

Su Qingyi was a powerful Celestial before, but she failed her trial and destroyed her body. Her spirit tool take her wounded soul to the small mortal world and make her becomes the Zi Empire Grand Marshal's replacement wife. Her rage husband hate her because she just replacement sent by his Emperor brother. Su Qingyi needs to make her instant husband like her enough so she can live lazily in this life. Read how she can make her husband like her

Junele66 · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

101. Minister Su’s new house.

The Minister's Residence for Minister Su Yanjiu which the current Emperor; Yu Fengyan gave to Minister Su Yanjiu when he was elected as head of the minister's department is a great residence located at the housing complex which occupied by the families of other ministers who also received a house gift from the Emperor.

Some of them live in houses that were gifted by the previous Emperors because they were hereditary as families who became ministers in the government. However, several ministers got the house there from the current Emperor. Because the former owners of the house stopped being a minister or committed crimes as a minister so that his house was confiscated.

The new residence of Minister Su Yanjiu is one of the residences of the minister in the era of the previous Emperor who was also one of the ministers from the party who suppressed the previous Emperor before Yu Fengyan crowned as the present Emperor who was also the father of the current emperor and Yu Wang. This minister was one of the ministers that Yu Fengyan removed and punished as soon as he became Emperor. This minister was involved in a huge case of corruption.

Involved in a huge case of corruption before, his manor occupies a big land being bought from the corruptions money. Emperor Yu Fengyan appreciated Minister Su Yanjiu as one of the ministers who truly loyal to the prosperity of the Zi Empire and was one of the most honest ministers. Knowing that this minister was being suppressed within the Su Clan, Emperor Yu Fengyan prepared this luxurious house for the minister.

When this old man accepts the manor, Su Yanjiu gave all the valuable and expensive items that were put up as home accessories to the Emperor so that this house didn't look too luxurious. This old minister decorated this mansion as a comfortable mansion without being extravagant.

Today, Minister Su Yanjiu's whole families moving to the big manor. This manor had many small courtyards which he gave all his children to settle there. Su Yanjiu and his wife settled at the main courtyard as the family head. There were also many small rooms for the servants he took from the Su Clan. These servants were his family's loyal servant, which his family's raised for a long time.


Su Gaishan came to the main courtyard where his father and stepmother now live. Yesterday, after canceling the blood contract, he and the rest of Su Yanjiu's family immediately left Su clan's manor. They all didn't want to give the Su Clan members siding with Su Lingdao a chance to try to attack them all.

"Gaishan, what's wrong? You look flustered."

Su Yanjiu sipped lightly on the white chicken porridge that had become his breakfast this morning along with his second wife who accompanied him. The breakfast on the dining table looks light and doesn't contain much oil so it is suitable for an elderly person like him to eat.

"This son just got a letter to visit coming from Yu Wang's manor."

"Oh? What's wrong with that? It is our honor to accept Yu Wang's home visit in this new manor."

"No, the one who sent this letter is my daughter!"

Hearing that the person who sent the visit letter to his new manor was Su Qingyi, making Su Yanjiu, who initially looked calm and just thought that the person who wanted to visit his new home was Yu Wang, looked different now. It had been quite a while since Su Qingyi married Yu Wang, this old man can see his granddaughter.

This old man had grandchildren from his other children, but Su Qingyi was the only granddaughter from his eldest son which born from the woman he loved, so Su Yanjiu loved Su Qingyi very much. Unfortunately, bad circumstances prevented him from treating his granddaughter the way he wants.

"Is this true? Qing-er want to visit this old man's new house?" Su Yanjiu looked very happy. Quickly drinking the porridge that was in his hand, the old man made everyone startled.

"Father, eat slowly, don't let yourself choked later." Su Gaishan never sees his father acts like that. His father used to act as a gentle scholar and act very properly.

"How can this old man eat slowly? Quickly, prepare the house for her arrival! It's still very early in the morning, Qing-er may not have had breakfast at Yu Wang's manor. Quickly have the kitchen's people prepare a portion of breakfast for her too. This old man wants to be able to eat breakfast together with her. Come on, let's wait for her at the manor's gate."

Su Yanjiu's new residence immediately became an uproar after Su Gaishan notified the visit letter sent by Su Qingyi. Not only did Su Yanjiu main courtyard know about the news of Su Qingyi coming to the manor, but another small courtyard where Su Yanjiu's other children also received that news. Everyone felt happy because they were all finally able to welcome the arrival of Su Qingyi whom they had all cared about and had been worried about all this time.

#Double release's week

#day six

First chapter for today, sorry just upload now, this Author very busy because of the business meeting. I just steal some time to make it fresh from my brain><

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