What happens when a passing omnipotent being gives a lost soul with delusions of grandeur a path to infinite power? He aims to put everyone and everything under his heel, of course. Sure, maybe he's gained a few personality disorders from his time spent in the void, but hey, would a sane person even attempt conquering the Omniverse? First World: Game of Thrones/Asoiaf
AN: Beautiful readers of mine, could you please leave a review? I want to unlock the stars for my story.
Fluttering her eyes open, she smiled at the feeling of the soft golden silk wrapped around her. Yaling never dreamed she would return to a life of such opulence. The years spent as a lowly slave had long since beaten any hope out of her mind.
But that was before meeting her new lord, a god walking among mortals. Yaling knew that others in her situation would believe her lord to be a fraud, assuming him to be nothing but a powerful sorcerer. Yet deep in her heart, she knew the truth.
Yaling knew what a man pretending to be a god looked like. After all, she came from a line of men claiming to be gods. But that was simply to control the commoners; she knew none wielded even a fraction of her lord's power.
Of course, she'd told her lord about her lofty background on one of the many occasions he'd taken out of his day to speak with her. That fact alone always made her heart speed up; her lord wasted his precious time with someone who should be nothing more than his lowly servant.
But that wasn't the case. Her lord always seemed interested in hearing about her life in Yi Ti before she was sold into slavery. Yaling felt her stories were nothing special; after all, she was a pampered princess with no grand tales of adventure to mention.
Up until the fated day that her uncle betrayed her father, she had lived a worry-free life, never expecting things to take such a drastic turn.
That was in the past, she had to remind herself. Now, her only duty was to serve her lord, for without his blessing she would be nothing but a husk of her former self, only waiting for the sweet embrace of death.
"Okay, Yaling, enough monologuing. Today's the big day," she told herself, needing the little boost to leave the comfy sheets that tried luring her back to the realm of dreams.
Yaling cutely yawned, rolling out of the large bed and stretching her fatigued muscles. She'd taken her training seriously. Her lord had told her about his grand plans, and she would need to be at her best to be of any use.
In her chamber's wardrobe, she traced a hand over the exquisite dress gifted to her by her lord. It reminded her of the garbs worn in her homeland while being distinct enough to stand apart.
Along with the dress, an ornate golden scepter rested at the side, two intricate wolf heads spiraling from the handle. Taking it in hand, she once again marveled at how the divine artifact filled her with power. It was like her lord's holy light flowed through her veins, eagerly awaiting her command.
Getting ready to wear the fine dress, she paused, hearing a small pop at her side. It was one of her lord's servants. Yaling had been surprised after seeing the small, magical beings. She'd heard tales of similar creatures called Wood Walkers growing up as a child, but she'd never expected to come face to face with them one day.
"My Lady, please, allow me," the soft voice of the elf spoke. Honestly, she was still getting accustomed to being waited on, hand and foot.
Still, she knew the little elves would insist, even if she wanted to dress herself, so she simply nodded, her nightclothes falling to the ground before the golden robes came to life, snugly fitting themselves onto her body.
She let out a gasp. It was the first time wearing the gifted dress, and it felt like she was wrapped in the comforting and protective embrace of her lord. She instinctively knew that no harm would befall her, not when her lord could look after her at all times.
A happy tear fell from her eye. She'd still been somewhat apprehensive about leaving her new home. Yaling trusted her lord with all her heart, but there was still the faintest fear that she could end up in chains once again. Now those doubts were gone; she could fulfill her task without fear.
"My Lady, it is time," the little elf told her, holding out one of her dainty hands and knocking Yaling out of her reverie.
Twisting through space, Yaling found herself standing on the Black Lake's docks behind her lord's castle. Despite the howling winter winds that could be seen off in the distance, the castle's surroundings consistently stayed at a comfortable temperature. Of course, while wearing her divine raiments, no climate would be a bother.
Seeing her lord standing at the end of the dock, next to one of the grand ships she'd been shown before, Yaling hurried over, bowing with a smile on her pretty face.
"My Lord, I'm ready to fulfill my duty," she declared.
Feeling her lord's firm hand urging her to rise, she looked up, blushing at the handsome face smiling down at her.
Her lord nodded. "Indeed, I have no doubt that you'll fulfill this mission," he said, running his hand through her onyx tresses, making her pale face turn beet red.
Before Yaling could lower her head and stammer out a reply, her lord firmly held her face with both hands, leaning down to place his lips on her forehead. She almost passed out from that, but the golden radiance surrounding her form was distracting enough that she was able to stand strong.
"Now go, my first Saintess. Spread my light across this desolate world," her lord told her, and she could only nod in a daze as she was led to the deck of the large ship.
His Saintess? Was she worthy? No, her lord couldn't make a mistake. She wouldn't disappoint her God.
Still, she was so shocked that she barely paid attention to the black-robed men and women bowing and leading her to the ship's interior.
A New God's Conquest
After exchanging the dark and damp cell for the most luxurious room she had ever seen, Val's time spent in the kneeler's castle was interesting, to say the least.
