
Graviton (Tensura)

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp This is another Tensura FanFiction of mine. Our MC is reincarnated to a fictional world some may know quite well, but he is unlucky enough, or lucky enough depending on your point of view to become a Stray Otherworlder in the Cardinal World. This will likely have a Harem. This is a cross post from another site.

theogbasilisk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Introductions and Training!

Snippet 1: Graviton

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 3: Introductions and Training!


- Altair -

Shizu and I followed the principal's secretary who was showing us our rooms. 

"First I will show you the student dorms, seeing as your student will be in Class S, a class with only one other student, the dorms are incredibly luxurious compared to the dorms of the lower classes." Said the secretary.

Hmm, that's one way to motivate students. I assume there is a way to make your way into higher up classes, the promise of better equipment and a nice place to stay is bound to make some work harder.

The secretary led us through a long hallway, at the very end there were a couple doors. The secretary took out a key card and swiped it at the card reader, unlocking the door.

Man, I keep getting surprised by how advanced this kingdom is. I guess Ingrassia wasn't known as the most advanced kingdom in the Western Nations right after Tempest for no reason.

The secretary held the door open for us. Shizu went in first, followed by me.

"Woah!" I heard myself voice out.

Shizu seemed quite surprised alongside me. This was by far the most luxurious room I'd ever been inside.

Shizu looked to the secretary. "Won't introducing the students to rooms like these only coddle them? When they are out as Adventurers they generally will not have such lavish living quarters." Commented Shizu.

"We have already considered that and decided that the risk is worth it. Such a living environment will help improve the Class S student's studies. The students of that class should be intelligent enough to realize an environment like this will not be available everywhere."

Shizu nodded in understanding. "Very well. I will not argue about that."

She then turned to look at me. "What do you think Altair."

"I think it's great! It's definitely going to be fun living in this room for the coming years." I responded.

Shizu laughed lightly. "Indeed. There have not been many places I have stayed at that could match this level of luxury,"

I took another look around the room. There was a large king size bed in the corner, a large closet, a large bathroom in the other corner, a large desk, and even a love seat.

"Based on how well you do in your classes you will be awarded points. You can exchange those points for Dwarven coins or to directly purchase some of the Association's services." Informed the secretary.

Hmm, they really thought this out. 

"You will also get a certain amount of points each month for your basic necessities. You are free to take on quests from the Association when you have time as well."

I nodded in understanding.

The secretary then handed me the card she used to unlock the room. "This card unlocks and locks the room, and is also what is used to read your points. Should you wish to use your points, simply go to the front desk and have them scan the card."

The secretary then pointed to the corner. "Over there is a Rare Grade weapon made of Magisteel. It was an incredibly expensive purchase from Dwargon but Lord Heinz has vouched for you Altair, so he had that purchased for you. He said to tell you that it was an investment in your future."

A Rare Grade!?

That might not be much compared to the end game weapons, but for most that is a generational treasure.

And since it is made of magisteel it can evolve over time. Who knows, maybe it will evolve into a Unique Grade!

"Please give Heinz my thanks." I said, genuinely grateful.

I'm really being spoiled here.

Shizu translated for me as I was still unable to speak the language of this world fluently.

Shizu looked at the sword with exasperation. "It seems Heinz sees some potential in you Altair. We will be having far more intense swordsmanship training from now on Altair. I do not want to see that sword wasted."

I nodded towards Shizu.

"Very well then. Now I shall show you the teacher's accommodation." Shizu nodded and turned to me.

"You can stay here or explore the school grounds if you want Altair."

"Alright." I responded.

Once they left I approached the blade that was leaning against the wall.

As the secretary said it was a Rare Grade weapon, a rapier in fact. It seemed reminiscent of Shizu's own weapon. That's likely why they went with a rapier in the first place, since that was the weapon Shizu herself uses.

And Shizu uses a rapier since that is what the Time Hero Chronoa had taught her, but Shizu is also the one who taught a child version of Chronoa how to use a rapier, so who is the one who originally taught the other?

Basically Time fuckery.

Hmm, if I end up preferring a different weapon I can always shift the rapier into that form. Higher tier equipment can shapeshift to the user's desire.

After examining it I left it leaning against the wall. Man I wish I had a pocket space of some sort.

Seeing as there isn't much for me to do here, I guess I might as well explore the grounds a bit.

Right as I stepped outside I saw someone entering the room neighboring mine.

That must be my neighbor then.

