


Abel Gray was in an accident that cost him the use of his legs, but the cunning plan his brother and Sophie came up with restored motor function, but also led to his participation in the Roulette Game. The Silent One carried him directly from SubCon to the room he woke up in at the start of the first cycle.

Sophie Terrius, much like Abel, was brought into the Roulette Game after the experiment that used Godsong to restore Abel's legs. She passed out after The Silent One approached them encased in darkness.

Simon Nagatomi was investigating his father's work after rumors of shady dealings came about. He found his father in a trance like state writing down passages from The Eye in blood all over their house, and was brought to the Roulette Game because of his exposure.

Aria Fleur was a contract killer ever since the age of nine who was hired to kill an employee of Arctic Systems who had stolen away The Eye—his purposes for such are unknown. She was brought into the Roulette Game three years after reading the book while waiting for the drop-off.

Levi Strauss was a false man created by the Genros Foundation—Simon's father's company. He was one of many experiments created to simulate the Flash Forward Phenomenon. First, animals were used. Each subject died when attempting to send them to the next cycle. Next, animals with mechanical augmentations—Alpha was the first prototype as a wild bear was captured and engineered to survive the Flash Forward. It was successful, but as it remained feral it was only kept as a backup in case of failure of future models.

Cain Gray was electrocuted and his body was completely fried. His mind was snatched from his body and transplanted into the corpse of a rabbit who became Lucky, a moderator for the Roulette Game. He was the next step up from Alpha—an animal with the mind of a human with mechanical augmentations. The tests were a resounding success, and Lucky retained his controlled composure throughout each cycle. He was an actor in the great stage play of the Roulette Game.

Levi was the final test—a completely fictional human being with implanted memories. Levi struggled to recognize the village he called his hometown because the way it was constructed in his mind was completely fictionalized. There was no wife. There was no child. There was no drug cartel living a town over. There was no reality to any of his memories. The elder had been correct in everything that she had told Levi—he was created entirely to pass information along to those who had their Night Eyes opened. And so the cycle was complete, it was the perfect working order and in due time Ai—better known as Sakonna who traveled to Earth by asteroid would have enough energy to return home to Noctem.

Ai Nagatomi, a young woman in the 1500s traveled out toward Steinschild after the asteroid crashed in the nearby mountain range. She heard rumors of a mysterious dragon that would travel down to the town and eat its people. While there, Sakonna learned of the ability to influence other humans. It was through this power Sakonna lured Ai toward the mountains where she could fully latch a possession over the body. She learned of humanity in full and would seduce men to breed with them further hosts. As the bloodline thinned Sakonna's influence lessened, but the people born in Sakonna's grasp never mentally became people. They were infants whose mental cognition never passed basic survival. There was a time when these husks were used as a physical labor force in order to build up the Nagatomi family name. Generations would pass and these husks would die out for one reason or another, but Ai under Sakonna's influence never did. Generations would pass and a new age of Nagatomi began to breed as normal, forming mental capacities greater than an a slave. Although, they had high susceptibility to Sakonna's influence as with Akihiko Nagatomi.

Z-One…? Well, nothing about them is known aside for the fact that they provided the original information contained within The Eye of Timaeus.

If that is everything, I think you are ready. That is the story in it's fullest...What...? I missed a few things? I don't think so, hold on, let me check a few parameters. What's that? "Who's Lucas?"

Why...that's you...of course.

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