
Granny Chapter 1 :

One Lovely Midnight Stary Gaze , Me and My Boyfriend , ( Me ) Talena and Alex , We're holding hands close on the hill . I whispered to Alex faced him , and said " I Love You Alex " And He glanced at me and said " I love you too , Talena " and he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek . His wavy Blonde hair gently tickled my forehead in the process . I giggled and we both looked back in the night sky -

Suddenly * SCREECH * We heard a woman scream in the forest as we both got up in alert . " What the hell was that , Alex?! " As I shiver in despite of the scream . " It's gonna be alright , It was probably ... Uh " - His word's were slurring and caught with fright also - " We should probably get you home! " He Picked me up and layed me gently in his arm's as he ran through the wood's back home .

As we went through the wood's and the trail's , We went fast but the darkness was stronger than how far I could see only to a few tree's on my left and right , The wood's we're pretty far from where we lived , and so we took a quick break halfway on a rock , sat side by side . I glanced at Alex , He looked pretty worn out , Like I he ran a marathon run and was first place , Sweating all over .

I had water with me , A Canteen made for hiking , just in case We both got thirsty , I smiled and handed him the canteen and he glanced at me with a gleamy smile . He was so adorable I poked his cheek and we both laughed . *rustle* A bush a few meters away silently moved , " C-could that b-be the w-wind " I say stuttering , *crunch* Alex dropped the canteen and threw me on his back like he knew there was something back there . I closed my eyes as tired as I was and the last thing I heared.....

Was a Scream .....