
Mighty Konoha (Part-1)

Renjo was standing in front of Mikoto and Hiashi with his hands behind his back

Sakumo from the side side watching the team training...




As soon as Sakumo give them orders, Mikoto and Hiashi activate their Dojutsu, as sharingan appeared in Mikoto's eyes while Byakugan appear in Hiashi's eyes.

They jumped backbat the same time and make hand signs

Mikoto: Fire style: Fireball Jutsu

Hiashi: Wind style: Air Cutter

One Giant Fireball and many wind cutters dangerously made their way towards Renji

Renji's eyes narrowed while Sakumo shook his head

They could have combined their elements to make a hotter and faster fireball

But their pride is getting in the way....

Renji smiled as he made a single hand sign


"Suiton: Renge no Jutsu" (Water style: water lotus)

The water molecules in the air in a second made a Giant Water Lotus


The wind Cutter hit giant water lotus as some water splashes, but the nothing happened to the Lotus.


The Fireball hit the water, but other than little white smoke, nothing happened.


Hiashi began his charge towards Renji

While Mikoto jumped to the side making the hand signs

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu"

She kept running to the side as she spew fireball after fireball

Renji sighed, Their Pride is getting in the way...

He glanced to the side towards Hiashi who was dashing towards him.

If they won't work together, he will just have to Hammer them till they do.


"Water Style: Multi Water lotus Jutsu"

The water molecules in the air moved as from the thin air 8 more giant water Lotus appeared, covering his entire front and side, only with their Humongous size.




Fireballs hits the water lotus but nothing much happened.

He watched as Hiashi jumped to the trees and running horizontally

Pressing the middle finger and thumb together






The Giant water locusts blasted leaving nothing but waves after waves in its wake, covering everything, destroying everything.




He watched coldly as Mikoto and Hiashi drowned in the sea waves.

As Mikoto and Hiashi swim up, to reach the surface

He raised his hand and opened his palm


The entire Lake with waves... freezed...




They hit the surface of the Ice, Desparetly trying to come up before they drown

But Renji stood there, looking Cold as he looks down on them.

After hitting desperately for a while, Hiashi found the weak point of the Ice with his Byakugan.


A great Fireball melted a spot as Hiashi and Mikoto came from inside.

They landed on a tree branches.


They coughed, opening mouth for a desperate need of air.

"Hiashi, we can't take him on, he is way too strong, we need to team up", said Mikoto

"I Agree, so assist me, with your Genjutsu, I will engage in a taijutsu battle", daid Hiashi

"Why don't you assist me, with your wind Release My Fire will be much much Hotter"

"How Dare you Uchiha, to ask me to Assist anyone"

"How dare you Hyuuga to have me your assistance"

"You guys sure knows how to liven the Boring life and Death battle, or do you believe I won't hurt you", came an unknown Voice from Behind them with a plethora of chakra pressure alongside the Killing intent.



They jumped on the ground, only to see Renji standing on the same branch as they were standing


With one hand sign, he released a Jutsu

"Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu"

The water molecules in the air turned into a giant dragon as it appears from the thin air and shot towards them.

They jumped back to dodge the water Dragon and the dragon hit the ground.

But the very moment it hit the ground, Renji on the branch made another Hand sign

The dragon that hit the ground, turned into the sea waves, as Mikoto and Hiashi drowned in the sea yet again.

"Hydromancy Arts: Hydroportation"

While Mikoto and Hiashi were supporting themselves, He appeared behind Mikoto


Before She Could React, He Kneecapped her Guts, sending her flying back


She sprayed the Blood as she flew back

He disappeared and appeared behind Hiashi and back kicked him as well.


He yelled as both Mikoto and Hiashi get up barely.

He released a plethora of Chakra Pressure Bringing them to their Knees Unwillingly.

"You both are very geniuses in all field of Ninjutsu Taijutsu and Genjutsu, Yet despite that I have seen Kids weaker than you two doing far better, WHY IS YOUR PRIDE GETTING IN YOUR WAY"

Sakumo appeared on the training Ground watching his two students.