Her first shock was the oddly dressed servants that she could only assume were the fabled Children of the Forest. Sure, they looked different from the stories she had heard, but what else could they be?
Even with that surprise, she figured her days would be filled with boredom. Instead, in one corner of her room, she had found the walls lined with many similarly shaped objects she had never seen before.
Now, of course, she knew them to be books, something she had vaguely heard mentioned by her mother.
She had flipped through the pages out of pure curiosity, not expecting to get anything out of the many pages of strange inscriptions. To her surprise, the information contained within entered her mind akin to a person speaking.
With not much else to keep her mind off things, she had spent the majority of her time with her head in the books.
Until now, she had never realized how limited her perspective had been. As one of the interesting fantasies she had read would say, she was like a frog at the bottom of a well.
If she could bring back the knowledge she had already learned to her village, she had no doubt she could improve the lives of her people. She just needed to figure out a way to escape.
It wouldn't be an easy task. The Children acting as servants always seemed to know when she was up to something. Her only chance might be tricking the lord of this castle. He seemed laid back and unbothered about most things. Maybe she could catch him off guard.
Val decided to forget about that for the moment. It was time for her scheduled bath that, to her shame, had become one of the things she looked forward to the most each day. After all, she had never been able to have such a luxury, not when getting soaked meant certain death beyond the wall.
"Leaf, I'm ready for my bath," she called out to thin air, the small girl along with a large copper basin popping into the center of the room.
Getting a name out of the little thing had been like pulling teeth. For days, Leaf would ignore anything besides a request for service. Val liked to think that the Child had warmed up to her over the days, finally exchanging a few short words every now and then.
"Thank you, Leaf," she smiled, dropping her robes before stepping into the warm water.
Val sighed, filled with contentment as she rested back against the tub, the little servant working freshly scented soap into her long, flowing hair. She couldn't deny that she would miss this once she ended up escaping back to her village.
"I'll leave you to soak, My Lady," Leaf said, leaving her alone after she had been cleaned up and the dirty bathwater was replaced with a wave of the servant's tiny, four-fingered hand.
Now alone, Val looked side to side, making sure she was alone before one of her hands drifted below the water. A guilty pleasure of hers had been reading the few romance-filled novels where a strong and handsome lord fell for a beautiful commoner. As she stroked her folds, thinking of herself in that situation, Val couldn't stop the quiet moans from leaving her mouth.
Unfortunately, before she could finish, she froze upon hearing her quarters' door click open.
Val panicked. No one had entered her room through the door this entire time. She could only assume it was her captor finally making his wicked move.
"Oh, please, don't mind me. Feel free to continue with the show," the contemptible voice mocked her, making her shoot out of the tub, reaching for the nearby towel to cover herself with.
Val scowled, seeing her captor casually leaning against the wall while smiling at her. Well, so be it. It would be his funeral for underestimating her. The man was a fool for leaving her in a room filled with so many things that could be used as weapons.
Finally, she decided to rush for the fire poker nearby. Before she had started reading her books, she didn't even know what a fire poker was, but what she did know was that it made for a great whacking stick.
Val readied herself. Even with her viewpoint drastically changed from all the knowledge she had consumed, she was still of the Free Folk and wouldn't give herself to this extremely handsome man without a fight.
The man pushed himself off the wall and before he could make more than three steps, Val went in with a lunge, aiming center mass.
It was no use, though. Her captor easily caught her attack, holding her weapon in place, and she didn't have nearly enough strength to break his grasp.
Locked in place, the first thing she noticed was that she had to tilt her head up just the slightest to meet the man's eyes. It hadn't been that long, had it? Had he grown?
And the second thing were those mesmerizing black and gold eyes that seemed like they could peer into her very being.
Seemingly done playing games, the fucker tore her weapon out of her hand before lifting her up underneath her arms like she was nothing more than a child.
"Oof," she grunted after the bastard tossed her across the room and onto her bed, her towel flying free and her large breasts bouncing all over the place.
Val was still stunned from the rough landing, but she was at least able to send out a kick, aiming for his manhood as her captor climbed onto her bed.
Again, it did nothing except give him her leg to hold onto. Still, she continued sending out attacks that were all blocked or did nothing to his overly strong body.
"You're a fierce one. I'm going to enjoy making you mine," he growled into her ear as she lay there panting from the exertion.
"Like… Hell… I'll… Ever… Be… Yours…" she told him between each breath, making him grin at her. With a snap, his fine clothes disappeared, and she could feel what she assumed to be his large manhood flop menacingly onto her belly.
Even while exhausted, she wouldn't give up so easily. She sent out another punch at that pretty nose of his, only for her hand to be caught as she was manhandled onto her stomach. Both hands trapped in his grip behind her back, her legs pinned beneath her captor, she let out a grunt of frustration.
As his firm hands roamed her supple skin, her disobedient body couldn't help but react to the touch, especially when she was pulled against his strong chest, one of his fingers gently brushing her pink nipple.
