dare to deny her demand. He kept sweating, already regretting his actions. Based on her way of talking she must be some hot-shot in the village, and he doesn't wanna make things difficult for a well-known clan as his clan is already in declining period, perhaps the most powerful person in entire Uzumaki clan in Konoha is him, even he is just a mere Genin Level, that too with just one attack or defend method

"I-I didn't do it!" Renji felt like crying; indeed, he was possessed a moment ago.

"Then who touched me just now?" The girl's' voice suddenly became strict, making Renji tremble from fear.

"It wasn't me! Really!" Renji shook his head with all his might.

"Alright, it wasn't you!" The girl stepped back after speaking. Renji finally relaxed a bit, exhaling a breath.

"Was my butt supple?" the girl turned back to ask casually.

"Yes!" Renji blurted out, but he immediately realized his blunder. He could see the expression of the girl experience a drastic change, ready to pounce and bare her fangs at any moment.

Renji's complexion became deathly pale, thinking that this was perhaps the end for him.

At this moment, He went through hell and beyond back and forth.

"Mikoto...we are leaving", came the voice of a Boy of his age as well.

"Coming Fugaku", she yelled back at her black hair friend

"What's your Name?", asked the girl who is now he knows named Mikoto

"Uh...well...I am called...Hatake...Sakumo"

"Very well Sakumo we will meet again"


After she left he sighed a breath of relief, that was a hellish experience

But he still awaits for the reward


[Mission Complete]

[Reward Earned: 1000 Exp/ Unlock Yin Release/Unlock Yang Release]

He waits for a while but he didn't feel anything, sighing, as he left with his ramen packets towards Uzumaki Compound