I was about to greet them before I froze in my tracks.

"Ah! You must be my neighbor!" A lanky Japanese boy greeted.

I nodded stiffly.

He held his hand out, as if asking for a handshake. "My name is Yuuki Kagurazaka, it's nice to meet you!"

I slowly shook his hand as I processed the fact that I was neighbors with Yuuki Kagurazaka.

It wasn't enough that we were in the same class?

Wasn't Destined Guide supposed to make sure shit like this didn't happen? How the fuck is being neighbors with Yuuki Kagurazaka going to help me reach my happy ending?

Still, it's best I don't act more suspicious than I already am.

"The name's Altair. It's nice to meet you Yuuki." I responded with a plastic smile on my face.

We released our handshake as Yuuki gave me a smile. "Altair huh? That's an interesting name. Are you an Otherworlder too by chance?"

There was no point in hiding it, so I nodded.

"Ah! That's great! I was worried that I would be the odd one out in this school since it has only just been established. Knowing someone like me is around is a relief!" Yuuki responded with a nervous smile.

Damn, he was good.

Ugh, it's probably best that I act friendly for now isn't it?

I gave him a nod. "I'm sure there will be more otherworlders attending eventually."

Yuuki nodded. "I sure hope so! I was never good in new environments."

I nodded in understanding. "Anyways I better get going. It was nice to meet you Altair!" Yuuki said as he entered my room.

"It was nice to meet you as well." I responded.

Once he was inside I sighed and then went back into my room. I was not in the mood to explore anymore.

If I recall correctly, at this point he should already have a good foundation in the Eastern Empire. 

It was implied that Yuuki was Summoned in the territory of the Eastern Empire and had spent some time over there getting stronger while building up his secret organization.

I don't have perfect knowledge of the Light Novels, so I won't be taking everything I know as a fact, plus I didn't even finish the entire series, I only have a very basic understanding of the big bads such as Feldway and Michael.

With some wiki diving it was pretty easy to figure out that if they didn't revive Veldanava, then they would destroy the World that took their creator from them.

Man, they really just have daddy issues huh?


"The first topic we will be covering today is the Demon Lords. From their first sightings, to their notable subordinates that we know of, to their territories." Said our teacher.

I should have expected that we wouldn't only be learning things related to combat. It's been a few weeks since Shizu and I had moved into the Association's Adventurer Institution. Rather than immediately going into combat training from the various instructors, a large part of our time has gone into covering history, mathematics, even the language of this world. I was already able to understand others thanks to my Magic Sense, but it was a bit more difficult for others to understand me.

It didn't take me long to pretty much master the language, Yuuki had also picked it up incredibly quickly.

That guy was an absolute genius. I wouldn't be able to keep up without Wise Grimoire.

It wouldn't surprise me if that guy's thought speeds were comparable to someone utilizing the lower levels of Thought Acceleration.

I was currently sitting in the middle of the classroom while Yuuki was sitting at the front.

Thankfully he didn't take the seat next to me, it would be a pain to act friendly day after day.

This way I can at least quickly leave before he gets a word out.

"We will start with the first Demon Lord, the Lord of Darkness Guy Crimson. Guy Crimson is a Daemon of unparalleled power, only possibly matched by the other First Generation Demon Lords like The Destroyer." Both Yuuki and I were paying close attention. The history of this world was a topic that interested me, partly due to all the knowledge I possessed, and partly due to my curiosity.

I wanted to know if this world was different from the one I had read about, and maybe I'd even learn some things that weren't included in the Light Novel.

"Guy Crimson rules the Ice Continent to the North and also has a legion of Daemons under him. DO NOT seek him out, no matter what. I cannot count the number of Champions that have set out to slay him only to have been taken out by his underlings."

Hmm, he isn't going to mention Velzard? I thought the Mutual-Aid Association would be aware of her status as Guy's partner of sorts. Though I guess this is a lesson about Demon Lords, not True Dragons.

"Then there is The Destroyer, Milim Nava. Over a thousand years ago she ascended to the status of Demon Lord and immediately began fighting Guy Crimson. The effects of this battle can still be felt to this day as their fighting grounds remain uninhabitable to Humans. Milim Nava's territory is far to the East, it borders the Great Jura Forest. Now moving on to the last of the Ancient Demon Lords."

There was a gravitas in the teacher's gaze that wasn't there before.

