
Gotham's Spider-Man (DC)

After the death of his parents, Peter Wayne dedicated his life to changing Gotham using the fortune left behind by his parents. However, after over a decade, Peter Wayne decided that this wasn't enough. If he wanted to make a difference, he would need to do it directly; thus, Spider-Man was born. I miss writing Spider-Man after finishing Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed. It's been about a year since that story ended and I'm ready to take another one seriously. Be nice in the comments and I'll continue.

SurelyNotEli · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Questions one my ask

Will there be a batfamily (In this case, Spiderfamily)

- Yes. He will have his own 'robins', but they will be other versions of Spider-Man that we know. For example, Miles, Ben, Gwen, Cindy, or Kaine. Dick Grayson or any other robin will be replaced by these characters.

Does he have powers?


Will (Insert DC villain) be in the story?

- Probably

Will (Insert Marvel villain) be in the story?

- Probably not

Justice League?

- Yup


-No, but if you count Bruce Wayne's lifestyle as a harem then sure. He'll have different girlfriends and flings in the story (like Batman) but it's not going to be a harem. I don't classify that as a harem, I classify that as... real life. People in real life date different people in different parts of their lives. I guess a lot of people on here aren't well-versed in dating, so they think the only two options are to only ever date one person your whole life or have a harem.

Who are the love interests?

-Typical Batman love interests probably. I don't know, the romance isn't a focus as of writing this.

Is he Batman or Spider-Man?

-He is both, sort of. He is basically Batman and Spider-Man Noir combined into one character. I'd say personality-wise, he is more so Batman. However, fighting-wise, he is more like Spider-Man. He wears a Spider-Man costume and has his abilities so I will call him Spider-Man. Imagine if Bruce Wayne was instead bitten by a spider.

-Does he kill?
