
Grand Sorcerer in the Omniverse

Yuri Nightingale is a man whose life has been defined by extraordinary talent in numerous areas, and a feeling of depression and worthlessness that made all of it go unused. He fled from these feelings the same way most of us do, consuming Japanese media and fanfictions like his life depended on it. In a fleeting moment of impulse built up from years of living this way, Yuri leaps off his company building... and immediately regrets it. He feels what everyone else feels when they die, absolutely nothing. It isn't long before he's woken up by a god that offers him... a job? Yuri's talents weren't meant for a mortal life, it seems. Join Yuri in taking the Records of worlds for his patron and himself and living a life filled with the fantasies he never knew were actually real all along. {First World: Nirn, Elder Scrolls 4E 200 - Chapters 4-104} {Second World: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Chapters 104-?} *I do not own cover art, if you do and would like me to take it down just ask* *I won't be making smut every chapter like Devil_Paragon sama, but it will happen so be warned*

Reddsaint · Anime et bandes dessinées
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153 Chs

Disciples, Dogs

{Had two surprise 12-hour shifts back to back. All about that grind, eh? Ahahaha... I'm a tool}

"So, Roy boy, if I can call you that," Yuri began as the two sat opposite from each other on couches in the living room.

'You could call me little boy blue and I'd nod my head like a woodpecker'

"What do the little boys in blue want from me this time?" Yuri finished.

Roy choked and then pretended to cough and clear his throat. 'Coincidence, it was a coincidence.'

"Certainly nothing FROM you, Lord Nightingale, just another offer for you and those pupils of yours!" Roy waved his hand, now perfectly gloveless, next to his face and spread his greatest attempt at a harmless smile to date.

'Lord, huh? I've really shaken him up, maybe he's due for some loosening'

"We would be thrilled to have you join the State as an honorary Colonel! You would only be drafted in the most desperate of times and would have access to a majority of any government research materials you could ask for along with an even more generous salary! As a Colonel you could grant this town further military protection and any and all findings you decide to offer at your convenience would grant you-"

"Stop it, Roy, this isn't you," Yuri spoke up and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Roy flinched and then hunched over and huffed. "It's practically the same spiel you gave me last time, what gives? And what about my pupils?"

"Haaa... they haven't figured out what you want or what kind of person you are but they're desperate for you. Had to give it the old college try, right? Anyway, I uh... I have another similar offer for the brothers"

Yuri narrowed his eyes at him and pretended this was new information, also summoning some remaining incredulity at how shameless they are to recruit a nine-year-old.

"Right... Well I'm sure your military industry is all about getting little boys and making em' blue and all but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to refuse for them in advance..." Yuri's eyes were narrow slits of darkness and suspicion.

Roy clenched his fist as an anime tic mark appeared on his forehead. Yuri was impressed, it was the first time he had seen it so far.

"The brothers are a unique case, Mr. Nightingale. After all..." Roy pressed onward before testing the waters tentatively. "It's not every day kids raise their mom from the dead."

Yuri smiled lightly and looked out of the giant glass wall overlooking their backyard to his left. "You know what my favorite season is, Roy boy? I love Autumn, the rain season just before it more specifically. All the storms, and the puddles that follow."

Roy's eye twitched remembering the bolts and the melting bodies of that day, he gulped audibly before rising from his chair.

"Well, it seems I'll have to assert that you are not to be disturbed, Mr. Nightingale! Don't you worry, I'm sure they'll get the message!" Roy got up from his seat and kept his front to Yuri as he backpedaled towards the door.

"I accept!"

Roy halted, letting his eyes relax and refocusing towards Yuri. "You accept?"

"Those boys won't be held down by this little town much longer, I want to at least be in a position to watch over them while they inevitably combust every available surface in the nation, don't you think?"

'Position? Is God not a high enough position?'

"Sure, but a badge is much easier to flash than providence around here."