"The Fairy Queen Ramiris has been shown to have helped various Humans throughout the ages. It is said that she blesses future Heroes and helps them on their path, even now as a Demon Lord. We do not know what events led to her becoming a Demon Lord, nor do we know which territory she occupies."

If I remember correctly Ramiris was corrupted by the Magicules from the fight between Guy Crimson and Milim Nava.

She had absorbed their remnant Magicules to prevent the birth of any extremely strong Monsters so as to not cause any more death.

This process corrupted her core resulting in her being in a constant state of reincarnation.

That is why she is so weak and small currently, she is just at the start of her present incarnation.

At her peak I wouldn't be surprised if she was on par with the strongest living True Dragon, the Frost Dragon Velzard.

She was Veldanava's first creation and is the administrator of the world after all. 

"Now are there any questions about the three Ancient Demon Lords?"

I shook my head but Yuuki raised his hand.

"Yes Yuuki?" Asked the teacher.

"How does the Fairy Queen bless Heroes? Is it because of her that Heroes are Heroes or does she just give them an Elemental to ally themselves with." Asked Yuuki.

How does he know to ask the perfect questions? Hmm, maybe Kagali, or rather Kazarem as he currently goes by has informed him of some things that are less known. He could just be trying to get on the good side of the teacher.

Having a teacher's favor can be helpful in a variety of scenarios.

"Ah, that is a very good question Yuuki. One I unfortunately cannot answer. We do not know what sort of relationship the Fairy Queen truly has with the Heroes of old, that is why it is so difficult to become a Hero. Most do not even know where to even begin."

Yuuki nodded in understanding.

Hmm, speaking about Heroes I should probably visit Ramiris and gain the blessing of an Elemental.

To acquire a Hero's Egg one needs the blessing of Ramiris and a contract with a Greater Elemental of Light or Darkness.

And that isn't even the limit. There are also Elemental Lords of Light and Darkness that are possible to contract. Though one needs to be truly extraordinary to gain the attention of beings like those.

It is unlikely that I have the qualifications to become a True Hero but Elementals are still incredibly useful.

Ifrit on its own is an A Rank threat, something that has the potential to significantly affect a country.

Ramiris should currently still be located in the Ulg Nature Park. It shouldn't be difficult to find the park's exact location. I'll just need to find a chance to go. Maybe I can take a quest from the Association that takes me in that direction, either that or I can go during my free time at some point.

I unconsciously clenched my fists. Even without a Hero's Egg it is still possible for me to become strong in this world. A Saint has a strong enough soul to wield an Ultimate Skill, and Saint isn't even the limit. Divine Human is the end goal for me.

But baby steps, I need to become an Enlightened first. If I remember it was never exactly said how one becomes an Enlightened, just that an Enlightened is a Half Spiritual Lifeform.

It likely involves some form of reaching enlightenment, maybe a mental barrier of some kind I need to break, or maybe some challenge I need to overcome.

Once I become an Enlightened I will be capable of thinking with my Spiritual Body, and also be partly elevated to a higher level of existence.

Enlightened at the higher levels were capable of easily beating Demon Lord Seeds like Clayman, Carrion, and Frey. While that is still considered weak to those who truly matter in this world, for now that is enough strength to guarantee myself some form of protection.

"Moving on we will now talk about the other Demon Lords."

I sighed hearing the teacher. Today was probably going to be a long day. Who knew I'd have to go back to school?

"There is Dagruel, The Giant King who rules the wastelands that were affected by the original battle between Milim Nava and Guy Crimson. Demon Lord Dagruel is also known by his title, The Earthquake." 

The teacher looked at both Yuuki and I, seeing that we had no questions, he continued.

"Then we have the Sleeping Ruler, Dino. He does not have a set territory and is known as a wanderer, though we have been made aware that he primarily resides with the Demon Lord Dagruel." 

Dino, one of the original Primordial Angels, he is an incredibly strong being, capable of fighting at the Ultimate level. He possesses an Ultimate Skill that was given to him by Veldanava, and he later evolves his Unique Skill: Sloth into an Ultimate Skill as well.

Not to mention his inherent Divinity. Those Primordial Angels are each busted. I think I also remember him being one of the best swordsmen in the world.

The man is an absolute beast when it comes to power.

"Then comes the Demon Lord Roy Valentine, the King of the Vampires. It is unknown which territory he rules over as the Vampires have managed to stay fairly hidden. We do know that the Western Holy Church has clashed with Roy Valentine and his forces multiple times over the centuries."

