
Gravebound : Rise of the Necromancer

"In a world where supernatural abilities reign supreme, Taehyung Moon, an underestimated high school student, discovers an extraordinary power hidden within himself. Gifted with necromancy, he possesses a rare combination of unparalleled physical prowess and the ability to control the spirits of the deceased. In the wake of a cataclysmic event that unleashes an army of malicious creatures upon the earth, Taehyung's dormant powers awaken, marking him as the chosen one destined to become the strongest hunter. With each victory over the supernatural threats, he gains experience and levels up, unlocking new abilities and strengthening his connection to the realm of the dead. Guided by a mysterious system and surrounded by a ragtag group of fellow hunters, Taehyung embarks on a perilous journey to eradicate the malevolent forces plaguing the world. Along the way, he faces deadly challenges, ruthless adversaries, and uncovers a dark conspiracy that threatens the delicate balance between the living and the dead. Gravebound: Rise of the Necromancer" is a thrilling tale of self-discovery, relentless battles, and the pursuit of power in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Prepare to be immersed in a world where the line between life and death is blurred, and the strength of a high school boy named Taehyung Moon becomes the harbinger of hope or destruction."

Anime_Leveling · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Choosing the class

"Oh, crap!" Taehyung exclaimed, his voice filled with panic. "What should we do now? These monsters will surely slaughter us!"

But then, right in front of everyone, a strange screen appeared. The screen displayed a message: "Please select your class." The students were bewildered, but one student bravely chose a class and instantly became more powerful, wielding a bow and arrow in their hand. All the students quickly and eagerly chose their classes, each gaining unique abilities and weapons. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as they prepared to face the impending threat of the monsters.

Taehyung found himself deep in thought, realizing that he had no other option but to choose a class. With a sense of determination, he made his selection, accepting the path that lay before him. Though unsure of what awaited him.

[ Please select your class ]

[Healer] [Monk]

[Tanker] [Engineer]

[Assassin] [Alchemist]

[Mage] [ Gunslinger]

[Knight] [Necromancer]

[Archer] [Rogue]

[Swordmaster] [Demon Hunter]

[* You can't change the class afterwards]

As Taehyung pondered, memories of his countless hours spent playing video games flooded his mind. He had always been drawn to the Swordmaster class, but a message on the screen indicated that the player requirements didn't meet the criteria. Faced with limited options, he considered the Necromancer class. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Taehyung made his decision and selected the Necromancer class.

In the midst of the students' trembling within their chosen class, a swift commotion arose from behind. A single arrow whizzed through the air, finding its mark on one of the encroaching goblins, abruptly halting its menacing stride. The students, startled yet relieved.

Filled with newfound confidence, the students embrace their inner strength and determination. No longer paralyzed by fear, they make a resolute decision to stand and fight. With weapons in hand and unity in their hearts, they charge forward, ready to face the horde of goblins head-on. The once helpless students have now become warriors, their courage igniting a spark of hope in the face of darkness.

Taehyung, fueled by determination, joins the battle with a small dagger in hand. Despite his initial hesitation, he swiftly maneuvers and manages to take down a goblin, surprising himself and those around him. As the goblin falls, a message appears before him.

[You have gained 25 experience points for defeating a level 1 goblin.] a voice echoes in Taehyung's mind.

[ Bronze Quest]

[ Kill 10 goblins (1/10)]

[ Difficulty : F - Rank ]

[Reward : 10 stats points]

[ *Failing will lead to sudden death. *]

"What's this Bronze Quest?" Taehyung wonders aloud, intrigued by the mention of rewards.

"So, I just need to kill ten goblins to get the reward? Let's try it," Taehyung says confidently, his determination shining through. With his dagger in hand, he sets off, ready to take on the challenge and prove his skills. Each strike against the goblins brings him closer to his goal, fueling his determination and driving him forward.

All the students fight bravely, their determination shining through as they engage in battles with the goblins. With each successful encounter, they gain valuable experience points and level up, their skills and abilities growing stronger.

[ You gained 25 Exp points]

[ You gained 25 Exp points]

[ You gained 25 Exp points]

[ You level up Lvl 1 ---> Lvl 2]