Roy halted again, nay he retracted into himself as if desiring to be equipped with a turtle shell and finding himself lacking. 'I should've known'

"You don't know what you don't know, friend. Certain poles need to be rammed face first. Come on, get comfortable." Yuri pointed to the sofa once more. Once situated, he leaned over and smiled once more.

"I would appreciate it if you wait until they're at least 13 before asking them again in person," Yuri didn't really ask.

"As if that's much better than 9. Wait, where are they?"

"With their mother! Unfortunately, the little bastards are no longer here to interrupt my favorite times of day-" Yuri shrugged with false helplessness.

"I heard that!" Ally's voice could be heard from one of the hallways.

"So their mother... that was you?"

"Oh, here and there. Mostly the clean-up and stuff, the boys lost a couple of arms..."

Roy frowned. "As if letting them do that is better than being a State Alchemist." He leaned back and a flash of blue entered his periphery. 'Wait, when was this couch blue? I thought it was purple?'

"You wouldn't be offering them State Alchemist if they hadn't done it, would you? I don't want them riding off into your blue sunset as State Dogs before they have time to be kids."

Roy shook his head and leaned in once more. "...How'd they do it?" Roy, like anyone, yearned for the power to vanquish death.

Yuri smiled, "Your Alkahestry is doing better. Have you been to Central yet?"

Roy assumed he dodged the question and leaned back disappointed. "No, why?"

"I think you'll find it quite the shock. Keep practicing, you might like the results."

"I already do, and I haven't even thanked you yet."

"Thank me by pointing it at the right people next time." Yuri's eyes went from serene to smoldering for a flickering second.

"...And who are the right people?"

"Now you're asking the right questions. Sadly, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. The right people aren't always people."

Roy was given a good enough answer for his question, a conditional positive for basically all three of them in due time, and got up from the couch with a weight off his chest.

"Keep me posted, Roy. If you find anything funny, don't forget to let me know," Yuri clapped him on the shoulder with a friendly smile.

Roy turned around and nearly got whiplash. The half of the house behind him had been washed completely with blue, every single detail so singularly coated it might make you sick. Roy looked down and even found out his medal, epaulets, his boots, and the trimming of his coat were all the same blue. He looked up and sighed, walking out without a word as Yuri giggled as if waiting for something.

Roy opened the door and shouldn't have been surprised, but he still was. His car was a sin against art, as if he committed manslaughter on that one girl who became a blueberry in Willy Wonka's factory before picking up the blue man group. Only the front windshield was spared, and for some reason the body was made comically long. Longer than any known limousine, stretching to the end of Yuri's driveway. On the side of this awfully long car, the words "Will fit 28 aspiring little blue boys" were written in white.

"Since you couldn't get these ones just yet I figured you would need to pick up a few more on the way. No need to thank me!" Yuri clapped his shoulder and smiled widely, the harmonious feminine giggling erupting from the open door did nothing to calm Roy's nerves. Roy's smile twitched and he huffed a stifled "Ah, thanks for your consideration!" before getting in it and performing a painfully long reverse and driving away.

During his trip, Roy's reflection in the windshield would catch his attention before he pulled down the mirror in his shade.


His face was blue.

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Ling Yao stood across a very confident and relaxed Mei Chang, a peanut gallery below them riddled with schadenfreude as if they were watching an execution. Above them, the Dragon and a clan elder of the hottest new clan in town watched without a sign of impartiality.

The two contestants acted as if they couldn't see this, and bowed professionally all the same. Ling Yao arose and formed an open stance while his eyes were glued on Mei's every move as if they were magnets. He was ready to dodge her from 30 feet away, which would've made people laugh before today.

Mei let purple flames flicker from her hands and feet before hopping quickly forward in a zig-zag pattern. She arrived just in front of the boy and took a crouch to his left before leaping up. Ling's eyes found the position of Mei's feet, and instead of backing away from the threatening front kick she was likely to deliver, he ducked.