Hmm, Roy Valentine, one of Luminous Valentine's subordinates. The true Ruler of the Vampires and their progenitor. She herself is someone I would not want to mess with, her mastery over Holy Magic is likely only surpassed by Leon Cromwell, and that's only due to his Ultimate Skill.

Luminous Valentine has also shown to have some sort of relationship with the Time Hero Chronoa, almost an obsession with her.

She has some power over souls as well with her Unique Skill: Lust.

"Then there is the Marionette Master Clayman. He rules the Puppet Nation Jistav which borders The Great Jura Forest and the Eastern Empire. He is also neighbors with Milim Nava. He is the successor to the Curse Lord Kazarem who was taken out by the next Demon Lord, Leon Cromwell."

I discreetly glanced at Yuuki to see if he would react to that, but as expected I couldn't spot anything. Kazarem really can't do much from inside his body then huh?

Still it's quite amusing to know that Kazarem is likely seething from inside Yuuki at this very moment.

Clayman has a fairly useful Unique Skill specializing in utilizing the naturally occuring ley lines, but he himself is not that powerful all things considered. A Demon Lord Seed is someone that can be killed by quite a few people in this world.

Even Hinata as an Incomplete Saint should have been capable of taking him out.

"Next is the Platinum Saber, Leon Cromwell." The teacher looked quite sad when talking about Leon. "Leon Cromwell was a former Hero who became a Demon Lord after dispatching the Demon Lord Kazarem. It is unknown why he chose to become a Demon Lord." The teacher sighed as he continued. "Demon Lord Leon currently rules the Golden City El Dorado, an island nation that is separated from the main continent by a large gulf of water."

If I remember correctly Leon had the Ultimate Skill: Metatron, Lord of Purity, a Skill that specializes in purification and manipulating Spiritrons.

A monstrous Skill if used right. Leon could theoretically just spam the Holy Magic Spell Disintegration as much as he wants without much of a cost. A single Disintegration is something that even the Awakened Rimuru Tempest had to take seriously when Hinata used it on him. He ended up sacrificing his Ultimate Skill, Beelzebuth, to negate it.

Safe to say, Leon Cromwell is not to be fucked with.

"Then we have some of the more recent Demon Lords, The Sky Queen Frey, and the Beast Master Carrion. Both of their territories are next to each other and they border The Great Jura Forest. The Beast Master rules the Beast Kingdom Eurazania with an iron fist. The land has an ancient history of being ruled by Beast Masters of Demon Lord Carrion's calibur. In that land might makes right. It is primarily inhabited by various bestial Demi-Humans and Lycanthropes."

Carrion should also be a Demon Lord Seed at this point along with Frey.

"Then the Sky Queen rules the Harpy Kingdom Fulbrosia as the Queen of Harpies. Her Kingdom is located on the top of a mountain neighboring Jura, and her people are known to value those with wings. It is well known that she had killed her mother in order to ascend to her position. Now are there any questions about the Demon Lords?"

Both Yuuki and I shook our heads.

The teacher nodded. "Good, then once again I would like to reiterate that each of the Demon Lords are certified Disaster Class threats and must not be approached unless absolutely necessary. We will now talk about the various Heroes and Champions."

Who knew after so many years I'd have to go back to school. At least this isn't as boring as my first life's school.


I ducked under one of Shizu's slashes and responded with my own strike which she swiftly blocked.

Shizu has been training me quite intensely ever since we arrived here. It is quite grueling but I know it will benefit me later down the line, no matter how much pain I am in currently.

It's better to sweat and hurt in peace then bleed in war after all.

I jumped back slightly and imbued my Aura into my weapon before slashing my weapon towards Shizu, launching my Aura as a projectile.

Shizu quickly dispatched the attack by utilizing her own Aura.

"Good, you are getting better at incorporating Battlewill into your swordsmanship." Praised Shizu.

I nodded. "It was hard to focus on maintaining the coating of Aura on my weapon at first but I got used to it over time." I responded.

Throughout the entire fight I was coating my sword with my Aura, strengthening its offensive and defensive capabilities.

I wasn't using Wise Grimoire at the moment as I wanted to get the basics down myself, there may be times when I am unable to rely on Wise Grimoire so it's best if I know at least the basics.

In the end no matter how useful Wise Grimoire is, it is only a Unique Skill. In a world like this I don't doubt that it can and will be disabled at some point.

