
GOT; Jon Snow SI

Jon awakens memories of his previous life after his betrayal.

DreamVision999 · TV
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1 Chs


He couldn't breathe. He tried gasping for air, but it wasn't there. He was cold, it was so cold. He opened his eyes in search of something to help him, but he could see nothing but a pitch black void of nothing. He tried to look around the void, but he found that he couldn't move. He was panicking and even more than he was before.

When he finally calmed down it struck him that he didn't need to breathe. He didn't know where he was, but he was sure he was dead. He tried to remember how it happened. That didn't help either because he didn't even know who or what he was.

As the man was in deep thought he suddenly felt a tug in his psyche. It was a familial tug, although he didn't know why. It felt feral, yet so calming. It was calling to him. It was as if it was begging him to come back, but back to where? The very presence of this connection made him feel whole again. He wanted to go back, though he didn't know where back was. He wanted it so very badly.

Whoever or whatever the presence was , it felt a part of him and it was lonely and in grief. Its emotions were so intense more than anything he thought possible. The tug got more powerful as time passed. Until there was a flash of light. He squeezed his eyes shut.

The man opened his eyes and he could see, but he wasn't breathing. He frantically gasped for air and when the air finally filled his lungs he stumbled onto the floor from the stone slab he was lying upon. He felt weak in the knees and then he was falling, he caught the sight of a white blur that made its way to his side in a flash which he grabbed hold of for support.

He looked upon the great white wolf that was the size of a horse. He felt no fear, for he knew that this beast was a part of him that he knew he was missing, the part that guided his soul back to the land of the living.

"Ghost" he whispered softly as he stared into the beast sparkling red eyes.

The second the name left his lips. He felt excruciating pain in his mind's eye and everything he'd forgotten was back. He was Jon Snow, but before that he was

Julius St Cross.

Coming back from the dead allowed him to access the memories and experiences of his first life. Something that should've been impossible.

In both lives all he ever wanted was to be good and in both lives he was betrayed and murdered for it. How was he to keep fighting when the people he desperately wanted to see live were constantly betraying him.

The door was abruptly open and in rushed Ser Davos, Melisandre, Edd, and Tormund.

"It fucking worked!" Tormund bellowed as he gaped wide eyed at Jon's naked form clutching Ghost.

"You're not dead?" Edd stuttered out as he suppressed his tears

Ser Davos had no words, but he hurriedly caped Jon in his own cloak. Melisandre rushed to Jon and clasped his arms. As she looked into he eyes with unrivaled intensity and excitement, she asked.

"What did you see?" Her usual cool facade was cracking as she gaped upon what she believed was the work of her beloved Red God.

"There was nothing, nothing at all" Jon said through an anguished tone remembering the horror. He didn't have much love for the woman, her God, or her prophecies, but she brought him back and for that he was grateful.

Melisandre was pained to hear that, however it did nothing to douse her mood.

"The Lord brought you back for a reason, Stannis wasn't 'The Prince That Was Promised', but someone has to be" Melisandre said as she backed away and looked at him in unconcealed awe.

"Would you give us a moment?" Ser Davos asked breaking the silence. Melisandre looked up and paused for a moment before nodding and walking out of the room in a daze. She was followed by Tormund and Edd.

"You were dead and now you're not. That is completely fucking mad. I can only imagine what that seems to you." Ser Davos saids

"I did what I thought was right and I got murdered for it. I failed, i'm a failure. They brought back a failure, for what?" Jon said softly with his head hanging low

"I don't know, we may never know, but what does it matter? You go on. You fight as long as you can and clean up as much shit as you can. If you fail again then so be it, you get back up and fail again."