Instead of the throttling they anticipated, Mei's roundhouse soared over Ling's head and he kicked forward as her back was to him, pushing her a great distance as she rolled for over almost a dozen feet before getting back up in a huff.

Drem flashed a grin. 'No wonder he was waiting so long. Trying to figure her pattern out, huh?'

This went on for an astonishing three minutes, which felt like a long time as oohs and aahs broke out every time Ling managed to dodge the raging loli and capitalize on it. She even tried to be unpredictable and wild but unfortunately, her movements were even more telegraphed and the gap in skill appeared more pronounced as she wasn't trying to kill him, but send him off the stage.

'I can't embarrass my benefactor during our first impression! I need to win even if this guy bites it!'

Purple flames seemed to burst from every orifice, crawling harmlessly over every inch of her skin and crafting a flourishing and feathery gown that flowed from her shoulders and ankles. Drem got up from his seat.

In a movement that absolutely no one but Drem could even register, Mei had aimed a kick at Ling that he couldn't see and might put Ling out of the chance to fight again if it didn't put her shoe through his chest. This was burdening her as well, her leg would shatter when this landed and her other ankle was already broken from lifting off that fast.

Two sonic booms sounded like one as Drem shot from his position to in front of Ling and then caught the little bullet girl with a constructed air bubble that popped loudly and suppressed 90% of her momentum. With a thud, she landed in his chest and didn't know how while Ling was staring agape.

"Pardon me, dear, I should've mentioned that I would rather not have you hurt yourself for nothing," Drem pet her hair gently.

"I-I'm sorry..." Mei recognized the voice and felt a sting in her eyes for making him step in and losing the match. "Shhhshshsh" Was all she got for the moment.

Drem turned around. "As for you, young man!" Ling flinched and mustered a very tight-shouldered stand at attention. "You exhibited incredible skill and grit to focus on a much stronger opponent's every move like that! Mei had to kill you if she wanted to win, so you are entitled to the win. You are also welcome to my Sect when you are ready to become my pupil!" Drem smiled warmly, but to everyone else it seemed more devilish and wrought with sinister intentions. Perhaps it was the teeth and eyes, and previous lack of human physiology.

A majority of the audience, while they felt it was deserved after that performance, still grumbled under their breath out of envy. The Wu family went so far as to leave on the spot while containing their tantrums.

"C-Can you let me say my departure to my family first and then meet you at the Chang region?" Ling asked.

Drem raised an eyebrow. 'Not afraid of assassins on the road, are we?' He scanned the Yao family seating and found an older gentleman, his hair showing signs of graying and his build somewhat stout and much shorter than average. 'Ah, old man Fu. He could've beaten Mei before she had the chance to use the power I gave her.'

"There is no time limit, lad. Come when you are ready. As for the rest of you!" He shouted to the audience. "Come to the Chang region bearing something to show your sincerity and perhaps I will accept you!"

Drem flourished his sleeve and vanished, pulling the elder through as well and leaving the monstrous jutting stairway above the stage.

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Over two weeks later, Ling Yao was looking at a sign. It was a simple road sign with several flag-shaped points forking in different directions. The road they just came from was one, to the east and west two more, and finally there was a sign to their destination.

Ling craned his neck at an uncomfortable incline as he continued scanning the impossible. It had appeared in the last week, or so scouts have confirmed, and had not been traveled up yet due to the daunting height.

Ling looked at the sign again to confirm, and wearily he nodded and accepted the facts. The sign said 'Mt. Tai: Home of the Roaring Dragon Sect'.

"Young master, I will assist you in this journey," The stout and wizened old warrior Fu advised to comfort him.

"This journey is mine alone, Fu jiji. He said to bring sincerity, no?"

"That was for the unprivileged!"

"And I will not grow complacent."

"Young master, this is not the time for ditching games! The trip could take days and be fraught with many beasts!"

"Beasts I could eat for sustenance! I can only hope."

Fu would lose the argument as usual, and Ling would lose the war as usual while Fu watched him the entire way while out of sight.