"Good, with practice you'll get it down." Said Shizu. "Now come on, I'm sure that's not all you've got right?" Shizu taunted.

I nodded, now would be a good time to test one of the moves I remember from the Light Novels.

I stomped my foot on the ground, extending most of my Aura downwards causing tremors to extend outwards. Shizu was surprised for a moment, but quickly recovered, but I had already dashed for Shizu the moment after I stomped.

I was going at speeds far surpassing my normal speed, thanks to Instantmove, another application of Battlewill and decreasing my own personal gravity I was able to practically teleport in front of Shizu.

My blade coated in Aura quickly penetrated through Shizu's defense, but just before I hit her a massive amount of heat emanated from Shizu. To the point where it felt like I was going to be burned alive. 

I couldn't ponder on that thought any longer as an explosion of flames emerged from Shizu sending me flying back.

"Gah!" I cried out as I hit the ground.

Damn, I thought I almost got her there too.

Heat Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Well at least something came of that.

I looked to Shizu who still looked good as new.

"That was good Altair, you would have gotten me if I hadn't activated Thought Acceleration beforehand." Shizu praised.

I sighed. "Easy for you to say, I'm the one lying on the ground here." 

Shizu giggled. "You'll have to try far harder if you want to land a good hit on me."

I nodded. "Yeah, I was just hoping that I could take you off guard."

"Before we continue on here." Shizu said as she threw me a potion. "Take care of those burns, I wasn't expecting to have to use some of my Fire and Heat related abilities today so I went a bit overboard."

I caught the potion and applied it to my burns. "Nah, it's fine. That only goes to show that I have a long way to go. It didn't even really hurt thanks to my Pain Resistance."

Shizu nodded. "Good, there is always room to grow Altair. Now while your strategy was good, I am curious about where you learned that application of Battlewill."

I looked at Shizu sheepishly. I obviously couldn't tell her where I actually got the idea from.

"Well it was just sort of a random idea I wanted to test out. To see if spreading my Aura downwards into the ground would cause any sort of disturbance that I could take advantage of. It cost me the majority of my Aura but it still sort of worked."

Shizu looked at me with shock on her face before she shook her head with a fond smile. "Just a random idea huh? Well it did work, though as I'm sure you are aware it cost you the majority of your Aura, to the point that you can't continue to fight on at this point."

I nodded.

"Make sure to only use such an ability in strenuous situations when you have no other choice. Other than that we just need to work on making you stronger, over time you will find yourself being capable of doing more and more."

I nodded.

"Let's end it here Altair, you've made good progress the last few weeks." Said Shizu.

I sighed before I nodded. I was going a bit training crazy, only focusing on getting stronger. I am self aware enough to realize that is not healthy.

Shizu approached me and offered her hand which I took.


Shizu ruffled my hair much to my dismay. "You may just come to be my most interesting student Altair."

I gave her a cocky smirk. "Well of course! How else would I keep my promise to you."

Shizu giggled lightly. "Yes yes, only time will tell if legends of the oh so great Altair will be spread."

"Heh, well you'll find your Flame and Heat based abilities will do less damage to me next time!" I proclaimed.

Shizu looked at me curiously. "Oh?"

I smirked. "I got Heat Resistance!" There was no reason for me to hide this from my teacher. Though I did feel my Magicule Capacity decrease minutely.

Shizu's eyes widened. "Oh! That's great! Such an ability will prove useful as an Adventurer."

I nodded and used the new sheath hanging on my waist that Shizu got me to hold my sword.

"Though I am surprised that you got it so easily, Skills for Humans are fairly difficult to acquire, especially higher tier ones like Resistance Skills."

I can see why Resistance Skills are classified as "higher tier". They are incredibly useful after all. Not to mention they have the potential to evolve into Nullification Skills.

I shrugged. "I'm just built different."

Throughout the last few weeks I've been at the Academy I've learned a fair amount. I didn't only learn about the world but I also learned about all sorts of Monsters I may encounter. Shizu herself primarily trained Yuuki and I in combat, as that is what she is good at. But she did also teach us a bit about the world, she is quite well learned about some of the less well known things after all.

According to Shizu, Battlewill is one of the most basic things a high ranking Adventurer should know, it has all sorts of uses. You can use it to hide your presence, fly, even strengthen your body.

After knowing some of its uses I didn't hesitate to learn as much as I could about Battlewill from Shizu. Even in the story Battlewill was mentioned and shown to be quite broken if mastered properly.

