
Didn't Know

Lu'card was stunned by the sudden change, but his fury immediately overrode any surprise he might have felt. Well… that and the pressure that came soon afterward.

All he saw was an array of red eyes, spreading apart along blackened feathers. Flashes of fear, horror, and inescapable destruction assaulted his mind as a black falcon with eight eyes appeared before him.

But Ryu's command had already come.

Lu'card spun in the air as though he had eyes in the back of his head… because he truly did.

In a battle amongst Sovereigns, Ryu had already noticed that they were able to hide themselves from Spiritual Sense and even distort what you could see. Because the laws could be so easily broken and controlled by Sovereigns, the only way to counter them hiding from your senses was to likewise break and control the laws in the region…

Unless you had [Third Perspective].