
Legendary Seven Leader: Hydromancer Uzumaki Renji (Part-2)

Sakumo turned towards newly promoted genins

"All of you three, I am sure your parents must have taught you guys how to use tree climbing exercise, use the tree climbing exercise, run parallel to the cave, Avoid the enemies, run north 500 meters, after 1 hour change the direction and run towards east, 400 meters, am I clear


"Very Well, Go now", Sakumo ordered as all three remove their seal tag, and all ran parallel to the cave, in order to avoid the enemies.

After they left leaving only Sakumo and Renji on the cave

"What's the plan Sensei?"

"Flank them, Thin them first...Attack from behind and sides...Use shadows...I will take right...you take Left...we will use as little chakra as possible till the moment we come out...we will hit them hard, and hit them clean without a single voice...am I clear"

"Yes Sensei"

With that, he blurred and disappeared and Sakumo after counting to five disappeared as well

50 people were scouting the area...Iwa shinobis were searching this wide area and were shattered...

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind 2 Iwa shinobis who were scouting and were not in sight...the shadow stabbed both the shinobis neck...Killing 2 targets at once... before both could even make a sound, the shadow disappeared and the body fell...Double Assassination!!!

That shadow was Uzumaki Renji!!!

Renji crouched...and placed a seal tag on the ground...he watched Right, where his sensei was disposing four targets at once...without making a single sound.

Sakumo placed a seal tag on the ground and disappeared from the sight...

And Renji disappeared with that as well

They did it 1 more time...Placing a total of 4 seals in every corner.

Sakumo nodded to Renji who begins to make hand signs

Dog → Boar → Rat

"Fuinjutsu Art: Silence Seal: All Sound Sealing Chamber"

Without realizing Iwa shinobis were trapped in a silent seal, and now, even if anyone shouts from the top of their lungs, they won't be able to produce a sound.

Sakuo signaled Renji who made the hand signs

Dog → Hare → Boar → Horse → Serpent

Suiton: Doku Kasumi (Water Release: Poison Mist)



The enemy felt the chakra, and so they shout the warning...


To their surprise, their voice didn't come out of their mouth, they tried to shout but nothing came out...not a single sound.

The Jutsu started to enveloping the surrounding area in a dense mist. However, the vapor itself acts as a toxin to the Iwa Shinobis eyes, blinding them. Disabling their ability to speak as well. This technique is most useful for separating the teams of shinobi, effectively cutting off communication between them.

While they were distracted by the poison mist, immediately another voice came out of no-where

Kenjutsu Art: Ōdachinagi

Sakumo took out a lengthy blade. Upon swinging it, it projects an immensely powerful shock-wave-like slash three-hundred-sixty degrees around him. This shock-wave slash is sharp and powerful


Many were cut down with that one swing...they were about to do something about it--

Bird → Boar → Dragon → Hare → Monkey

Suiton: Suiryū Saijin (Water Style: Water Dragon Severing Blade)

The chakra around Renji's hand is compressed and then kneaded into highly pressurized water. The high pressure of the water is what gives it's incredible slicing power, cutting through objects and people like a water jet.

3 Unalerted Iwa shinobis were in two halves from the mid of their bodies with one slice of Renji's hand.

Suddenly an accident happened, and the name of that accident is Hatake Sakumo...he twists his body, his block with his sword, and, he stabs and slashes the enemies...

Renji Grinned when Sakumo wasn't even touched through all those Jutsus and weapons fired at him.

That's the White Fang of Konoha, the man who long since surpassed the rank of Jonin Commander, and the man he never really saw getting hurt.

The main force that dismantles this army is Hatake Sakumo...the hero created in war. And Both Renji And Sakumo killed the Sensors that they managed to find out through all those running beforehand.

The number of the enemy is dropped till 20 when Renji joined his hands closed his eyes into a praying motion

"Hydromancy Art: Hydroforming"

Hydromancy Arts only have one use in battle, Control the entire battlefield, and that's not just done through, Taijutsu, Hydromancy arts can control the entire battlefield, through and thorough, this is the Legendary Arts given to him by the god themselves...the ground turned into seawater, which washes away all plant and wildlife. The plant and wildlife that is washed away will be replaced by its aquatic counterparts. This allows Renji to turn any area they are in, into an ocean, complete with all elemental and biological components.

It took time to complete, but eventually, due to Sakumo taking all the credit, he was able to complete the preparation, after all, the only, thing that's stopping Hydromancy arts is it's extremely slow speed...

He created a freaking ocean in the midst of no-where...

And he dragged his feet back...and a glob of water appeared on his palm, as he shot the palm forward.