"Yes yes, anyways let's go, I'm looking forward to a nice hot bath.." Said Shizu.

I nodded and followed behind Shizu. I was pretty tired due to that last move of mine but I could still move without much strain.

As Shizu and I were walking back towards the dorms she said, "Tomorrow we will focus a little more on Magic. Hyper focusing on just swordsmanship will likely hurt you in the long run. We can also begin to experiment a bit with your Skill too."

I nodded in understanding. 

I would have preferred to keep Graviton under wraps due to Yuuki, but I knew that was unrealistic. Graviton was my greatest offensive weapon, it would be a shame if I didn't get some advice from Shizu about it.

Either way, Yuuki was a constant threat I needed to keep an eye out for. I'm not sure if he has already made contact with the Moderate Harlequin Alliance yet, but either way he is dangerous. Even if he hasn't made contact with those guys yet he still has a Demon Lord inside his body.

With all of his cheats Yuuki might as well be a shonen protagonist.

Eventually Shizu and I split off, with her going towards the teachers dorms while I went towards the student ones.

I withheld a sigh as I saw who was walking ahead of me. I would have stayed back for a couple minutes if I knew this would happen.

The figure in front of me paused before turning around. The moment he laid eyes on me a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Altair!" Greeted Yuuki.

This guy has been extremely friendly to me, it's almost off putting since I know it's all likely just a front. I could be wrong as this might be an AU, maybe Yuuki just genuinely wants to be friends, but I'm not going to survive in this world without being careful.

Sorry Yuuki, you and I will likely never get along.

I gave him a nod. "Hello Yuuki." Yuuki patiently waited for me to catch up so he could speak to me while we made our way to our respective rooms.

"Heh, from the way you look you're coming back from training with Shizu-sensei right?" 

I nodded. "Yeah, we just finished actually."

"Heh, I'm sure you've gotten quite strong now!" Commented Yuuki.

I rolled my eyes. When comparing my talent to Yuuki's, I may as well not even try. Yuuki is absurdly talented at almost everything, studies, swordsmanship, everything. I wouldn't be able to keep up without Wise Grimoire.

And since sometimes I don't use Wise Grimoire it is safe to say Yuuki is stronger than me. Not to mention I have no real counters to his Anti-Skill.

I don't have the skill nor ability to utilize a Mystic-Arts Combo which can get past Anti-Skill, though maybe with the help of Wise Grimoire it is possible.

"Are you coming back from a quest?" I asked.

As long as we are in good standing with the Academy the students are allowed to take on quests from the Mutual-Aid Association. Though the majority of students are recommended to wait to do so, of course Class S is a bit different.

Yuuki nodded. "Yup! It was fairly easy all things considered, but the pay is good! There are all sorts of interesting things I want to buy!"

I nodded in response.

Maybe I should take on a quest sometime? The experience could be helpful.

Yuuki and I continued to make small talk until we reached our rooms.

"See ya later Altair."

"Goodbye Yuuki."

Once I was in my room I sighed. Man it's a pain dealing with that guy.


I dodged Yuuki's punch before counterattacking with my own. Of course he was easily able to avoid that before jumping back slightly to reposition himself.

I could see Shizu to the side watching our spar. She said it would be good for both of her students to have a good idea of the other's abilities. Having a rival can be helpful after all.

Not to mention I was getting too used to fighting Shizu, which according to her can cause me some trouble down the line when I begin facing people or Monsters with their own individual fighting styles.

It's been about two months since I first started to attend this Academy, and I can tell I've made quite a lot of progress since I first got here. After I surprised Shizu during that spar a month or so back she began helping me understand more Magic and come up with new ways to utilize my Unique Skill: Graviton.

Of course with the help of Wise Grimoire, theoretically anything was possible as long as I had the raw power. I have dominion over one of the fundamental forces of the universe, it would be a shame if I didn't abuse the shit out of that ability.

I wasn't able to pull off some of the higher level abilities due to not having a sufficient amount of Magicules for such a thing, but basic things were not impossible for me.

For one Attraction and Repulsion was one of the first things I truly mastered, or as I like to call them Banshō Ten'in and Shinra Tensei. With some practice I was able to use these abilities independent of myself, I could use a Banshō Ten'in behind my target, sending them flying backwards while also giving myself a speed boost due to the attractive force. Safe to say when I hit them they will be in for a lot of pain.

And those abilities are barely the cusps of the potential Gravity Manipulation contains.

