
Chapter 5

Renji sighed for the thirty-seventh time.

He didn't really know why he bothered to keep track of how many frustrated, discontented grunts of air that left his lungs. Maybe it was some asinine attempt to stave off boredom. Maybe it was a coping mechanism for the sheer disappointment he found in his recent daily rigors. Or maybe it was a simple case of dissatisfaction with the system he worked in, the only way up being through the overly simple tasks presented to him by the lazy and the rich too busy to concern themselves with the ordinary matters of everyday life. But no matter how he looked at it, all it proved to be was one stinking pile of shit after another, sometimes those piles being the actual shit he needed to scoop out of someone's backyard.

'Ah, the wonders of D-rank missions.', he does the missions without complain, But while he wasn't complaining audibly, on the inside he was screaming

No, matter who tried to rationalize it, whether it be his sensei, the jounin commander, even the Hokage, D-ranks were not important. He didn't care if it stabilized the village's economy, provided work for the less skilled and trained of Konoha's shinobi forces and kept a steady flow of income coming into the village's military coffers, they were a waste of time. What was the point of having a village full of assassins and thieves for hire if they were going to be used to clean yards and run errands?

And, just as he suspected, there was number thirty-eight.

"Renji, you've been standing there for almost a minute; less thinking, more sweeping."

"Hai, Sakumo-sensei," he barely restrained a growl.

'This is karma for you kid', thought Sakumo as he smiled watching Renji sweeping someone's backyard for D-Rank Mission, He knows how Renji is feeling right now, after all, every single Genin felt it, no matter how talented or how strong.


Renji sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. 'Wow, I sigh a lot these days', he thought atypically. Something told him he wasn't alone in his sentiments.

He went home, receiving the income from another mundane D-rank mission


"So…How's bein' a ninja, dattebane?" Kushina asks him excitedly, pretending that she's studying, book propped up to hide her face.

It's a rather childish maneuver, and not very inconspicuous. It makes Renji smile.

"Eh," he makes a 'so-so' gesture. "It's mostly training and doing easy missions.

The girl pouts at him, disappointed. "That sounds boring, dattebane!"

Renji chuckled, "I know right? How about this? If something interesting happens, though…I'll tell you," he says.

"Promise?" she asks, visibly perking up, a glimmer in her eye.



As Renji's blue eyes look up, to meet Sakumo's stern grey ones, Renji holds down the urge to look away or to scowl for his stupidity. It's probably because he's (still) upset to himself, then upset to this ninja world, then to his stupidity (again). Because all he could think was how can he become strong, for stupid reasons as well, then he realized Sakumo is using a sword and all of that combined to his stupidity and his mouth; here he is. Sitting on wooden floor in front of Sakumo Hatake, inside Hatake Clan's training room, with flat eyes while said jounin assessing him in silence.

"Why do I have to teach you?", Sakumo asked Again, this time to decide whether to teach Renji for Real, or not

Sakumo calmly, icily, asks. While Renji understands the cold tone and stern look is necessary to know one's resolve, it's still annoying Renji to no end. Renji is so not going to lose to him.

"I'm a liability," Renji says, flat cold tone.

He ignores a slight raise of Sakumo's eyebrow and continues, "my little sister is a certified genius." At the thought of Kushina, he lets a ghost of smile curves on his lips

"she can and will be the strongest ninja; a hero the world, will know, will hate, will worship, and adore." Renji suppressed a snort. that is full of pride, that only a father could understand, but of course, Kushina is his daughter and sister, the child he brought up till now, God knows what he will do if anything happens to her

Then Renji's face turns stone cold again, "But I can't do anything. I did not train and took my gifts of controlling water to the extreme, to granted, and thus losing 90% of my clan, which includes everyone I cared about."

"Wait...What do you mean by Controlling water to extreme?"

"This is what I am born with sensei, Even I don't understand...What I have is not Just Water affinity, I have Water that's so so powerful, It's like I...I can drown the world with this much water"

He steeled his resolve and exhaled, "But back to the topic, I want to change being Useless", and he allows a determined smile, "I am still the older brother, I have to protect my cute little sister even if I am a liability."

"I don't know about this extreme water affinity you talk about, but I can tell you this...You are not a useless bum...or a liability...what you were able to do, it requires courage...Let's go...this time let's train you properly.


Between (spartan) Taijutsu training, part time-jobs, Teaching Kushina, and practice his new body flicker technique he is inventing, it's a wonder that Renji hasn't lashed out in frustration.