Both the techniques, Hydroforming, and Hydromancy Taijutsu Art complement each other...

The 8 water wisps as though got a huge speed boost, traveled at the speed of a Jonin or even higher level than that.


Where ever the wisps went, it created chaos, and the opponent became meat mince, for the only weakness of Hydromancy Taijutsu art is its slow speed, but now even that went away...


[Hydromancy Arts Level Up]

[New Level Unlock: Level 3]

[Hydromancy Arts Level One: Hydromancy Taijutsu Arts]

[Hydromancy Arts Level Two: Hydroforming]

[Hydromancy Art Level Three: Hydro Sensing]

In the meantime...

Sakumo who never stopped moving cut everyone, his sword only shows death

"Kenjutsu Art: Hatake Style: Dance of the Lightning Halo"

Sakumo coats his Sword in lightning, and with a quick slash unleashes a high-pressure wave of Lightning towards their opponent.


Without being able to respond, all the targets were burned to death by the lightning

Just like that 50 man squad was killed without a single sound...This was a pre-Emptive Strike...the enemies were in disarray...not expecting an attack of this level...and the two initiated the attack in the first place...these few factors combined made the perfect assault...

These two left...


When the 50 man squad did not return and Sensors kept getting the chakra signatures from that side...more shinobis were sent there...but this time, they were really good ones

When they reached there...the leader snorted and laughed bitterly...all 50 shinobis were dead, and there were words that were written on the stone there...

White Fang and his disciple...We are Coming...Stop Us If You Dare

"Return back and inform the command, White Fang and his disciple is here...we are in for a treat tonight", ordered the leader to his subordinate


In the meantime, Renji and Sakumo were moving as fast as possible...

For one of the name, in the list, is a Battlefield Medic...

They created that mess in the first place for the elites to go there...and allowing them the necessary window for the assassination.

(10 Minutes Later)

In a camp, at the back of Iwa, the doctors are rushing here and there, everything and everywhere is a mess.

Konoha's Jonnin Commander Nara Shin, Suddenly launched an attack, without a single warning, and this attack was head-on as well.

"That guy is good, to be able to send his subordinates this fast on such short notice, it looks like I truly underestimate our General", said Renji who was hidden and watching everything god knows where.

"Being a General does Require skills, and those skills do not just contain just fighting abilities, Come let's go, General Kagami did his work, now it's our turn"


Iwa was taken back by the head-on attack, and sent their best fighters on the frontline, only leaving a handful of Chunnins to protect the medic shinobis.


"your hand is cut deeply, it will hurt healing it", said someone to an injured Shinobi

"WAIT WHO ARE YOU, STATE YOUR IDENTITY", they all turned their head to look at the hooded man with blue hair and even more of blue eyes coming at them, he wore the black clothes and black cloak

But the blue hair boy did not answer and instead shot his palm forward

"Hydromancy Taijutsu Arts"

With those words that left his mouth, the water wisps came out of his hand. and attacked the ones near him.


The attack was truly impressive as the two chunins guarding were just flown back, unknown of how many broken bones they would have.

"Water Release: Azure Dragon Tail"

Renji unleashed a very large volume of water at the opponents in the shape of a vortex that looks eerily like a dragon's tail. Just like this technique's counterparts like Water Release: Azure Dragon Fist, the technique can be very powerful and destructive if it is in the right hands.

Many were washed off, from that attack alone


He eyes went to the right side...

Hydro sensing is the Level 3 of the legendary Arts that allows the user to sense all water bodies around him and all the activities in it, with high perception and skill, the radius increases and the user is even able to detect small droplets in the air.

They were sensed by the sensors, the forces of Iwa are coming

Renji disappeared from their sight...

And Soon 4 elite shinobis of the Iwa forces were there, "What happened?"

"It's White fang's disciple, he attacked us, fortunately, you came on time, and he had to run before hurting us"


There was a scream as everyone turned their heads towards the one who screamed...the head of the field medics of Iwa Forces was dead.

The elite Iwa Shinobi laughed bitterly, "It's that Damn White Fang, This Teacher Student Pair is really pissing me off...increase the patrol, we will ask headquarters what to do next. This fight, already was tough enough already, now to add this up"

While in the meantime, Renji and Sakumo were standing in front of their team...along with Fugaku.

"Did you get rid of them?", asked Hiashi

"Yea, Let's get moving on, we are on an extremely tight schedule, Our comrades are dying on Suna's border", Ordered Sakumo

As everyone resumed their Running and head towards Konoha camp.

3 of the names in the list are dead...