"You getting distracted Altair!?" Asked Yuuki.

I sighed and shook my head. "No, sorry, let's resume."

Yuuki and I were currently using hand to hand combat, though Magic and Skills were allowed. Hand to hand combat is something I admit I have been lagging a bit behind in. I remember Yuuki was said to be one of the greatest Martial Artists by the time canon rolls around, he clashed against a 2,000+ year old Saint, and wasn't losing.

I have a lot of ground to cover if I want to survive the coming times.

Yuuki's fists blazed with Aura. "Alright let's kick this up a notch." 

I nodded and began coating my fists with Aura while manipulating my own personal Gravitational Field to allow me to move faster while also being more agile, not to mention it conserves stamina.

I could end this battle on my own fairly easily with Graviton, of course that is under the assumption that Yuuki will continue to keep his Anti-Skill hidden. But there would be no point in me ending this battle now, I won't get many chances to fight with one of the world's future premiere Martial Artists often, it's best to take advantage of this opportunity.

I appeared in front of Yuuki at speeds faster than the human eye could follow, my fist already approaching his face, unsurprisingly he was able to just barely avoid my strike, though my punch did disrupt the air enough to cause a bit of damage to the rocks behind Yuuki.

Yuuki didn't let me dwell on my thoughts as he quickly counter attacked with a kick which I blocked with my hand. Unfortunately Yuuki took the chance to punch me straight in the face, sending me flying backwards. 

Ugh that was probably his plan, make it so I only had one arm available for defense and then take advantage of that.

'Wise Grimoire, you are analyzing his movements right?'

'Answer. Yes.'

Nice, once Wise Grimoire analyzes his martial arts enough I should be able to replicate his mastery over them.

I saw Yuuki dash towards me, likely looking to finish me while I was down.

I quickly got up and avoided Yuuki's incoming punch before creating a weak attractive force behind Yuuki, putting him slightly off balance. Yuuki wasn't able to recover in time, and so my fist hit his face, sending him straight into the ground in front of me.

Ah, that felt satisfying.

Yuuki quickly recovered while rubbing his jaw. "Ouch, really not holding your punches huh Altair?"

I rolled my eyes. "As if you were holding back." I of course knew he was holding back, but sometimes you gotta play the idiot to make sure you live another day.

Fuck Yuuki.

"Haha, that's fair." Yuuki said as he prepared himself once more.

Both Yuuki and I dashed for each other, fist met fist until we had a standard Dragon Ball fight where we continued to punch each other until the other is out for the count.

I was using Graviton to simultaneously increase the weight of my fists, strengthening the force behind them while also decreasing the weight of my arms, which increases their speed.

I didn't really understand the concept, but Wise Grimoire is Hax and helped me out with that.

We continued our spar for about thirty more minutes before we were interrupted.

"Alright, that's enough you two." My fist stopped centimeters from Yuuki's face.

I pulled my arm back and sprawled out on the ground.

"Ugh, that was tiring." I may have an incredibly increased stamina compared to standard Humans due to my status as an otherworlder and my training, but even I was thoroughly winded after that.

I was no Enlightened after all, and I was utilizing Graviton throughout the fight which was a significant drain on my Magicules.

Still I wouldn't be capable of such a thing when I first came to my world, if that isn't a sign of my improvement then I don't know what is.

I heard Yuuki sigh. "Man, thanks for ending it Shizu-sensei, that was getting tough for me." I barely stopped myself from rolling my eyes at Yuuki's words.

Shizu was now standing between us. "Indeed, you seemed to slowly be getting worn down Yuuki, while Altair could continue for a bit longer." Now that may be true, Yuuki could easily curb stomp me if he takes advantage of his abilities, but that doesn't mean he has infinite stamina.

He is still a normal Human currently, if one with an enhanced body.

Hmm, I really need to work on learning some sort of Mystic-Arts Combination so I can at least feel somewhat comfortable knowing I have something that can harm Yuuki.

Anti-Skill cannot negate something that has forces from two different sources, like Mystic-Arts. There are all sorts of Mystic-Arts I can probably learn, I could add some sort of Elemental Property to my Aura Slash and that would make it a Mystic-Art. I could even use something else with two different properties, like a Skill and Battlewill.

Maybe I can infuse an Aura Slash with some sort of Gravitational effect with Graviton, theoretically that should get through Yuuki's Anti-Skill.