Val did her best to wiggle out of his devious grip, but it was no use, and she was forced to allow his hands to roam all over her graceful curves.
"Bastard… what do you think you're doing?" Val gasped as her captor traced his soft lips from the base of her neck down to her tailbone.
Not receiving an answer, she could only squirm as her body reacted to the sensations, the uncontrollable dampness growing between her legs.
Finally, though, it seemed her insidious captor was going to eat her up completely, something big and hard knocking on the entrance of her virgin slit.
He leaned over, sucking on the soft flesh of her neck. "Well? What will it be, my darling? Prosperity for your people, or their inevitable extinction?" he asked, nipping at her sensitive earlobes.
Her pride wouldn't allow her to answer, but as she moved her rear back against his bulbous tip, that was enough to get her point across.
Really, it would be naive of her to deny him. She'd never heard of a sorcerer with as much power as the one about to claim her as his wife. She was positive that her sacrifice would be worth it for her mother and fellow Free Folk. Well… that was the story she'd be sticking to, at the very least, she thought.
But all those thoughts were forgotten for the moment as her now husband slowly inched into her sopping hole, making her moan in rapture along with his sexy groans.
She could feel her tightness firmly wrapping around the invading shaft. She didn't have a hymen to break; it had long since broken while training with her mother, but this was still the first time having anything larger than a finger entering her.
As her husband increased his speed, Val couldn't help but wonder if she should have shaved her hair down there, as those in her stories would. She'd been given a magical ointment to remove hair that she used under her arms and on her legs, but she felt going bare down below was a little too scandalous.
But as his hand wrapped around her waist, his fingers combing through her front bush before playing with her sensitive nub, all while continuing his deep thrusts, she figured he didn't mind one bit.
And as she squealed, feeling his other hand tease her crinkled hole, she was sure he was fine with her natural style. After all, the mirror in her room was the first one she'd seen in her life. Of course, she'd checked herself out in it, so she knew she had more than a couple of wisps of blonde hair between her cheeks.
Either way, she could feel her husband was enjoying her body, his groans and growls increasing as he had his way with her seductive form. She'd seen the way men from her village eyed her up when her mother wasn't around, so she didn't doubt that her husband would be satisfied with her body.
The problem, though, was that she'd already been exhausted from putting up a fight in the beginning, and now she was reaching her limit. Luckily, Val felt the thrusts speed up, and with a few more pumps, she felt the invading phallus twitch, the sensation of being filled to the brim sending her into her own climax as well.
She could only lay there in a daze as she heard the squelch of the manhood pulling out of her body.
It seemed her husband decided to take pity on her poor self, gathering her limp form into his arms as he moved her into a more comfortable position with her head resting on his chest.
"Husband, will you really help my people?" she couldn't help but wonder if he'd been telling the truth.
"Oh, so it's husband now?" he chuckled. "Of course, my love, I'm nothing if not a man of my word," he promised, stroking her back as she drifted off to sleep.
A New God's Conquest
Rose furiously pored over the many books stacked high on her desk. Just the other night, she had seen Lux going into the room of that captured savage. She wasn't dumb; she could guess what was going on in there, and she was done being overlooked.
Sure, she and Lux still had their daily banter, but she wanted more. At least that was something she could console herself with. Everyone else who interacted with Lux treated him like the god he claimed to be. Rose chuckled at that; he really had them all fooled.
But that didn't mean she was content sitting on the sidelines, watching the man she loved stick his dick in every skank who passed by. No, she wanted that dick in h... Ahem, what she meant to say is that she's simply looking out for Lux's best interests. Yes, that's right. Who knows what all these filthy trollops are up to?
And that's why she's sitting here, isolated in the castle's library. If he's not going to take her up on her advances, she'll just have to entice him another way. She figured Lux was interested in Bellatrix for her magical prowess, so if she became a strong witch too, he'd have to take notice.
At first, though, she was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. You see, most of the magic within the library is what would be considered 'Dark.' However, she quickly got over that. After all, what had following Professor McGonagall's or Headmaster Dumbledore's instructions ever gotten her? Near-death every year, that's what.
So, as she pushed herself away from the desk, she wouldn't hesitate to gain the strength she needed.
"What is he in here for?" Rose asked the spooky undead guard after making her way to the dungeon.
"He tried to force himself on a young girl, My Lady," the raspy, lifeless voice answered making her nod.
"Open the cell," Rose commanded.
The guard held open the gate as she walked into the dirty cell, looking at the ugly man chained against the wall.
She wouldn't hesitate.
"Aeternum Tormentum," she intoned, pointing her wand. The intoxicating dark magic flowed through her body, making her shudder, almost distracting her from properly completing the curse.
She didn't falter, though, determined to see some progress, and as the contemptible creature writhed around in agony, she smiled.
Rose left the cell, leaving the man to suffer with the new curse she'd just learned. Maybe she'd put him out of his misery when she needed to test something else.
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