
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urbain
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44 Chs

37| Surprises

Victor looked over at Grace as she lay with her eyes closed in the bed of the ensuite in his private jet. The warm feeling in his chest towards her was back with a vengeance. As he watched her sleep, marking every detail of her face, burning it to his memory. The warm feeling expanded as he ran his finger along the side of her face. He couldn't explain the overwhelming feeling even if he tried, all he knew was that if he didn't have her, he surely wouldn't be able to breathe. She hummed softly leaning her face into his touch and he couldn't help but wonder if she too had the same warmth that he felt. He pulled her closer into his chest with an overwhelming urge to hold her. He knew they'd be landing soon and when they did he wouldn't have much time to spend with her. Work would have piled up and the war brewing with Demani didn't sit easily with him and then there was a matter of Frank escaping. He held Grace closer to him afraid of what might come, afraid that she'd be hurt, he wanted to protect her and keep her here in his arms where he knew she would be safe.

There was a knock at the door "We'll be landing shortly sir" The air hostess informed him before he heard her walking back.

"Grace," Victor said kissing the top of her head.

"Five more minutes," She said groggily

"We're almost home tesoro" He smiled at her cuteness

"Take me back to France," She said opening her eyes. The crease between her eyebrows made him smile.

"I will soon, I promise," He said kissing her softly

"Are you sure we don't have five more minutes?" She asked wrapping her arms around his neck with a mischievous glint in her brown eyes.

"We would need more than just five minutes tesoro" He smirked kissing her once more before detaching himself from her embrace although it was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Fine" She sighed getting up after him as they dressed. He waited for her to finish up before taking her hand and leading her to the front cabin taking their seats as they prepared to land.

Unlike the last time they landed in New Port this time there were no rival gangs or shootouts and for that Grace was thankful. She sat silently in the car as they drove home, missing Cannes more than she thought she would.

"What's wrong?" Victor asked looking at her, she'd been quiet since they landed

"Nothing" Grace replied

"Then why are you frowning?" Victor asked taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger making her look at him.

"Well..." she said glancing down "I'm just wondering what life will be like now"

"Life can be whatever you want it to be, tesoro" Victor said planting a small kiss on her lips.

"What do you want life to be?" She asked with a small smile as she cuddled herself into his side, wrapping his arms around her had become instinctual at this point.

"I don't care, as long as I have you," He said honestly making Grace smile "I would however like a baby or two"

"I think that could be arranged" Grace smiled.

The rest of the way home was silent as they both sat picturing what their life would be like, each of them hiding their own fears of what might come.

Darla was the first to greet them when they got back to the mansion in New Port, being back in New Port had Grace feeling more than uneasy, she knew Victor would be working most of the time which left her with absolutely nothing to do, Darla let her know that Debbie had taken Liam to daycare and Owen was at school.

"I'll try to finish up as soon as I can," Victor said kissing her cheek before going up to his office. He still didn't know how to tell her about Frank escaping but he put it on the to-do list for the day. Along with finding out how he escaped, that would be the first thing on his list as he sat back in his chair, waiting for the surveillances to load, his mind full of thoughts of Grace wondering how she would take the news. The problem with everything today was that no matter what he did, his mind kept backtracking to Grace. Shaking her from his head, he went through his to-do list

Send someone to collect profits from the bakery downtown - 'I wonder what cake Grace enjoys'

'Focus Victor' - Get Sergio to send recruits -'Maybe I should teach Grace to shoot? - NO, focus' - Go through the investment portfolio for Elliot's casino - 'I wonder if Grace knows how to play poker?' - "God dammit!" He said out loud, giving up, it was impossible to focus on anything without her taking over his thoughts completely. When a knock came from the door, he was more than welcoming to the distraction.

"Come in" He called, Vincent walked through the door, his usual charming smile on his face except for this time there was something behind his eyes that Victor couldn't place

"Welcome home, brother," Vincent said taking a seat on his couch "I trust your honeymoon was eventful, judging from those bite marks on Grace's neck"

"It was" Victor smirked "How can I help you, Vincent?"

"I need to talk to you about something" Vincent looked down "It would be better if Grace was here as well, Debbie has gone to get her"

It wasn't long until Grace and Debbie walked into the office, Grace gave Victor a small smile but concern and curiosity swam in her hazel eyes as she looked at Vincent. The same curiosity Victor had.

"Maybe you should sit down," Vincent said to Grace.

"Is it that serious?" Victor asked moving from his desk to Grace's side, snaking his arm around her waist, neither of them could help the comfort it brought to them both having physical contact between them.

"It is" Vincent nodded.

Victor took Grace's hand leading her to the couch, he sat down next to her keeping her hand in his. The two of them looked between Debbie and Vincent waiting to hear what they had to say.

"I'm pregnant" Debbie looked at Grace, whose eyes shot up in surprise. Debbie however held tears in them afraid that her sister would only be disappointed in her again.

"It's mine" Vincent added, this time looking at Victor.

The room was silent for a moment, to be completely honest, Grace had no idea what to say. She was angry at Debbie, everything that Grace was doing including marrying Victor was so that Debbie and Owen would be safe. Grace didn't have a choice, she was in this life whether she liked it or not, but Debbie and Owen still had a chance to live a normal mafia-free life, and now that was ruined.

"Congratulations" Victor smiled brightly at his brother

"Gracie, please say something?" Debbie asked with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not sure what to say, Debs" She looked at her sister.

"Grace I'll be there for my kid, I won't let Debbie do this on her own," Vincent said looking at Grace.

"Excuse me," She said softly getting up, it had all been a bit too much to deal with. She tried to turn it into a positive thing as she walked out of Victor's office but there was no way she could, just like her, Debbie was now stuck in this life and there wasn't a thing she could do about it.