
Grandma's stories

Arghhh my phone is as hot as the weather today. I'm using it for already four hours straight, maybe that's why it seems to be in the verge of overheating. I put it down in my side table and I rolled at the other end of the bed. "siiiigh" I know it was a very deep and long sigh. I'd been doing it over and over because I can't think of anything to do without my phone. It's always like this. Everyday is always the same. I can say that boredom can really make anyone miserable.

I already took my bath and do the household chores there's nothing left for me to do. I'm not into television. I don't find TV programs amusing.

This is what I don't like about school break. I'm always bored. I don't have anything to do. Well, in my case that is. I'm an only child. I wish I have someone with me like a friend or a cousin who is very adventurous and willing to do anything just to make our day as exciting as a roller coaster ride, but I am here stuck inside the house with no one not even my parents.

My parents are busy with their respective jobs that's why I'm the only one who can look after the house. If only grandma is still here.

When she was still alive she always tells me stories about a place, not an ordinary place huh, but a place where no one knows about. A place where missing people goes to. She said it's the richest City in the country before and it's almost like magical. But. A very big but. No one can just go there. Only the chosen people can enter the magical City.

I was always mesmerized by her stories. I told her I want to go there but she will only smile at me. When I asked her if she had gone to that place, she will only laugh and say that it's the most beautiful place she had ever seen. From her statement, I conclude that she's been there but she never gave me a finite answer.

I can't help but remember my grandma. And I know I'll just gonna regret remembering her because it'll just makes me sad. I can't help my tears from falling. I always feel this pain surging my heart.


I was startled from the sound of my phone. It was mom.

"Yuuke, prepare some of your things, we'll go to Grandma's place." It feels like she's in a rush but hearing Grandma's place, I feel excited. "Why so sudden? Is there any problem?"

"We'll just talk about it later. Hurry up. We need to catch the 1pm trip." "Alright mom. See you!" I casually said. I don't want her to know my excitement. "Yes!" I think this is the adventure I'm seeking the whole time. While at Grandma's house I'll try to find something, anything regarding the secret magical place.

I grab my bagpack and put some pair of clothes and underwears. I don't need a lot of clothes 'cause I already have some left at Grandma's house last summer. The last summer I spent with my dearest grandma.

"Where's Dad?" Even though I know the answer I can't help asking. "As usual, he's busy. It's just the two of us again." "I'm used to it anyway." I just shrug my shoulders. "What do you mean?"

"I mean going to grandma without Dad and just the two of us. The only time dad went with us was when I was 10 years old I guess?" I remembered they have a fight that time 'cause dad doesn't want to go with us but mom didn't agree. "By the way, why are we going to Grandma's place? I mean why so sudden and seems like you're in a rush."

"Your Uncle Glen told me that a plan of selling the house came up." She was talking about Grandma's house. I was so shocked. It was the place where mom and her four other siblings grew up so why? And it's not even a year when grandma died. "Why? You can't do that! Grandma won't like it. Please mom do something about it." I plead over and over. I almost cried thinking I can't go there anymore. That house is very important to me. Most of my happy memories happened in that place. With my grandma. I already lost my grandma, I can't lose that place too.

"I know, I know. That's why we're going there to fix the issue." While on the trip, I can't help but remember some of my grandma's stories.

"It's a happy place. Every where you look, people will greet you with smiling faces. Foods are everywhere, it's like there's party everyday." I can't help smiling while hearing Grandma's story. Just by hearing it makes me want to go to that place. "Why did you know grandma? Have you been there?" My younger cousin asked her with curiosity written on her face. She's Ash, Uncle Glen's only daughter. We're like best friend and she's only 2 years younger than me.

As usual, Grandma only smiled at Ash's question. "They say it's the richest City in the country because everywhere you look, the things around you are shining. Everything there is made of gold." She continued. "Despite of the fact that there's a lot of gold and diamonds everywhere, people don't really care." She looked outside the window and I saw on her face how she liked the place and the people there. "Everyone seems so kind hearted, glamorous and very happy. Anyone would want to live there." She sounded a little unhappy when she said it. I don't know why but I saw it and felt it.

"Hey, you sleep first, there's still three hours left before we arrive." My thoughts were interrupted by my mom's words. Oh, we've been travelling for two hours already. I think I need to have some rest. Before I fall into deep sleep, I promised to myself that I will do everything to convince my relatives to never sell the house. I will do it for me and specially for grandma.

"Yuuke, promise me never ever enter that world. Once you go, there's no guarantee that you'll come back."

