
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

chapter 31(death of the altar woman and unfavorable variable)


what was most shocking was it's head,it's DAMNED HEAD was the head of the woman.. it's eyes were filled with a group of complex emotions....anger,fear, despair, frustration,hatred and a look of abandonment.

even after it's head was split in two,it still stood up for a few seconds and walked slowly towards Amon, rasing it's paw, before it fell and died

after waiting for a few more seconds, Silvia without saying a word set it ablaze burning it to nothing

"y-yOunG MasTeR! hOw....huff...thank you for saving me,but how did you know she-it wasn't dead yet?" veg asked with a shaking voice which he managed to control after puffing out some air

"well...you can say it's intuition" Amon said, while looking at the dagger in his right hand,a strange light flashed past his eyes

suddenly the entire building started shaking,

"young master let get out of here,it seems they is going to be an earthquake" monslun spoke with hurried voice

they all agreed and started moving,with eslot carrying Amon on his back

after passing and exploring the place,it became more easier to leave

after 17 minutes at running at their current highest speed, they finally got out of the hideout but what's welcome them was

the sky filled with black masma which gives a suffocating feeling and illusionary effects towards those with weak mind's

the very first scene which appears after seeing the masma,was tree's, plants, insect's, arachnid's, animals and even inanimate objects like rocks and souls in the surrounding twisting and changing in property

"This-this..I hope this is not what's I think it is!???" eslot said his thoughts out loud without thinking

"I pra-pray so....if it is then, we'll have to pray... truly pray" the assassin,ovec for the first time spoke with an hint of despair ( not fear from embarrassment but from expecting the unexpected)

"what's going on? " Silvia asked,not knowing why but she felt something bad... really, really,bad

"what's happening? explain !!!" Amon felt slightly uncomfortable,so he asked with a slight shout,not only to ask but to wake them up from their strange behaviors

eslot was quiet for a while,then... slowly he turned around.

his movement where slow and stiff,after what seemed mentally longer than normal,he faced Amon

face to face,eyes to eyes then he spoke words which sent chills down Amon spine... something which an unknown voice is whispering into his ears but he refused to accept


suddenly the air...no,let's correct that


tremors started spreading out from the sky space towards the surrounding

felling the tremors,eslot eyes flashed with hope

but at the next moment,space in the sky was ripped in two by a giant pair of hands,then another pairs held beneath them and once more ripped it open,the an eye big enough to be considered a moon from closeup appear in the ripped off space,it was red glowing with taste for blood,it's pupils was a blood field, vains, symbolization,runes,and other forms of thing's added up to create the field housing his Iris , creating a somewhat beautiful yet fear threatening scene

in the next moment,the creature or demon suddenly ripped out enough space for its body to pass through

the moment he stepped outside, dark lightning which where different from emz's dark lightening started falling

emz dark lightening represent the power and authority over the sky which the lightening and thunder holds when they are present,yet at the same time it goes with the natural order of the world,not receiving restrictions from the world but support

yet this one....THIS ONE,was filled Force, violence,evil and wickedness,

force because it is being continuously rejected by the realm

violence because it hold the intent to destroy without space for redemption

evil because it hold natural enmity towards mortal being,hence the realm and it inhabitants automatically considered it evil

wickedness because as it's origin is that of the realms of wickedness and it's master holds bloodlust towards those present

the lightening not only reduce the surrounding trees and mountains to nothingness but it's continuously damaged the space

then a giant foot,with red skin and with markings stepped out

even the space and air flow trembled continuously underneath its foot

as soon as the foot step forth from behind the broken space,all of the surrounding lifeform suddenly lost control of their physical and sanity

"AWOOOOOOO!!!!" a cub of a small mountain dew wolf suddenly howled out then jump from the ground bitting deeply into its mother throat and ripping it apart, directly sending her to her maker

normal it's wouldn't be able to harm it's mother but

because of the mutation cause by the masma,it's teeth hard grown as long as a short dagger gaining similarities to a sabertooths

similar Cases where happening around the forest