"Teamwork is essential, it gives them other people to shoot at. We're in a world with the possibility of terrorism, War, THEN WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING YOURSELF INSTEAD OF THE ENEMIES... WHY ARE YOUR EGOS INTERFERING IN YOUR WORK... DO IT AGAIN"

"YES SENSEI", Yelled both of them


Sakumo made them battle again and again and again.

And finally, after getting black eyes and getting badly abused over and Over... they finally managed to work together.

The rules here are Simple, If they can't get it, Hammer it till they get it...

Either they will Break or They will get how to do it... as the sole daughter of Great and Mighty General Kagami and the future head of Hyuuga they are not allowed to Break

Being Born with Silver Spoon is easy... Being staying that way, is like asking for Torture itself.


Few Months Passed, Just like that... all he does is training, training and training


"So you are saying that in a month a white Hair girl will appear in the Forest of Death?", asked Sakumo

"yes", said Renji

"And how do you Know it?"

"Its...a secret"

"Is it Related to How you suddenly have the Ice Release Kekkai Tota and Your Fuinjutsu Level Increases suddenly?"

"Sigh... yes Sensei"

"Whose Child is it?"

"Can't tell you"

"How will she appear in Forest of Death"

"Can't tell you"

"Is her Background Dangourus"

"Can't tell----


Sakumo hit Renji head

"You can't tell anything, then what do you want me to do, you idiotic Disciple"

"Hey look... I can't tell you alright... you said you believe me, then please don't me any questions. Please?"


"Renji", came the Lady's Voice


"The Girl, you want us to adopt has an Unknown Background, I won't allow any uncertain variable to hurt my Family"

"Auntie, I assure you, her background will have nothing to do with anyone here, she is just a pitiful newborn"

"Renji, I won't---

Before she could finish her Sentence, he kneel in front of her

"Auntie, please, for me..."





"Are you sure, can you promise me that it won't hurt my family whatsoever?"

"Yes, I... I promise"

"Sigh... very well"


"Sakumo dear, Renji is like our son, No matter his secret, I believe him"

"B-But, What will I say to Lord Hokage, where did she come from"

She giggles, "Aren't Ninjas Good at Deception"

"You are a shinobi as well, why don't you explain it to him"

"Don't mind the small details dear", she said smiling gently"


"Sensei, you are such petty Human"



In Sakumo's House, Little 3 year Old Natsuki Uzumaki was poking the cheeks of 3 months old Kakashi, suddenly Kalashi hold the pinky of Natsuki


Her eyes Shined

He he, as she smiled

"Do you like him", ask Kakashi's mother

"Yes", Little Natsuki squealed

"Then do you want to carry him"

"C-can I"

The older Woman gently smiled at her...

"Yes but you have to be careful, you don't want to drop him, would you?"

"O-Of course not"

The Older Lady smiled as she picked Kakashi and gave him to the Little Girl.

Little Natsuki face was utmost Serious as she carefully picked Kakashi

Renji smiled looking at them... truly, what a wonderful Woman Auntie is.


Renji was going home, carrying Little Natsuki in his arms

"Do you Like them?", he asked

"Yes", she squealed

Renji smiled and kisses her cheeks


Both Sakumo and Renji were Kneeling in front of Lord Hokage with General Kagami standing to the side...

Hokage nodded to General Kagami who started...

"The war between 5 Elemental Nations is getting out of hands, Following the Damage we took in the hands of Suna, we are on the Losing end"

"Right now the 4 nations are fighting among themselves, It's our Chance to turn the situation..."


"YES GENERAL", came the Unified Voice

"From this moment onwards, every fight is our fight, every war is our war... Rest time is Over... Spook the 4 Nations, Show them the Power of Ghosts, show them Konoha's might, KILL THEM, BUTCHER THEM, SHOW THEM HELL, LET THE CHAOS BEFALL THE WORLD, LET'S FINISH THE WAR ON OUR TERMS, FROM THIS MOMENT ONWARDS KONOHA IS BEGINNING THEIR COUNTER ATTACK"