"Why grandma? You said it's a happy place. I want to go there, the place you love the most."

"Please, promise me you'll never enter that door. Yuuke. Yuuke."

"Yuuke. Yuuke wake up we're here." "Grandma!" It was just a dream. I see. It seems so real. Grandma is almost pleading for me not to... wait, what? Enter a door? What door?

"You okay? Did you dream about mama?" I almost forget that mom's here. "Nothing mom. Yeah, I just..... dream about her." "Well, let's go. We're here. Let's just talk about it later." I grabbed my bag and followed my mom.

We are already in the gate of Grandma's house. Well, it's not just a house but a farmhouse. Once you enter the huge gate you still need to walk atleast ten minutes to reach the main house. While walking we saw the wide Vegetable plantation on the left side. I can't almost see the end of it but I know there's still mango plantation after it. On the left side of the farm you will see a very wide space and there's a little pond on the middle. This is where the poultry and other animal farms located.

Looking back at the time when Grandma is still here, the place is not as lively and lovely as before. I notice that there's only few animals on the farm and the plants, it looks dry and unhealthy. Why? I thought Aunt Gissele's family, my mom's sister, is taking care of the farm? Uncle Gino, their youngest, also promised to help. It's like the place is dying little by little.

When we arrived at the entrance of the house I noticed that some parts of the fence are not in good condition. Also the main door has that horrible sound when you open it. The scary 'creeeeaaaaaak' sound you will hear on horror movies. It seems that everything is different from the time Grandma was still alive. I didn't like what I'm seeing and feeling right now. It's like they forget everything grandma said before she died. To take care everything after she's gone. And now, the're planning to sell the house. I felt sad... and angry. I don't want to see them.

"Mom, I'm sorry but can I go to the bedroom first? I'm tired, I want to rest. And my head hurts. Is it fine?" It's the best excuse I can quickly think of. "Yeah, sure honey. Are you sure you okay? Want some medicine?" I'm sorry mom, I don't want to lie but I don't really want to see them now. I can't help but feel guilty from saying white lies. "No mom, it's okay. I just want to take a rest."

While I'm on my way to the bedroom mom and I used to stay before, I saw the door of Grandma's room slightly opened. Who might be there inside? What does he want from Grandma's room? I got curious so I slowly peek to her room. And I saw someone looking at grandma's drawer, as if trying to find something.

"Ash?!" I was shock to realize that it was Ash, my cousin. She immediately turned around with a surprised expression. "Oh my God! It's you Yuuke! It's only you. You scared me!" She exclaimed while trying to calm herself. When she relaxed, she immediately closed the door and hugged me. "I missed you Yuuke. I missed Grandma." I saw the sadness on her eyes. I think we feel the same. "Me too. But what are you doing here? Do you need something?"

"Nope. Well, actually I'm just trying to find something interesting on her room. You know, maybe I can find something..... important." She said hesitantly. "Like what? What do you think is interesting in her room?" "Well, like this?" Ash showed me a paper with something written on it. I don't exactly know if it's letters or symbols or what. All I know is I don't know how to read it. It's like a paragraph. "Whoa, where did you get this? And what is it?"

"I don't know. I found it in her drawer. On her secret drawer."

"Secret drawer? What's that? And how did you know that grandma has a secret drawer?" I actually got curious. Very curious. Secret drawer means there are things that grandma was hiding? What is it? I wanna know. "Here!" Ash opened the last drawer on grandma's closet. She pulled out the last drawer and in the side there's a little drawer. "I actually found out about this last summer after you went home. I tried to ask Grandma about something but I saw her very busy on something and that's how I knew about this little secret drawer." Ash explained to me while trying to pull the whole little drawer. "It's a little hard. Can you help me?"

"Sure, let me." I tried to pull it. It's really hard. "How the hell did you get that paper when it's very hard to open?" "Actually this is on the big drawer. I just got curious since it's unusual."

My hands are already hurting and I can feel some pain on my neck. I used all my energy to pull the thing out and finally I did it. But since I pulled so hard I hit my back on the table after I successfully pulled the little drawer.

We were both surprised when we found a Key inside the little drawer. It's a bit bigger than the usual key and there's something written on it. "Key ignotas mundi".

This is the first time I'll write a story. I'm not that good but I will try my best to improve. This story is just random. I just thought about magic and then this happened. When I knew that anyone can submit a story to web novel, I immediately tried it without even thinking about the outcome.... I hope and pray that someone will read my story. And hopefully will enjoy it. God bless.

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