
Gracia chronicles

Romelo_Alucard · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The boredom of the immortal

Victor Alucard, owner of The Twilight Manor, sat on his throne-like chair, staring out into the endless expanse of his grand estate. After millennia of existence, he found himself plagued by a deep and unrelenting boredom. Immortality had lost its charm, and each passing day felt like a monotonous eternity.

His loyal butler Diablo noticed Victor's restlessness and approached him with a suggestion. "Master Alucard," Diablo spoke softly, "perhaps it is time for you to seek new experiences outside these walls."

Victor glanced at Diablo with mild interest. "What do you propose?" he inquired.

Diablo paused for a moment before offering his suggestion. "Why not attend school? Vonhellsing University is renowned for its diverse student body and expansive curriculum. It may provide you with the excitement and intellectual stimulation you seek."

The idea intrigued Victor. He had never considered attending school before; after all, he was an immortal being far removed from mortal affairs. However, the prospect of escaping his eternal ennui enticed him enough to consider Diablo's proposal seriously.

"Very well," Victor finally conceded with a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I shall give this school a chance."

Enrolling at Vonhellsing University was an endeavor that both excited and daunted Victor as he stepped foot on its sprawling campus grounds. Surrounded by youthful energy and vibrant chatter, he couldn't help but feel out of place amidst the sea of young faces.

Curiosity propelled him forward as he ventured through hallways adorned with ancient tapestries and portraits steeped in history—each stroke telling stories long forgotten by time itself. The weight of centuries seemed to rest upon Victor's shoulders as he navigated through this unfamiliar world.

As classes commenced, Victor found solace in the captivating lectures that held his attention like nothing else had in centuries. The subjects ranged from ancient languages to obscure sciences, and each lesson provided a temporary respite from his eternal boredom.

However, it wasn't just the academic pursuits that fascinated Victor; it was the opportunity to observe humanity up close. He had spent countless years secluded in his manor, detached from the world of mortals. Now, he realized he never truly understood their capacity for connection and camaraderie.

Victor watched with keen interest as friendships were forged through shared experiences and hardships. The laughter echoing through the halls and the genuine care exchanged between students fascinated him. It was a revelation to witness such sincere connections among mere mortals.

Eager to immerse himself further into campus life, Victor joined various clubs and participated in activities that piqued his curiosity. To his surprise, he found himself forming a group of eclectic friends who accepted him despite his mysterious background.

As Victor began embracing this newfound camaraderie, dark forces lurking in the shadows took notice of his unique abilities. They sought to exploit him for their own nefarious purposes, presenting new challenges that tested both his loyalty to friends and strength as an immortal being.

Amidst these trials, attending Vonhellsing University awakened a thirst for knowledge within Victor that he hadn't felt in centuries. He delved deeper into subjects such as ancient rituals and forgotten magics—pushing the boundaries of what was known among supernatural beings became his passion.

As the semester came to an end, Victor sat on a bench overlooking the campus grounds. He reflected on how far he had come since attending school—the stagnant existence he once endured now replaced by newfound purpose and a hunger for knowledge.

The Will of the King seemed more attainable than ever before as Victor embraced this chapter of his life—a journey filled with challenges, camaraderie, and an insatiable desire to uncover hidden truths that lay dormant within both mortal realms and the supernatural world alike.

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