

There was simply no getting away from it. This was the one and only ability of her Truth Pupils that she had used last time, and the horrors of it still echoed in Ryu's mind.

The Truth Pupils… its fundamental ability was to distort the line between illusion and reality, allowing it to create shocking abilities like this one.

On the one hand, these clones were meant to be nothing more than illusions. And yet, on the other hand…

Three of them flashed forward.

Ryu blocked one with a knee and a second with an elbow, his mouth opening up in a roar toward the third. A beam of fire left his lips and tore space in two, appearing before the last in a flash.

His body shook as the first two clones practically collapsed his body between their strength, but his Heavenly Dao Tree sparkled as it finally joined the battle as well.