What Renji never thought was, Sakumo was thoroughly surprised by Renji, again and again, for what the brat said was true, he can not learn anything other than water elemental Jutsu, though that should have been a disadvantage...but no, this guy is so talented in controlling water to the extreme, it's practically impossible to break Earth Wall with water ball, yet the brat did it, again and again...and it's not just water ball, this brat can learn any type of water Jutsu, and make them far more powerful and fast...heck even 2 Hokage was not the Kid's match in Pure water Jutsu.

And that Legendary Hydromancy Arts as he calls it, It could practically control the opponent's moves with those wisps of water...Sakumo wondered who taught him that incredible powerful controlling move. Since it's clear the boy cannot control the move to its perfection, and if it's completed it could even control the fight with an entire army of opponents.


"Stop being a mother-hen, Kushina, that's my job."

Kushina rolls her eyes to Renji's irritated expression. She sits down on a chair beside Renji's white bed, and with an unimpressed look, she says, "someone gave me an exhortation to always be careful and considerate in battle."

Renji closes his eyes, and Kushina continues, "and that someone actually got himself a twisted ankle and cut wounds everywhere. How could I not worry, my dear brother?"

When Renji opens his eyes again, it's to frown to Kushina, "It's not like I could not walk," Renji whines then shakes his head, "they are exaggerating. Sensei is exaggerating. And i am older than you! Older brothers are strong so they will not cause their little sis worry! And I am strong!"


1 year is gone by, Just like that

Rubbing his bruised hand, Renji tries hard not to scowl to the purple and blues on his skin. Keyword being 'tries.' He hears someone snorts and looks up just in time to see Konoha's White Fang smiled down and sits down beside him.

"Ha, ha, sensei, really funny." He said.

Sakumo's smile merely widens, "Oh?" He asks, amused, "I'm not the one who got tripped five times in a row." Renji's scowl deepens and Sakumo grins, "and I warned you where the traps are."

Renji makes a noncommittal strangled sound which makes Sakumo chuckles, "By one second before I stepped or slipped on it! You knew I'm going to fall for it anyway!"

As he feels Sakumo's hand ruffles his hair, Renji exhales to relax. This man is scary when he teaches. It's only a year lesson and Sakumo already deemed Renji to be worthy on facing him while dodging traps. Something That Reji didn't realize was that Sakumo was shocked yet again, by the level of improvement Renji is showing, it like...His potential is granted by God or something...

Rather harmless traps with holes, smoke bombs, random jutsus, and wooden weapons fly at him, they still hurt like fuck. And while he should watch out for very, very subtle hints of traps around, he should also watch for Sakumo who will jump out of nowhere swinging his sharp, repeat, sharp wooden sword. Not to say Hatake Compound is so big and there are plenty of places to put traps and hide. Not even his parkour-acrobatic skills could save him from the traps. Fucking ninjas, man.

"Cheer up, Renji-chan. You could dodge a quarter of them."

"Don't call me that, sensei." He automatically says, and rolls his eyes, "yeah and I got slapped by your sword every time I dodge them."

But Sakumo just chuckles and ruffles his blue hair more. Renji huffs. At least this spartan training results on something.

"Now, now, honey, don't be meany to Renji-chan."

Renji looks sideways just in time to meet Miss Hatake's twinkling eyes and smirk when the brown-haired woman sits beside him.

"Well I can't help it, you know he's so cute, darling." Sakumo chimed cheerfully. And Renji groans.

"I am not.." he weakly says, to get ignored by the Hatake couple.

"Well, I can't argue with that, dear!"

The sea haired teen is torn to face-palm or ignore the usual embarrassing couple, but he decides to show his long-suffering look instead, "...Auntie, please..." She knows Renji hates that nickname and she told her husband to not call him that but, still, what's the meaning if she herself calls him that?

Sakumo snorts and Miss Hatake laughs. Her pale, white fingers move to take both of his hands in her hand. Renji watches as both of the Gentle woman's hands glow green. Her hands moved up, slowly trailing his bruises and heals his wounds to nothing.

Makoto inspects his hands, admiring her works, how his skin has become new again, free from those disgusting black and blue bruises, splotches of red blood. He looks at his torn black pants and how his wounds on the feet have healed, too.

His blue eyes meet Miss Hatake's kind, warm black eyes, and Renji can't help but give his best grin to this kind woman.

"Stay for dinner alright, Renji-chan."


He had a great life, a life, he always wished for, he had someone to look after, someone to idolize, and someone who takes a mother role for him and Kushina

But everything eventually comes to an inevitable ending...

The Elemental Nations are at war. Konohagakure has declared war against Sunagakure and Amegakure.

Subsequently, Suna has declared war on Konoha. Ame has declared war on Konoha. And then Iwa has declared war on Konoha, as well.

He was sent on the front line alongside Sakumo, as the time of leisure is over...

And this time he is prepared to kill, he is prepared to die...