Maybe he isn't as scary as I think he is? He is just at the start of his career now. Have I been underestimating myself? I guess I have, when comparing yourself to monsters like Guy Crimson, and the True Dragons, practically everyone would fall short.

Maybe I could even pick Yuuki off now? Stop a lot of potential events before they even happen.

…. No, I can't do that. Yuuki plays a large part in Rimuru becoming a Demon Lord.The timelines in which Rimuru Tempest does not become an Awakened Demon Lord are bad ends, and I want to avoid that completely.

Not to mention he later revolutionizes the Guild system, decreasing the death rate in this profession astronomically.

I could theoretically take Yuuki's place, help nudge things along so Falmuth invades Tempest, but I'm no fool. I would have to leave absolutely zero evidence of my involvement, or else Raphael or Ciel may discover me later down the line. There is no way a Unique Skill like Wise Grimoire could help me outsmart an Ultimate Skill or Manas.

I do not want an angry Rimuru Tempest as my enemy. That sounds like a quick way to get deleted. I definitely won't attempt to stop the invasion though, I have the benefit of knowing that everyone they kill will be brought back to life so I can do so guilt free. It's one of the key events for ensuring that this timeline is not a bad end.

Shizu then turned to look at me. "You did well Altair, you did good to utilize your Skill in minute ways to disturb your opponent. Though I noticed you weren't nearly as proficient in hand to hand combat when the fight started but quickly grew to be able to match and even slightly surpass Yuuki."

Wise Grimoire for the win!

"Haha, I guess I just learn quickly when in combat." I deflected.

Shizu nodded. "It must be so." Shizu then looked at Yuuki. "You both did well today, go rest up now Yuuki." Yuuki nodded and made his way towards the dormitories. They are fairly close to the training grounds so it shouldn't take him long to get there.

I looked curiously at Shizu. "Did you need me for something?"

Shizu nodded. "Well yes but no. Heinz called me in for something and asked me to bring you. Some sort of quest he wanted to offer."

"Weren't you staying away from quests?" 

"Only the strenuous ones, if Heinz thinks I am capable of completing them as I am now then it must be a lower level quest."

I nodded. "I see. Well I've rested enough, I can go now if you want." I said as I stood up.

Shizu nodded. "Very well, Heinz is at the main office right now."

"The one where I first met him at?"

Shizu nodded. "The very same."

"Alright then, that's not too far."

Shizu and I quickly began making our way towards the main office. The Academy was fairly close to the main office as the Academy was run by the Mutual-Aid Association. It also made it easy for teachers and students to grab quests.

Unfortunately I couldn't fly there as unrestricted use of Magic and Skills were prohibited. I could understand why but it was still annoying. Though I'm sure the rules would change for anyone strong enough, Shizu for example could likely completely ignore that rule without any consequence.

Strength really does make this world go round.

It didn't take us long to reach the building.

Of course Shizu was greeted excitedly by the receptionist while I trailed off slightly to take a look at the list of quests available. 

There were various quests listed, from collecting wild flowers just outside the city limits to slaying wild Monsters.

"Altair, you can take a look at those later. It's not polite to keep someone waiting." I heard a chiding voice from behind me.

I turned around. "Yes yes. I was just a bit curious about the quests."

Shizu nodded. "You haven't got the chance to take on any quests yet right?"

I shook my head. "No, I've been more focused on getting stronger."

Shizu nodded. "Very well. You can take one after the meeting, though do show me which one you have picked before it is approved. You have grown tremendously in a short amount of time but it's best to be careful."

Most would be insulted about Shizu underestimating them, but I was the opposite. In fact it felt kind of good as I knew her worry came from a place of care. She didn't want to see me die due to overestimating myself.

Of course I could never overestimate myself like that, not when I know how strong the true monsters of this world are. I know I am but an ant they can crush with the bottom of their boots as I am now.


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Author's Note: 

Hello everyone, here is another chapter of Graviton. Most of this chapter is Altair learning the basics, training himself up so he isn't complete fodder to the weaker enemies he may have in this world.

If some of you are a bit put off by his mindset I can understand you. But you gotta see things from Altair's POV, as far as he knows he is in a death world where he has almost no chance of surviving. Who knows how many times Chronoa had to reset everything due to reaching a bad end, when you know you have a miniscule chance of surviving the next decade one tends to have a bit of a pessimistic view of the world.

Anyways that's all, I hope you all enjoyed!

Also, you guys should check out @BonVoyage Tensura fic, it's pretty damn good.

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