
chapter 29

Renji returned home from his daily training when he witness Minato and Kushina making out.

"If you value your Life, you shall release her immediately", came the deep and low voice of Renji

The voice shook both Minato and Kushina

Kushina: N-N-NII SAN

Minato: S-S-Sir I-I

"Quiet... get out now"

Minato took a last glance at Kushina who nodded lightly, Hesitating Minato ran off.

Renji turned to Kushina

"I forbid you going anywhere near him from this moment onwards"






She huffed and puffed and went back to her room.


Renji was in his room, sitting on the chair with dark room, he was lost in thoughts, and already regretting his Decision.

"Nii San", came the Timid Voice of Kushina

He smiles and look at her, "Yea?"

She came inside and sit at the bed looking at his eyes and timidly spoke

"When I was getting bullied, and people ncall me tomato face, no one helped me... at the day of graduation when you were at the front line, I was going to the Orphanage to celebrate... but I was Kidnapped, I thought no one could save me, but he came, he said my hairs are beautiful, he says I am pretty"


"Nii San, can't you--- Can't you give him a chance, you said you trust me, so please trust me, he is a good person"


"Lady Kushina, you said you were kidnapped?"

"The Kidnappers are being captured and I was told that they were killed"

"Sigh... Good for them"

Nii San?

"Tell him to meet me tomorrow... now shall we eat"

"Y-you didn't have dinner yet?"

"How can I, when my precious lay is hungry as well... now shall we eat?"

"yes", she said with moist in her eyes

He smiled and ruffle her hair


Minato and Renji were standing far apart beach other, while Kushina looking from the side gulping

"My requirement for her Partner is simple, some one who is capable of protecting her, so we will fight, but you are the Recent Genin, and I am Jonin, so as long as you manage to reach me, I shall give her to you, Clear"



Minato ran towards him

But Renji's eyes widened as he released a plethora of Chakra pressure, mixed with Killing Intent.


From the Side Kushina who was watching and Minato who was the direct victim of the Chakra Pressure

They both fell to their Knees, gasping for Breath.

Renji took a step forward as the pressure tightened

"Forget about her, don't you Understand, this Test was rigged from the very start, you could never reach me, Give up Or I will break your spirit and soul itself"


The Chakra pressure keep increasing with every single step he takes.

"I... I W-wont *Cough Blood* Minato vomit the blood itself, this kind of pressure would surely Kill him

"Y-you are famous in Konoha, They even give an example of you in academy these days, I always k-knew I could never be able to reach you b-but---"

"I WON'T GIVE HER UP", Minato despite trembling tremendously, stood up, for he would have to give her up if he fails to reach---



Minato's eyes widened as the killing Intent alongside the Chakra pressure is gone, It just Disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

Minato looked up to see Renji supporting the shivering Kushina who was vomiting blood as well.

"N-Nii san?", this is the first time ever she ever saw Renji like this.

But despite how she looks at him, he kindly and gently caresses her hairs.

Then he looked at the side with same Kindness and gently smile, "Take care of her... punk"

"O-Of course Sir, I will protect her till the very end", he said with some blush, they finally have her brother's blessings

Then Renji turned serious once again, "Just so you guys understand, No pervert actions till both of you are 18, am I clear"

"Nii san what is pervert", asked the innocent Kushina

"Oh, I know, Its what Jiraiya sensei always call himself, the super pervert", said the Innocent Minato

Renji's mouth twitched, as he decided to have the 'talk' with these 2, or their curiosity for their partner bodies arising out of hormones will destroy them.


That night, Minato and Kushina blushed the entire night as they heard everything about bees and birds.

That was the most horrible event for the two Kids.


"Too Stiff", said Renji to the beaten up Kushina

She gritted her teeth and stood back up

"Water is not Something with incredible Destructive prowess like fire, nor its like Earth with its sturdiness, Water means adaptability"

He suddenly dashed towards Kushina and Kneecapped her stomach


She sprayed some blood as she slide back, falling once agin to the ground


"Water Jutsu strength is its great versatility"

She stood up with great difficulty, but she was up yet again.

But this time he didn't beat her up, as he continues.

"Rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, Water Jutsu employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters, defense into offense. Instead of simply deflecting an attack, Water Jutsu defensive maneuvers focuses on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent"

Kushina who was barely standing, threw some blood as she nodded barely.

He raised his arm and open up his palm, as the water molecules in the atmosphere begin to gather in one place and in an second he was able to create a ball made of water floting on his palm, but he was not done as the water ball suddenly shot towards Kushina

Her eyes widened, she wanted to dodge, but in this condition she was not able to, as the water ball hit her

But to her surprise, the water ball healed all her wounds...

He said in a sagely voice, "You have to increase your control over waters, from this moment onwards, every Water Jutsu you will do, will be in a place with no water whatsoever"

"But nii san, how can I---?"

"Because you are a certified genius"


"Lady Kushina, I am an idiot, if it wasn't for the blessings, I would have never reach till the end... But You are different... You are different Lady Kushina, You are a genius, if I could only nurture you, You will reach extreme Levels"


Renji smiled gently and caresses her hair, "God have given me his blessings to protect my little precious sister.. NOW PRACTICE YOUR WATER CONTROL"

She grin happily saluted him as she nodded, "Aye Aye Renji Sensei"


Renji was in his room as a globe of water was floating in front of him, he made one hand sign as the globe turned into a Giant water dragon, he made the sign again as the dragon turned into a giant watery lotus, as he froze it, Turning it into a icy Lotus.


Few days passed on just like that, as He stood in of the graves of his parents, he cleaned their Graves, without using a single Jutsu, after finishing, he told everything in front of the graves and spent the whole day in Uzushio, visiting every place he ever been to, as a child.

Pity, everything has been ransacked, it was even a blessing that the grave site was unharmed.

He sat and roam around every place, every part of the Village, as he remember the laughter, the pranking kids, the seals, the gentle and loving grandma next door telling them to eat slowly

When he reached the park, he remembered

A very little red hair child, was squatting in front of the little sand present in there, watching a turtle moving, as she sang a song. A song in her childish voice

Hello there, Mr. Turtle There isn't anyone in the world 

Who walks as slowly as you do 

Why is it that you're so slow?

Mr. Hare says that 

He'll have a race with you 

To the base of the far away hill 

Where did he run ahead to?

No matter how fast the turtle goes 

I won't see him until evening at best 

I'll take a little nap here 

Snore, snore, snore, snore

He messed up and slept too much, Hop, hop, hop, hop 

Hop, hop, hop 

Mr. Hare is too late

What happened to his pride from before?

Renji eyes teared up as he clapped, he remember, a beautiful kind looking lady ran and hugged her

"Mama", Kushina hugged her back

"That was wonderful my dear"

He He, she grinned

Renji smiled as he went towards them to hug them... but the moment he touches them they disappeared in the thin air...

He looks here and there as he saw the destructive place... a place once brimming with happiness and life itself, now its a barren land, with nothing or no one in it.

He kneeled down, breaking up from inside

It is said that, Time can always restore what is broken and change it to something amazing. With love you can overcome anything. Choose to love. For it is better than war.